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Week 2
Have your homework ready to review
Learning styles inventory
Review subject, verbs, prepositions
 What
does it mean to coordinate?
 What is a subordinate?
 Keep this in mind as we go through.
 What
is a clause?
• A clause is a group of words that includes a
subject and a verb and can stand alone as a
complete idea. It is an independent clause and
can be written as a simple sentence.
• The dog barked all night.
• The neighbors didn’t complain.
 You
can join two clauses together by
placing a comma and a coordinating
conjunction between them:
• The dog barked all night, but the neighbors
didn’t complain.
• Let’s go to the beach today, for it is too hot to do
anything else.
Notice that a comma is placed before the
coordinating conjunction.
Choose the coordinating conjunction that
best expresses the relationship between
the two clauses in a sentence.
It was late, _____ I decided to take a bus
Subordinate or dependent clause depends
on an independent clause to complete its
*We will light the candles when Flora arrives.
When Flora arrives is the subordinate clause.
By itself, it is incomplete; it depends on the
independent clause to complete the
 We
 It
will light the candles when Flora arrives.
can also be written:
• When Flora arrives, we will light the candles.
• Notice the punctuation after the subordinate clause.
as if
as though
even if
even though
if only
in order that
provided that
rather than
so that
 Turn
to page 389.
 Complete practice 4, 1-8.
 Can join two independent clauses
 Takes the place of a conjunction.
 She
hopes to receive good grades this
semester since her scholarship depends on
her maintaining a 3.5 average.
 She hopes to receive good grades this
 Her scholarship depends on her
maintaining a 3.5 average.
 She hopes to receive good grades this
semester; her scholarship depends on her
maintaining a 3.5 average.
 Note
that the first word after a semicolon
is NOT capitalized.
 Two uses for semicolons:
• 1. to separate two sentences (related).
• 2. to separate items in a series that contains
internal commas.
Related ideas: if two ideas do not have a close
relationship, they probably should be separated
with a period.
 Transitional
 Example: also, besides, likewise,
similarly, however, for example, for
instance, indeed, in fact, of course,
therefore, etc.
 A comma follows the conjunctive adverb.
You will still separate the clauses with a
hate to wash my car windows
nevertheless it’s a job that must be done.
 Sonia doesn’t know how to play chess
however she would like to learn.
 Deep water makes Maurice nervous
therefore he does not want to join the
scuba dive team.
 Dean Fader is very funny in fact he could
be a professional comedian.
Run on : My neighbor, Mr. Hoffman, is 75
year old he plays tennis every Saturday
Comma splice: My neighbor, Mr. Hoffman,
is 75 year old, he plays tennis every
Saturday afternoon.
My neighbor, Mr. Hoffman, is 75 years old. He
plays tennis every Saturday afternoon. (Two
 My neighbor Mr. Hoffman is 75 years old, but he
plays tennis every Saturday afternoon. (coord.
 Although my neighbor, Mr. Hoffman, is 75 years
old, he plays tennis every Saturday afternoon.
(subord. Conjunction)
 My neighbor, Mr. Hoffman, is 75 years old; he
plays tennis every Saturday afternoon.
 My neighbor, Mr. Hoffman, is 75 years old;
however, he plays tennis every Saturday
afternoon. (semicolon + conjun. Adverb)
 Turn
to pages 407-partner up and read
through the green boxes and the
explanations after. Discuss.
 On page 409, practice 4, tell if the
sentences are correct or fragments (1-8).
 Do
the same with pages 410-411.
 For practice 5, take turns making the
sentences correct (1-8).
 On
page 418, the first of three websites is
where you will go. You will need to print
your quizzes to be turned in next week. A
minimum of two quizzes from the
following categories:
• 2 from punctuation
• 2 from clauses/phrases
• 2 from structural flaws