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Atomic Structure
• All substances are made up of matter and
the fundamental unit of matter is the atom.
• The atom constitutes the smallest particle of
an element which can take part in chemical
reactions and may or may not exist
• Most of what is known about atomic structure
is based on basically 2 types of research:– Electrical nature of matter
– Interaction of matter with light energy
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
• Beginning of modern atomic theory credited
to John Dalton.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
• Dalton’s model was formulated on a number
“laws” about how matter behaves in a
chemical reaction.
– These laws were based on experimental
– Observations on many chemical substances &
their reactions
– These laws are the foundation on which the
modern atomic theory is based
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
• Dalton formulated his theory:
– All matter is made up of atoms (small, indivisible,
indestructible, fundamental particles)
– Atoms can neither be created or destroyed (they persist
unchanged for all eternity)
– Atoms of a particular element are all alike (in size, mass
& properties)
– Atoms of different elements are different from one
another (different sizes, masses & properties)
– A chemical reaction involves either the union or the
separation of individual atoms
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
• We know now that Dalton’s theory is not
entirely true, for example:
– Atoms are not the most fundamental particles –
they are composed of smaller particles
– Atoms can be created or destroyed but a nuclear
process is needed to do so
• Nonetheless, Dalton’s model was superb for
his time and it laid the foundation for further
developments in atomic theory
Fundamental Particles
• Three fundamental particles make up atoms.
• The following table lists these particles together
with their masses and their charges.
The Discovery of Electrons
The Discovery of Electrons
• Earliest evidence for atomic structure was
supplied in the early 1800’s by the English
chemist, Humphrey Davy
• Davy passed electricity
through compounds
and noted:
– that the compounds
decomposed into elements.
– concluded that compounds
are held together by
electrical forces.
The Discovery of Electrons
• Most convincing evidence came from Cathode Ray
Tubes experiments performed in the late 1800’s &
early 1900’s.
– Consist of two electrodes sealed in a glass tube
containing a gas at very low pressure.
– When a voltage is applied to the cathodes a glow
discharge is emitted.
The Discovery of Electrons
• These “rays” are emitted from cathode (- ve
end) and travel to anode (+ve end).
– Cathode Rays must be negatively charged!
• J.J. Thomson modified the cathode ray tube
experiments in 1897 by adding two
adjustable voltage electrodes.
– Studied the amount that the cathode ray beam
was deflected by additional electric field.
The Discovery of Electrons
• Modifications to the basic cathode ray tube
experiment show the nature of cathode rays
(a) A cathode ray discharge tube,
showing the production of a beam
of electrons (cathode rays). The
beam is detected by observing the
glow on a flourescent screen
(b) A small object placed in front of
the beam, casts a shadow
indicating that cathode rays
travel in straight lines
(c) Cathode rays have a negative
electrical charge, as demonstrated
by their deflection in an electrical
(d) Interaction with a magnetic field
also consistent with negative
(e) Cathode rays have mass, as
shown by their ability to turn a
small paddle wheel in their path.
The Discovery of Electrons
• Thomson used his modification to measure
the charge to mass ratio of electrons.
Charge to mass ratio
e/m = -1.75881 x 108 coulomb/g of e-
• Thomson named the cathode rays
• Thomson is considered to be the
“discoverer of electrons”.
Model for Atomic Structure
• By early 1900s it was clear that atoms contained
regions of +ve and -ve charge
• But how these charges were distributed was still
• 1st model for the structure of the atom was
proposed by Thomson based on the following:
• Atoms contain small –ve charged
particles (e-s)
• Atoms of an element behave as if
they had no electrical charge
• So there must be something in
the atom to neutralize the –ve
electrons (protons not yet
Rutherford and the Nuclear Atom
• Further insight into atomic structure was provided by Ernest Rutherford
• He has established that - particles were +ve charged particles
– They are emitted by some radioactive atoms (when they disintegrate
• Bombarded thin Au foils with - particles from a radioactive source
– Gave us the basic picture of the atom’s structure.
• If Thompson’s model was
correct then any - particles
passing through the foil
would be deflected by small
• Unexpectedly most of the particles passed through the
foil with little or nor
• A few however, were
deflected a very large angles
Rutherford and the Nuclear Atom
Rutherford and the Nuclear Atom
Rutherford’s major conclusions from the particle scattering experiment
1. The atom is mostly empty space.
2. It contains a very small, dense center called the
3. Nearly all of the atom’s mass is in the nucleus.
4. The nuclear diameter is 1/10,000 to 1/100,000
times less than atom’s radius.
• James Chadwick in 1932 analyzed the
results of -particle scattering on thin Be
• Chadwick recognized existence of massive
neutral particles which he called neutrons.
– Chadwick discovered the neutron.
Canal Rays and Protons
• In 1886 Eugene Goldstein noted that cathode ray tube also
generated streams of positively charged particles that moved toward
the cathode.
– Particles move in opposite direction of cathode rays.
– Called “Canal Rays” because they passed through holes
(channels or canals) drilled through the negative electrode.
• Canal rays must be positive.
– Goldstein postulated the existence of a positive fundamental
particle called the “proton”.
Atomic Number
• The atomic number = # of protons in the nucleus.
– Sometimes given the symbol Z.
– On the periodic chart Z is the uppermost number in
each element’s box.
• In 1913 H.G.J. Moseley realized that the atomic
number determines the element .
– The elements differ from each other by the number of
protons in the nucleus.
• So… it is the number of protons that determine the identity of
an element
– The number of electrons in a neutral atom is also
equal to the atomic number.
Nucleon Number and Isotopes
• Nucleon number (formerly Mass number) is given
the symbol A.
• A = # of protons + # of neutrons.
– If Z = proton number
– Then A = Z + N
and N = neutron number
• The Standard Notation used to show mass and
proton numbers is:
Charge of
(= p + n)
Symbol of
the atom
(= # of p )
E for example
C, Ca,
• Can be shortened to this symbolism.
N, Cu,
Ag, etc.
Mass Number and Isotopes
• Isotopes are atoms of the same element but with
different neutron numbers.
– Isotopes have different masses and A values but are the
same element.
Isotopes of Hydrogen
(Hydrogen - 1)
(Hydrogen - 2)
(Hydrogen - 3)
Mass Number and Isotopes
• The stable oxygen isotopes provide another
• 16O is the most abundant stable O isotope.
• How many protons and neutrons are in 16O?
8 protons and 8 neutrons
is the least abundant stable O isotope.
• How many protons and neutrons are in 17O?
8 protons and 9 neutrons
is the second most abundant stable O isotope.
•How many protons and neutrons in 18O?
8 protons and 10 neutrons
Mass Spectrometry & Isotopic Abundances
• Identifies chemical composition of a compound or sample on the basis
of the mass-to-charge ratio of charged particles
• A gas sample at low pressure is bombarded with high-energy
– This causes electrons to be ejected from some of the gas molecules 
creating +ve ions
• Positive ions then focused into a very narrow beam and accelerated
by an electric field
• Then passes through a magnetic field which deflects the ions from
their straight path
Mass Spectrometry
• There are four factors which determine the extent
of deflection:
1 accelerating voltage
• Higher voltages  beams move more rapidly and deflected less
than slower moving beams produced by lower voltages.
2 magnetic field strength
• Stronger fields give more deflection
3 masses of particles
• Heavier particles deflected less than lighter ones
4 charge on particles
• Particles with higher charges interact more strongly with
magnetic fields and are thus deflected more than particles of
equal mass with small charge.
Mass Spectrometry
A modern mass spectrometer
Fig. 5-10a, p. 176
Mass Spectrometry & Isotopic Abundances
• Mass spectrum of Ne+ ions shown below.
– How do scientists determine the masses and
abundances of the isotopes of an element?
• Neon consists of 3
isotopes, of which Neon20 is the most abundant
• The number by each peak
corresponds to the fraction
of all the Ne+ ions
represented by the isotope
with that mass.
Mass Spectrometry & Isotopic Abundances
• The mass of an atom is measured relative to the C-12 atom
– Its’ mass is defined as exactly 12 atomic mass units (amu)
• Therefore the amu is 1/12 the mass of a C-12 atom
• Example: What is the mass in amu of a 28Si atom?
– The spectrometer will measure the ratio of the mass of an 28Si atom
to 12C:
» Mass of 28Si atom
Mass of 12C atom
= 2.331411
– From this mass ratio, the isotopic mass of the 28Si can be found:
» 2.331411 x 12 amu = 27.97693 amu
– The mass of the isotope relative to the mass of the C-12 isotope
Table 5-3, p. 178
• Small differences in physical properties
• Similar chemical properties because
isotopes have same number of p and e
• Some isotopes are radioactive
– nuclear behavior of isotopes is unique
– Radioactive isotopes are biologically useful
– Example: radioactive I-131 to study thyroid
Atomic Weight
• The relative atomic weight (also called
relative atomic mass) of an element is the
weighted average of the masses of its stable
Atomic Weight
• Atoms are amazingly small
• Their masses are compared with the mass of
an atom of the carbon-12 isotope, as the
– One atom of the C-12 iostope weight exactly 12
units (Atomic mass units, amu)
– E.g. an atom of the most common isotope of Mg
weighs twice as much as one atom of C-12, its
relative isotopic mass is 24.
Atomic Weight
• “weighted average” e.g. Chlorine
– Cl- 35 75%
– Cl-37  25%
– If you had 100 atoms, 75 would be Cl-35 and 25
would be Cl-37
– The weighted average is closer to 35 than 37
because there are more Cl-35 than Cl-37 atoms
Atomic Weight
• Example: Naturally occurring Cu consists of
2 isotopes.
– It is 69.1% 63Cu with a mass of 62.9 amu,
– and 30.9% 65Cu, which has a mass of 64.9 amu.
– Calculate the atomic weight of Cu to one decimal
atomic weight  (0.691)(62 .9 amu)  (0.309)(64 .9 amu)
 
Cu isotope
Cu isotope
atomic weight  63.5 amu for copper
Atomic Weight
• Example: The relative atomic mass of
boron is 10.811 amu. The masses of the two
naturally occurring isotopes are 510B and
11B, are 10.013 and 11.009 amu,
respectively. Calculate the fraction and
percentage of each isotope.
You do it!
• This problem requires a little algebra.
– A hint for this problem is x + (1-x) = 1
Atomic Weight
10.811 amu  x(10.013 amu)  1  x (11.009 amu)
 
B isotope
B isotope
 10.013 x  11.009 - 11.009 x  amu
10.811 - 11.009 amu  10.013 x - 11.009 x  amu
- 0.198  -0.996 x
0.199  x
Atomic Weight
• Note that because x is the multiplier for the
10B isotope, our solution gives us the fraction
of natural B that is 10B.
• Fraction of 10B = 0.199 and % abundance of
10B = 19.9%.
• The multiplier for 11B is (1-x) thus the fraction
of 11B is 1-0.199 = 0.801 and the %
abundance of 11B is 80.1%.
1. Calculations: Chemistry 9th Edition, Chapter 4,
Exercises 28 – 38.
2. What are the main points in Dalton’s atomic theory?
3. Briefly outline how the mass spectrometer works to
help determine the isotopic abundance and isotopic
mass. Include a diagram in your answer.