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Download Australia-Chair of the Cleaner Fossil Energy Task Force
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Natural Capitalism Solutions E L D O R A D O S P R I N G S, C O L O R A D O Innovation for Sustainable Development © NCS 2004 We live in very interesting times Climate change is for real Materials mobilized in economy, put into products, & still there six months after sale = 1% Global Waste: 500 Billion Tons + Global Waste = 500 BILLION tons per year = VAST business opportunity Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Convened January, 2006 Achieved: 1) Charter 2) Communiqué 3) Work Plan with Task Forces Assigned covering these areas: (1) cleaner fossil energy; (2) renewable energy and distributed generation; (3) power generation and transmission; (4) steel; (5) aluminium; (6) cement; (7) coal mining; and (8) buildings and appliances Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Australia-Chair of the Cleaner Fossil Energy Task Force Objectives: •Develop an Asia-Pacific Partnership cleaner fossil energy technology development program •Identify the potential for, and encourage uptake of, CO2 geosequestration opportunities in Partnership countries. •Further develop coal bed and waste coal mine methane gas and LNG/natural gas opportunities and markets in the Asia-Pacific region. •Build the research and development base, and the market and institutional foundations of Partners through technology supporting initiatives, such as education, training and skills transfer. New Zealand Committed to Kyoto Protocol in 2002 In May 2005, the Ministry for the Environment completed revised projections of New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions. These indicated that New Zealand would fall short of meeting its Kyoto Protocol target by 36Mt CO2e. Climate Change Goal adopted in 2002 “To enable New Zealand to make significant greenhouse gas reductions on business-as-usual and be set towards a permanent downward path for total gross emissions by 2012.” International Ecological Footprints Are energy prices going to get high enough to drive a conversion to renewable energy? A typical community spends more than 20 percent of its gross income on energy—and 80 percent of those dollars immediately leave the local area. Energy efficiency in Osage Instead of a power plant, the utility implemented efficiency programs that: save $1 million/year •average home owners save almost $200 a year in energy bills; many local businesses save much more Reduced electric bills to 1/2 the state average Gives Osage unemployment that is half the national average DuPont’s Goals Cut greenhouse gas emissions 65% 1990–2010 Since 1990 have kept energy use the same and increased production 30% GHGs from global operations are down 67% Raise revenues 6%/y 2000– Global energy use 9% 10 with no increase in below 1990 levels energy use By 2010, 10% of energy & 25% of feed stocks from renewables Savings of $2 billion over 12 year On track with renewables Wind is the 2nd fastest growing energy supply technology in the world: 5 GW/ yr for past 5 yrs 3/kWh in good sites Nature makes a wide array of products and services…very differently than we do Nature uses: •Sunlight •Low energy flow • No persistent toxics •Near Body manufacturing •Ambient temperature manufacturing •Closed loops, in which everything is recycled •Nature shops locally Natural Capitalism offers companies a set of principles to achieve a durable competitive advantage 1. Buy time by radically increasing resource productivity 2. Design for sustainability: Biomimicry: closed loops, no waste, no toxicity 3. Manage for restoration of human and natural capital The Sustainability Helix David Brower: What do we want the earth to be like fifty years from now? Let’s do a little dreaming and then see that this dream is not cut off at the pass. A future by design, not by default. Aim high! Navigators have aimed at the stars for centuries. They haven’t hit one yet, but because they aimed high they found their way