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Verb Tense
Irregular Verbs Review
Learning Objective: Use regular and
irregular verbs correctly
W.C. 1.3
Verb Tenses
Present- Tells what is
happening now
I am reading a book.
Future -Tells what will
happen in the future
I will read a book later.
Past- tells what
happened in the past
I have read the book
Verb: is a word that expresses action or a state of
Regular Verb Tense
A regular verb forms the past tense by adding –d or –ed to the end
of the verb.
Example: Tim patiently cooks spaghetti for dinner.
The action in the sentence is cooks.
Verbs can also indicate the tense of the sentence:
Present tense: Tim patiently cooks spaghetti for dinner.
Past tense: Tim patiently cooked spaghetti for dinner
(notice regular verbs in with –d or –ed )
Future tense: Tim will cook spaghetti for dinner.
(notice the helping verb “will” comes before the action verb)
• Read this sentence.
When Mark answered the question, he spoke
slowly enough to be understood by everyone in
the room.
• Which word is the regular verb?
– answered
– spoke
– enough
– by
• Emily questioned the teacher, “Why do we have to
write this down?”
• Which word is the regular verb?
– questioned
– teacher
– have
– write
What is the tense?
• Today we will give Mary a surprise party.
a. present
b. future
c. Past
What is the clue word?
What is the tense?
• Tourists and locals enjoy watching the whales.
a. present
b. future
c. Past
What is the clue?
Irregular Verbs are verbs that do not add –ed to form the
past tense. Instead, the spelling of the verb changes.
• Ernesto (see) a poster at the city swimming
• What is the past tense of see?
This is an irregular verb because we do
not add ed instead we change the word.
Irregular Verbs
• The performers ran up the stage at the end of
the show.
• Which underlined word is the irregular verb.
• A. performers
• B. ran
• C. at
• She walked home and ate her banana
along the way.
• Which underlined word is the irregular verb.
Which is the correct way to use the verb?
We ride horses at my
grandfather’s farm yesterday.
A. riding
B. rode
C. will ride
D. no change
We swim in the city pool several
times tomorrow.
A. are swimming
B. was swimming
C. will swim
D. no change
My mother and I found
the key to an old trunk of
family photographs.
What is the verb in the
sentence? Is it a regular
verb or irregular? Why?
He studied insects when he was
in college.
What is the verb in the
sentence? Is it a regular verb
or irregular? Why?