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A person, place or thing.
Examples: John walked over to the house.
A cat sat on the fence.
Is used in the place of a noun. Try to use pronouns in order to avoid repetitiveness
in your writing.
Example: Jane was happy with her new house. She loved the flowers that grew in the
garden. (Jane is the noun; her and she are the pronouns)
A description word, used to describe the noun or pronoun.
Example: The famous chef prepared the main dish. (famous is an adjective that
describes the noun chef)
This is also known as the “action word”.
Examples: The ball rolled along the floor.
The dog walked along the sidewalk with me.
Modifies a verb or an adjective.
Example: The vibrantly red roses sat on my windowsill. (vibrantly is the adverb that
modifies the adjective red)
Used to link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in the sentence. (e.g. on, in,
at, over, under, beside)
Example: The movies are on the television stand.
The popcorn is in the bowl.
You can use a conjunction to link words, phases and clauses. Use the acronym
FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to remember the conjunctions.
Example: I love dogs, and I love cats.
I like baseball, but I would rather watch football.
An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion.
Examples: Ouch, that really hurt!
Hey, stop that!
Content words are open – they can be anything, and new ones are created all the time (Lexical).
Content words include:
Grammar – function words are a fixed set of words (Non-Lexical).
Function words include:
Developed by: The Communications Centre / Michelle Morrow / January 2008