Pertussis outbreaks in the developed countries
... decrease in the strains carrying prn1 allele used in the DTwP vaccine in Australia 53. Similarly, a study on 129 B. pertussis isolates from Italy, four prn alleles (prn1, prn2, prn3 and prn5) were found, prn2 and prn3 consisted of 92% of all alleles. The antigenic allele used in the vaccine in Italy ...
... decrease in the strains carrying prn1 allele used in the DTwP vaccine in Australia 53. Similarly, a study on 129 B. pertussis isolates from Italy, four prn alleles (prn1, prn2, prn3 and prn5) were found, prn2 and prn3 consisted of 92% of all alleles. The antigenic allele used in the vaccine in Italy ...
Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei
... such as septicemic pneumonia is seen mostly in those with risk factors such as diabetes, renal disease, and alcoholism. In addition to infection by inhalation, bacterial load on exposure (inoculating dose) and virulence of the infecting strain of B. pseudo mallei are also likely to influence the se ...
... such as septicemic pneumonia is seen mostly in those with risk factors such as diabetes, renal disease, and alcoholism. In addition to infection by inhalation, bacterial load on exposure (inoculating dose) and virulence of the infecting strain of B. pseudo mallei are also likely to influence the se ...
epidemiology of pertussis Pediatrics paper 2005
... the country. Of these possible causes, it was felt that that the most significant factor was a general greater awareness of pertussis that has occurred in recent years. However, the observation of multiple outbreaks of pertussis in preadolescent and adolescent school populations suggest that, in my ...
... the country. Of these possible causes, it was felt that that the most significant factor was a general greater awareness of pertussis that has occurred in recent years. However, the observation of multiple outbreaks of pertussis in preadolescent and adolescent school populations suggest that, in my ...
the textbook, Pathology of AIDS
... 0.25 million whose infection was undiagnosed.[5,6] Globally, the incidence of new HIV infections probably peaked in 1997. At the end of the 20th century, over 21 million persons worldwide had died from AIDS, over 34 million were living with HIV infection, and over 95% of HIV infected persons resided ...
... 0.25 million whose infection was undiagnosed.[5,6] Globally, the incidence of new HIV infections probably peaked in 1997. At the end of the 20th century, over 21 million persons worldwide had died from AIDS, over 34 million were living with HIV infection, and over 95% of HIV infected persons resided ...
Mycobacterium avium infections in children Johanna Thegerström
... Mycobacterium avium belongs to a group of over 130 species of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) or environmental mycobacteria. The subspecies Mycobacterium avium avium was originally described as the causative agent of bird tuberculosis, but was later found to cause disease also in humans. Small ch ...
... Mycobacterium avium belongs to a group of over 130 species of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) or environmental mycobacteria. The subspecies Mycobacterium avium avium was originally described as the causative agent of bird tuberculosis, but was later found to cause disease also in humans. Small ch ...
Anthrax JULY 2008 - San Francisco Bay Area Advanced Practice
... meningitis is greater than 90%. Even one case of anthrax meningitis should alert public health authorities to identify the source of exposure and investigate the possibility of bioterrorism.3 ...
... meningitis is greater than 90%. Even one case of anthrax meningitis should alert public health authorities to identify the source of exposure and investigate the possibility of bioterrorism.3 ...
vaccine information
... can also be affected, which can lead to death. What is polio vaccine? There are two types of polio vaccines: The oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the injectable polio vaccine (IPV). The oral vaccine consists of the virus that has been weakened such that it does not cause disease but protects the body by ...
... can also be affected, which can lead to death. What is polio vaccine? There are two types of polio vaccines: The oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the injectable polio vaccine (IPV). The oral vaccine consists of the virus that has been weakened such that it does not cause disease but protects the body by ...
HPSC annual report 2010 - Health Protection Surveillance Centre
... provided data to ECDC in their latest report (2008 data). and antimicrobial use in long term care facilities in the summer of 2010. The low rate of pressure sores The very high rate of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli and urinary catheter use, despite a high proportion of (VTEC) reported in 2009 decre ...
... provided data to ECDC in their latest report (2008 data). and antimicrobial use in long term care facilities in the summer of 2010. The low rate of pressure sores The very high rate of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli and urinary catheter use, despite a high proportion of (VTEC) reported in 2009 decre ...
Preventing the spread of disease in the EU_02032010
... is that hygiene measures must themselves be sustainable; hygiene needs to be delivered in a way that is effective and efficient in social, economic and environmental terms. In developing and promoting public hygiene strategies, various potential impacts need to be assessed and managed appropriately: ...
... is that hygiene measures must themselves be sustainable; hygiene needs to be delivered in a way that is effective and efficient in social, economic and environmental terms. In developing and promoting public hygiene strategies, various potential impacts need to be assessed and managed appropriately: ...
Coccidioidomycosis: A review and update C ONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION
... distribution corresponds to regions with hot, dry summers, few winter freezes, low annual rainfall, and alkaline soil.43,44 Highly endemic areas include parts of Arizona and California (Fig 2).45 Major metropolitan areas with high incidence rates include Bakersfield, California; Phoenix, Arizona; an ...
... distribution corresponds to regions with hot, dry summers, few winter freezes, low annual rainfall, and alkaline soil.43,44 Highly endemic areas include parts of Arizona and California (Fig 2).45 Major metropolitan areas with high incidence rates include Bakersfield, California; Phoenix, Arizona; an ...
J i t Cli i l M ti Joint Clinical Meeting
... than western t developed countries | Listed by WHO as intermediate burden of TB | Lifetime risk 1 in every 13 persons ...
... than western t developed countries | Listed by WHO as intermediate burden of TB | Lifetime risk 1 in every 13 persons ...
Congenital syphilis: No longer just of historical interest
... and less than 10% if she has late latent syphilis. The staging of maternal syphilis is complex and includes a combination of history, physical examination, epidemi ological features, direct tests from lesions and serolog ical tests; the reader should refer to other sources for details [1]. The maj ...
... and less than 10% if she has late latent syphilis. The staging of maternal syphilis is complex and includes a combination of history, physical examination, epidemi ological features, direct tests from lesions and serolog ical tests; the reader should refer to other sources for details [1]. The maj ...
... In the early stages of syphilis, a lesion (sore) can appear on or inside the penis, vagina, rectum or mouth, usually two to three weeks after infection. In people co-infected with HIV, multiple lesions may appear. Because the lesions may be painless and may develop in hidden locations, early-stage s ...
... In the early stages of syphilis, a lesion (sore) can appear on or inside the penis, vagina, rectum or mouth, usually two to three weeks after infection. In people co-infected with HIV, multiple lesions may appear. Because the lesions may be painless and may develop in hidden locations, early-stage s ...
Clinical significance and antimicrobial susceptibility of rapidly
... described in the decade of the fifties. The set of these diseases is called mycobacteriosis. For many years these infections were occasional, but in the last 15 years they have become relatively common. The majority of infections are due to accidental inoculation from trauma, surgery, injection or a ...
... described in the decade of the fifties. The set of these diseases is called mycobacteriosis. For many years these infections were occasional, but in the last 15 years they have become relatively common. The majority of infections are due to accidental inoculation from trauma, surgery, injection or a ...
... Symptomatic neurosyphilis manifests as Syphilitic meningitis-typical symptoms of meningitis ,head ache ,nausea , vomitings & photophobia Meningiovascular syphilis Parenchymatous neurosyphilis ...
... Symptomatic neurosyphilis manifests as Syphilitic meningitis-typical symptoms of meningitis ,head ache ,nausea , vomitings & photophobia Meningiovascular syphilis Parenchymatous neurosyphilis ...
Ringworm - Sunrise School Division
... tablet or liquid form by mouth or as a cream applied directly to the affected area. What complications can result from Ringworm? Lack of or inadequate treatment can result in an infection that will not clear up. Is Ringworm an emerging infection? Although Ringworm is not tracked by health authoritie ...
... tablet or liquid form by mouth or as a cream applied directly to the affected area. What complications can result from Ringworm? Lack of or inadequate treatment can result in an infection that will not clear up. Is Ringworm an emerging infection? Although Ringworm is not tracked by health authoritie ...
UK SMI Title goes here
... immunosuppressive treatment). Molecular assays (or pp65 antigenemia) are preferred for diagnosis and monitoring of CMV infection and related disease in this patient type. CMV belongs to the Herpesviridae family and persists in the host as a life-long latent infection. After primary infection, the en ...
... immunosuppressive treatment). Molecular assays (or pp65 antigenemia) are preferred for diagnosis and monitoring of CMV infection and related disease in this patient type. CMV belongs to the Herpesviridae family and persists in the host as a life-long latent infection. After primary infection, the en ...
11 Measles - Ministry of Health
... vaccine). They will have therefore received the recommended two doses of measles, but only one of mumps and rubella. While the main reason for a two-dose MMR schedule is to protect against measles, two doses of all three antigens is recommended and funded. These individuals can receive a second dose ...
... vaccine). They will have therefore received the recommended two doses of measles, but only one of mumps and rubella. While the main reason for a two-dose MMR schedule is to protect against measles, two doses of all three antigens is recommended and funded. These individuals can receive a second dose ...
High MMP-9 activity characterises pleural tuberculosis correlating with granuloma formation
... under the mesothelial layer, leading to fluid accumulation in the pleural space. Monocytes and macrophages may also secrete high MMP-1 concentrations. In addition, parenchymal cells of the pleural space, such as fibroblasts and mesothelial cells, secrete MMP-1 (interstitial collagenase) constitutive ...
... under the mesothelial layer, leading to fluid accumulation in the pleural space. Monocytes and macrophages may also secrete high MMP-1 concentrations. In addition, parenchymal cells of the pleural space, such as fibroblasts and mesothelial cells, secrete MMP-1 (interstitial collagenase) constitutive ...

Tuberculosis, MTB, or TB (short for tubercle bacillus), in the past also called phthisis, phthisis pulmonalis, or consumption, is a widespread, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air. Most infections do not have symptoms, known as latent tuberculosis. About one in ten latent infections eventually progresses to active disease which, if left untreated, kills more than 50% of those so infected.The classic symptoms of active TB infection are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss (the last of these giving rise to the formerly common term for the disease, ""consumption""). Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms. Diagnosis of active TB relies on radiology (commonly chest X-rays), as well as microscopic examination and microbiological culture of body fluids. Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or blood tests. Treatment is difficult and requires administration of multiple antibiotics over a long period of time. Household, workplace and social contacts are also screened and treated if necessary. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) infections. Prevention relies on early detection and treatment of cases and on screening programs and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine.One-third of the world's population is thought to have been infected with M. tuberculosis, and new infections occur in about 1% of the population each year. In 2007, an estimated 13.7 million chronic cases were active globally, while in 2013, an estimated 9 million new cases occurred. In 2013 there were between 1.3 and 1.5 million associated deaths, most of which occurred in developing countries. The total number of tuberculosis cases has been decreasing since 2006, and new cases have decreased since 2002. The rate of tuberculosis in different areas varies across the globe; about 80% of the population in many Asian and African countries tests positive in tuberculin tests, while only 5–10% of the United States population tests positive. More people in the developing world contract tuberculosis because of a poor immune system, largely due to high rates of HIV infection and the corresponding development of AIDS.