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Parts of Speech
Functions of Words
Part of Speech: NOUN
Nouns name
• Idea
• Emotion
Kinds of nouns
– Common
– Proper
Function of NOUN in Sentence
– Jack jumped over the candlestick.
Direct object:
– Mary had a little lamb.
– Jack sent Mary an invitation.
Indirect object:
– Jack sent Mary an invitation.
Object of the preposition:
– Jack jumped over the candlestick.
Noun function
Noun in direct address:
– Jack, will you help me?
– Mr. Smith, the grocer, rang up my bill.
Predicate nominative or subject complement:
– Mr. Smith is a grocer.
– Jack’s pail has a hole in it.
– The boys’ game was cancelled.
– The men’s game was cancelled.
Part of Speech: PRONOUN
Pronouns replace nouns: stand-in
for a person, place thing or
The noun replaced by the pronoun is
known as the antecedent
Function of PRONOUN in Sentence
Pronouns have all the same
functions as nouns.
Personal pronouns – replace noun
1st person singular: I, me, my, mine
1st person plural: we, us, our
2nd person : you, you, your (thou, thee, thine)
3rd person singular: He,she,it; him, her, it;
his, hers, its ( Note the possessive its has no
apostrophe! it’s = it is )
– 3rd person plural: They, them, their
Interrogative pronouns – ask questions
– Who, whom, whose?
– Which, what?
Kinds of Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns – do not require an antecedent:
– Singular: another, any, each, nothing, one, anyone,
everyone, everybody, everything, someone, something,
either, neither
– Plural: few, many, some, all
Relative pronouns -- create a dependent clause by
introducing a noun or adjective clause
– The man, who hit my car, did not give me his license
– who, whom, whose, whoever, which, whichever, what,
whatever, that
Kinds of Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns – point
– This, these
– That, those
Intensive pronouns – emphasize preceding noun.
Same form as
Reflexive pronouns – receive the action of the
subject who is the same person
– Singular: Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself
– Plural: ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Part of Speech: ADJECTIVE
Adjectives describe, limit or modify a
noun or pronoun
– The blue dress was beautiful.
– Definite: the
– Indefinite: a, an
Part of Speech: ADVERB
Adverbs modify or describe: verbs,
adverbs, and adjectives.
– He ran quickly.
– He ran very quickly.
– The dress was cobalt blue.
Part of Speech: PREPOSITION
Prepositions link a noun or pronoun
to other words in the sentence
PHRASE: preposition + noun
– He ran to the bus.
– She met me at six o’clock.
Function of PREPOSITION in
Prepositional phrases always modify
or describe something.
Adjectival prepositional phrases:
– The stew for dinner was delicious.
Adverbial prepositional phrases:
– The stew was made with beef, potatoes,
carrots and onions.
Part of Speech: CONJUNCTION
Conjunctions connect
Coordinate conjunctions
– and, or, nor, so, for, but, yet
Correlative conjunctions
Not only…but also
Subordinate conjunctions
in Sentences
Coordinate conjunctions -- connect words,
phrases or clauses of equal weight.
– Jack and Jill went up the hill.
– Jack fell down, and Jill came tumbling after.
Correlative conjunctions – always used in
pairs also connect terms of equal weight
– Both Jack and Jill went up the hill.
– Not only Jack did fall down, but Jill also tumbled
after him.
Subordinate conjunctions – create dependant
clauses by introducing adverb clauses
– When Jack fell down, Jill tumbled after.
Subordinate Conjunctions
As if
Part of Speech: INTERJECTION
Interjections exclaim or express
– Ouch
– Alas
– Oh
– All those words you curse with
Part of Speech: VERB
Verbs express action, state of being
or condition
Function of VERB in Sentence
Main verbs
– Action: walk, sing, fly
– State of being or linking: is, feel
Auxiliary (helping) verbs – combine
with main verbs to create verb phrases
– Be: am walking, was sung
– Have: had flown
Principal Parts of Verbs
Infinitive: to be
3rd person present tense: is
3rd person past tense: was
Past participle: been
to have, has, had, had
to walk, walks, walked, walked
to sing, sings, sang, sung
to fly, flies, flew, flown
VERB Tenses
– I walk
– The bird flies
– I walked
– The bird flew
– I shall walk
– The bird will fly
Perfect VERB Tenses
Present Perfect
– I have walked
– The bird has flown
Past Perfect
– I had walked
– The bird had flown
Future Perfect
– I shall have walked
– The bird will have flown
Progressive VERB Tenses
Present progressive
– I am walking
– The bird is flying
Past progressive
– I was walking
– The bird was flying
Future progressive
– I shall be walking
– The bird will be flying
VERB Voice
– Jack threw the ball
– The ball was thrown by Jack
VERB Moods
Indicative – makes a statement
– The cow jumped over the moon.
Interrogative – asks a question
– Who jumped over the moon?
Imperative – gives a command or direct request
– Jump over the moon.
Subjunctive – expresses a wish or contrary-tofact statement
– If the cow jump over the moon, I will be surprised.
– I wish the cow would jump over the moon.
Parts of verbs that function as nouns,
adjectives or adverbs
– Present participle: being, walking, singing,
• The flying bird overhead is a blue heron.
– Past participle: been, walked, sung, flown
• The opera sung last night was Carmen.
– Infinitive: to be, to walk, to sing, to fly
• To walk a mile every day is healthy.
– Gerund (always as a noun): being, walking,
singing, flying
• Flying is his passion