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Chapter 31
Faraday’s Law
Electricity generator, or from B to E.
1. Battery  Chemical emf
2. Motional emf
3. Faraday’s Law of Induction
4. Lentz Law about the emf direction
A dry-cell battery
Chemical reactions in the
battery cells transport
charge carriers (electrons)
from one terminal to the
other to create the needed
electric potential (emf) to
drive the current through
the outside load, a light bulb
Motional emf, the concept
With F  qv  B
We can group charges by
moving them in a magnetic field
 motional emf.
A motional emf is the emf
induced in a conductor moving
through a magnetic field
The electrons in the conductor
experience a force, F  qv  B
that is directed along ℓ
Charges are accumulated at
the ends of the conductor to
create an electric field inside
the conductor to stop further
charge transportation.
When equilibrium
FB  qvB  FE  qE
Motional emf, the calculation
Start from the equilibrium condition
FB  qvB  FE  qE
One has
E  vB
Or the emf, potential difference:
emf  V  E l  vB l
As long as the bar is kept being
moved with a velocity v, the
motional emf is maintained to be
Motional emf, put in use to power a resistor
A bar moving on two
rails. The bar and the
rails have negligible
resistance. A resistor
of R is connected to
the end of the two rails.
The emf = vBℓ, so the
current I = vBℓ /R
Bar moved by Fapp
Equivalent circuit
Two issues need attention:
1. The moving bar carrying current I, inside the magnetic field,
experiences a force from the field is FB=IℓB
2. The magnetic flux in the enclosed area (bar, rails and resistor) is
ΦB=xℓB, and it is changing with time as
d b d
  xlB  
l B  vBl  emf
Example, what is the terminal
A bar of mass m sides on two vertical
rails. A resistor is connected to the end
of the rails. When the bar is released
at t = t0, (a) calculate the velocity of the
bar at time t, (b) what is the terminal
velocity? Assuming that the rails and
the magnetic field is long/large enough.
Once the bar starts to move, accelerated
by the gravitational force, there is:
emf  vB l
And there is current as well:
I  vBl / R
And there is magnetic force on the bar,
pointing opposite to the gravitational force:
ˆ 
FB  I l Bx
v  lB 
FG  mgx
Example, what is the terminal
Construct the equation of velocity v:
v  lB  
ˆ  ma
FG  FB   mg 
R 
mg 
v  lB 
Solve this equation
  , 
v  g
 
v   g 1 e 
v t  0  0
This is the answer to (a). For (b), the
terminal velocity is  g when t  
FG  mgx
Faraday’s Law of induction
In the sliding bar “experiment”, we proved that:
d b
emf 
We also know that the magnetic flux is defined as
 B   B  dA or  B  BA cos θ
In the sliding bar experiment, we changed A by moving
the bar. More practically people change B or the angle θ
to achieve a changing flux.
Changing B
Changing θ
Faraday’s Law of induction
In any case, the induced emf follows the Faraday’s
Law of induction
d b
emf  
Yes, I sleeked in the “-”
d b
in front of the
Because Mr. Lenz told me so in
order to answer the question of
in which direction should the
induced current flow.
Faraday’s Law – Statements
Faraday’s law of induction states that “the
emf induced in a circuit is directly proportional
to the time rate of change of the magnetic
flux through the circuit”
Lenz’s Law
Lenz’s Law, the direction of the
induced emf
Lenz’s law: the induced current in a loop is in
the direction that creates a magnetic field that
opposes the change in magnetic flux through
the area enclosed by the loop. The induced
current tends to keep the original magnetic
flux through the circuit from changing
Example: EMF produced by a
changing magnetic field
A loop of wire is
connected to a
sensitive ammeter
Determine the current
in the loop and the
magnet is being
Moved into the loop
Moved out of the loop
Held still inside the loop
Example: a transformer
A primary coil is connected to a
switch and a battery
The wire is wrapped around an
iron ring
A secondary coil is also
wrapped around the iron ring
There is no battery present in
the secondary coil
The secondary coil is not
directly connected to the primary
Close the switch and observe
the current readings given by
the ammeter
Example, Lenz’s Law
Applications of Faraday’s Law
A GFI (ground fault
indicator) protects users of
electrical appliances
against electric shock
When the currents in the
wires are in opposite
directions, the flux is zero
When the return current in
wire 2 changes, the flux is
no longer zero
The resulting induced emf
can be used to trigger a
circuit breaker
Applications of Faraday’s Law
– Pickup Coil
The pickup coil of an
electric guitar uses
Faraday’s law
The coil is placed near the
vibrating string and causes
a portion of the string to
become magnetized
When the string vibrates at
some frequency, the
magnetized segment
produces a changing flux
through the coil
The induced emf is fed to
an amplifier
Rotating Loop
Assume a loop with N
turns, all of the same
area rotating in a
magnetic field
The flux through the loop
at any time t is
B = BA cos q
= BA cos wt
d B
emf   N
 NBAω sin ωt
The emf is a sin wave: AC.
Electric generators take in
energy by work and transfer
it out by electrical
The AC generator consists
of a loop of wire rotated by
some external means in a
magnetic field
Use the active figure to
adjust the speed of rotation
and observe the effect on
the emf generated
DC Generators
The DC (direct current)
generator has essentially
the same components as
the AC generator
The main difference is that
the contacts to the rotating
loop are made using a split
ring called a commutator
Use the active figure to vary
the speed of rotation and
observe the effect on the
emf generated
Motors are devices into which energy is
transferred by electrical transmission while
energy is transferred out by work
A motor is a generator operating in reverse
A current is supplied to the coil by a battery
and the torque acting on the current-carrying
coil causes it to rotate
Motors, cont.
Useful mechanical work can be done by
attaching the rotating coil to some external
However, as the coil rotates in a magnetic
field, an emf is induced
This induced emf always acts to reduce the
current in the coil
The back emf increases in magnitude as the
rotational speed of the coil increases
Motors, final
The current in the rotating coil is limited by
the back emf
The term back emf is commonly used to indicate
an emf that tends to reduce the supplied current
The induced emf explains why the power
requirements for starting a motor and for
running it are greater for heavy loads than for
light ones
Eddy Currents
Circulating currents called
eddy currents are induced in
bulk pieces of metal moving
through a magnetic field
The eddy currents are in
opposite directions as the
plate enters or leaves the
Eddy currents are often
undesirable because they
represent a transformation of
mechanical energy into
internal energy
Eddy Currents, Example
The magnetic field is
directed into the page
The induced eddy current is
counterclockwise as the
plate enters the field
It is opposite when the plate
leaves the field
The induced eddy currents
produce a magnetic
retarding force and the
swinging plate eventually
comes to rest
Eddy Currents, Final
To reduce energy loses by
the eddy currents, the
conducting parts can
Be built up in thin layers
separated by a
nonconducting material
Have slots cut in the
conducting plate
Both prevent large current
loops and increase the
efficiency of the device
Induced emf and Electric
An electric field is created in the conductor as
a result of the changing magnetic flux
Even in the absence of a conducting loop, a
changing magnetic field will generate an
electric field in empty space
This induced electric field is nonconservative
Unlike the electric field produced by stationary
Induced emf and Electric
Fields, cont.
The emf for any closed path can be
expressed as the line integral of E ds over
the path
Faraday’s law can be written in a general
d B
 E ds   dt
Induced emf and Electric
Fields, final
The induced electric field is a
nonconservative field that is generated by a
changing magnetic field
The field cannot be an electrostatic field
because if the field were electrostatic, and
hence conservative, the line integral of E ds
would be zero and it isn’t