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Animal Systems
Muscle System
Muscular System
 Function-- to move the animal about, to provide
movement for the proper functioning of the organs.
 Meat production -- muscles are processed into
meat; 30-40% of the animal’s body is muscle.
Three types of muscle
Skeletal Muscle
 Movement -- movement for the bones of the
skeleton and other voluntary movement; composed
of long, striated bundles that contract and relax
 Tendons -- connect muscles to bones
 Red Muscle -- contain many mitochondria; lots of
blood; contract for long periods of time
Skeletal Muscle
 White Muscle -- Fewer mitochondria;
contract faster; fatigue faster.
Smooth Muscle
 Movement -- Controls movements of the
internal organs; involuntary; non-striated
 Examples-- Digestive tract, urinary tract
Cardiac Muscle
 Movement -- muscles that control the heart;
striated and arranged in bands; involuntary; amazing
 Stamina -- # of times a heart beats in a lifetime?
D. List the Three Types of Muscles
 Skeletal Muscles
Attached to bones
 The skeleton and the skeletal muscles
function together allowing an animal to move.
Skeletal Muscle
D. List the Three Types of Muscles
 In addition to skeletal muscles, other types of
muscles include:
Smooth muscles
Found in blood vessels, digestive tracts, and
reproductive tracts
Involuntary, Not striated
Cardiac muscles
Are found in the heart.
Involuntary, Striated
Smooth Muscle
Cardiac Muscle
E. Point out how Muscles aid in
 Vertebrates move by the actions of muscles
on bones.
 Muscles generally work in pairs to produce
when one muscle flexes (or contracts) the
other relaxes, a process known as
E. Point out how Muscles aid in
 The striations with in the muscle cell are
thread-like structures called myofibrils.
 Within each myofibril there are dense lines
called Z lines.
 A sarcomere (or muscle functional unit)
extends from Z line to Z line.
E. Point out how Muscles aid in
 Each sarcomere has thick and thin filaments.
The thick filaments are made of myosin and
occupy the center of each sarcomere.
Thin filaments are made of actins and anchor
to the Z line.
E. Point out how Muscles aid in
 Muscles contract by shortening each
 The sliding filament model of muscle
contraction has thin filaments on each side of
the sarcomere sliding past each other until
they meet in the middle.
 Myosin filaments have club-shaped heads
that project toward the actin filaments.
Contraction of a Sarcomere
E. Point out how Muscles aid in
 Myosin heads attach to binding sites on the actin
 The myosin heads swivel toward the center of the
sarcomere, detach and then reattach to the nearest
active site of the actin filament.
 Each cycle of attachment, swiveling, and detachment
shortens the sarcomere 1%. Hundreds of such cycles
occur each second during muscle contraction.