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Grammar and
Composition Review
8 Parts of Speech
A noun is the name of a person, place,
thing, or idea.
 A proper noun, which names a specific
person, place, or thing (Carlos, Queen
Marguerite, Middle East, Jerusalem,
Malaysia, Presbyterianism, God, Spanish,
Buddhism, the Republican Party), is
almost always capitalized.
 Common nouns name everything else,
things that usually are not capitalized.
A pronoun can replace a noun or another
Pronouns should:
◦ Agree in number
 If the pronoun takes the place of a singular noun, you
have to use a singular pronoun.
 Ex:If a student parks a car on campus, he or she has to
buy a parking sticker. (Not they)
◦ Agree in person
 If you are writing in the "first person" ( I), don't confuse
your reader by switching to the "second person" ( you) or
"third person" (he, she, they, it, etc.). Similarly, if you are
using the "second person," don't switch to "first" or
 Ex: When a person comes to class, he or she should have
his or her homework ready. (Not you)
◦ Refer clearly to a noun
 Don't be vague or ambiguous.
 Ex: If you put this sheet in your notebook, you can
refer to it. (What does "it" refer to, the sheet or your
Pronouns can be used as 3 different cases:
◦ Subjective: pronouns used as subject.
◦ Objective: pronouns used as objects of verbs or
◦ Possessive: pronouns which express ownership.
Pronoun (cont.)
Pronouns as
Pronouns as
Pronouns that
shows Possession
My (mine)
Your (yours)
He, she, it
Him, her, it
His, her (hers), it
Our (ours)
Their (theirs)
Pronoun (cont.)
Verbs carry the idea of being or action in the
There are six tenses of verbs.
Simple Present: They walk
Present Perfect: They have walked
Simple Past: They walked
Past Perfect: They had walked
Future: They will walk
Future Perfect: They will have walked
Verbs can be written in active or passive
A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and
functions as a noun.
 Many English sentences contain a verb
phrase. The verb that carries the main
meaning is the main verb. The other
words in the verb phrase are the helping
 There are four categories of helping
Verbs (cont.)
Forms of do
Forms of have plus the past participle
◦ There are nine modal verbs: can, could, may, might,
must, shall, should, will, and would.
◦ After a modal verb, use the base form of the verb.
◦ Ex: The system must meet all applicable codes.
◦ Do, does, or did
◦ Ex: Do we need to include the figures for the recovery
◦ To form one of the perfect tenses (past, present, or
future), use a form of have as the helping verb plus the
past participle of the verb (-ed)
 Past Perfect: had written
 Present Perfect: have written
 Future Perfect: will have written
Verbs (cont.)
Forms of be
◦ To describe an action in progress, use a form of
be (be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been) as
the helping verb and the present participle (the
–ing form of the verb)
 Ex: We are testing the new graphics tablet.
Verbs (cont.)
Adjectives modify nouns. To modify means to
change in some way.
◦ For example: "I ate a meal." Meal is a noun. We
don't know what kind of meal; all we know is that
someone ate a meal.
Adjectives usually answer one of a few
different questions: "What kind?" or "Which?"
or "How many?”
◦ For example: "The tall girl is riding a new bike."
Tall tells us which girl we're talking about. New tells
us what kind of bike we're talking about.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and
other adverbs.
 The most common question that adverbs
answer is how. They can also answer the
questions when, where, and why.
 She sang beautifully." Beautifully is an
adverb that modifies sang. It tells us how
she sang.
That woman is extremely nice." Nice is an
adjective that modifies the noun woman.
Extremely is an adverb that modifies nice;
it tells us how nice she is. How nice is
she? She's extremely nice.
 "It was a terribly hot afternoon." Hot is an
adjective that modifies the noun
afternoon. Terribly is an adverb that
modifies the adjective hot. How hot is it?
Terribly hot.
Adverbs (cont.)
A preposition describes a relationship
between other words in a sentence.
 Prepositions are nearly always combined
with other words in structures called
prepositional phrases
 A prepositional phrase consists of a
preposition, a noun or pronoun that
serves as the object of the preposition,
and, more often than not, an adjective or
two that modifies the object.
A conjunction is a joiner, a word that
connects(conjoins) parts of a sentence.
 Conjunctions: and, but, or, yet, for, nor,
Interjections are words or phrases used to
exclaim or protest or command.
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