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Viruses, Bacteria,
Your Health
 I. How infectious diseases spread
 A. Infected person
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 1. touching, kissing, inhaling droplets of sneezes
or coughs can transfer the virus or bacteria.
 B. Contaminated object
 1. eating, drinking utensils used by an infected
person can transfer the viruses or bacteria to other
 C. Infected animal
 1. bites (from mosquitoes, ticks, or other animals)
transfer bacteria or viruses into our bloodstream.
 D. Environment
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 1. foods (poultry, meat, eggs)
 2. soil
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QuickTime™ and a
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 II. Treating infectious diseases
 A. Viral disesase
 2. Medicines treat the symptoms (runny
nose, cough, fever)
 3. Only your immune system can rid your
body of a virus.
 B. Bacterial disease
 1. Antibiotics - kill bacteria without
harming our own cells.
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 – a. many bacteria have become resistant to
 III. Preventing infectious disease
 A. Vaccine
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 1. An altered virus injected into our body.
 2. Our immune system switches on and
learns to recognize it.
 3. Can fight it off quickly if you ever get
the real thing.
 B. Staying healthy
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 1. eat nutritious foods
 2. get lots of rest, fluids, and exercise
 3. wash hands often
 4. store and cook foods properly
 IV. Common diseases
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 A. Caused by viruses
 1. rabies
 2. measles
 3. colds/flu
 4. chicken pox
 5. AIDS
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QuickTime™ and a
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 B. Caused by bacteria
 1. food poisoning
 2. strep throat
 3. lyme disease
 4. tetanus
 5. tuberculosis
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