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11 English
Grammar Review
A verb is a word that shows action,
condition, or state of being.
 An action verb, such as believe and protest,
shows either mental or physical activity.
 A linking verb, such as feel and be,
describes a state of being and connects the
subject with a word in the predicate.
Principal Parts of Verbs
Every verb has four principal parts:
present, present participle, past, and past
Present vs. Present Participle
 Protest
 Organize
 Speak
 Write
Present Participle
 Is protesting
 Is organizing
 Is speaking
 Is writing
Past vs. Past Participle
 Protested
 Organized
 Spoke
 Wrote
Past Participle
 Has protested
 Has organized
 Has spoken
 Has written
Irregular verbs
Most irregular verbs can be grouped into
five spelling patterns.
Group 1 – present, past, and past participle
are the same: spread, is spreading, spread,
has spread.
Group 2 – past and past participle are the
same: lead, is leading, led, has led.
Irregular Verbs
Group 3 – form past participle by adding n
or en to past: bite, is biting, bit, has bitten.
Group 4 – Change i in the present form to a
for the past and to u for the past participle:
sink, is sinking, sank or sunk, has sunk.
Irregular Verbs
Group 5 – change vowel of present to form
past. Add n or en to form most past
participles: see, is seeing, saw, has seen.
Verb Tenses
There are three simple tenses (past, present, and
future) and three perfect tenses (past perfect,
present perfect, and future perfect).
Conjugation of simple tenses:
Present – use the present part: talk
Past – add ed to the present part for regular verbs:
Future – add will or shall to the present part: will
talk, shall talk
Using Simple Tenses
Use the present tense to describe an action or state
of being:
 That is happening as it is being reported. Ex:
The biography of Mother Teresa inspires me.
 That is regularly occurring or habitual. Ex: Her
followers do important work.
 That will take place in the future – when the
verb is modified by and adverb or adverbial
phrase indicating future time. Ex: The play
begins in an hour.
Using Simple Tenses
Use past tense to describe an action or state
of being that began and ended in the past.
Ex: During the 1920s, Mother Teresa
joined in religious order.
Use the future tense to describe an action or
state of being that will take place some
time after the present moment. Ex:
Generations of social activists will honor
Mother Teresa.
Conjugation of Perfect Tenses:
Present perfect – add has or have to the past
participle: have talked, has talked
 Past perfect – add had to the past participle:
had talked
 Future perfect – Add will have or shall have
to the past participle: will have talked, shall
have talked
Using Perfect Tenses
Use the present perfect tense to express an
action or state of being
 Completed at an indefinite time in the past:
Historians have noted Gandhi’s
tremendous impact.
 That started in the past and continues to
the present: Gandhi’s philosophy has left a
lasting impression on the world.
Using Perfect Tenses
Use the past perfect tense to express a past
action or state of being that occurred
before another in the past: Gandhi had
embraced the principles of nonviolent
protest long before he organized a
demonstration against unfair tax.
Using Perfect Tenses
Use future perfect tense to express a future
action or state of being that will take place
before another in the future. Ex: By the
year 2010, Gandhi’s reforms will have been
in practice for more than 60 years.
Progressive Forms
The progressive form of a verb shows an
ongoing action or state of being.
To create these forms, combine the
appropriate simple or perfect tense of be
with the present participle of the main
Examples of Progressive Form
Present – are striving
Past – was striving
Future – will be striving
Present perfect – has been striving
Past perfect – had been striving
Future perfect – will have been striving
Now You Try
Complete the paragraph exercise on page 75 and
questions 1-9 on page 76 of your grammar
Active and Passive Voice
The voice of an action verb indicates whether
the subject performs or receives the action.
A verb is in active voice when the subject
performs the action. Ex: Mary Harris supported
child labor laws.
A verb is in passive voice when the action is
received by the subject. Ex: Child labor laws
were supported by Mary Harris.
Now You Try
Complete questions 1-11 on page 82 and
questions 1-10 on page 83 of your grammar
Commonly Confused Verbs
Lie vs. Lay –
lie- to rest in a flat position: lie, lay, lain
lay – to place: lay, laid, laid
Rise vs. Raise
rise – to go upward & raise – to lift upward
Sit vs. Sat
sit – to occupy a seat: sit, sitting, sat
sat – to put or place: set, set, set
Now You Try
Complete questions 1-14 on page 88 of your
grammar workbook.