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Nosotros Commands
Pone el verbo en la forma yo.
Quita la –o.
Pone las terminaciones:
-er / -ir
Por ejemplo
Yo como
Comamos, No comamos
yo hablo
Hablemos, no hablemos
Irregulares – D I S H E S
Dar = demos, no demos
Ir = vayamos, no vayamos
Saber = sepamos, no sepamos
Haber = hayamos, no hayamos
Estar = estemos, no estemos
Ser = seamos, no seamos
Verbos de Cambio Radical
 Stem-changing
–ar/-er DO NOT change.
Por ejemplo: Cerremos la puerta.
 Stem-changing
–ir verbs change e-i or o-u.
Por ejemplo: No durmamos.
Pidamos la cuenta.
Verbos de Cambio Radical
 Pedir
 Repetir
 Sentirse
 Competir
 Medir
 Servir
 Vestir
 Conseguir
-car, -gar, -zar
-car  -quemos
 -gar,  -guemos
 -zar  - cemos
Saquemos, no saquemos
Lleguemos, no lleguemos
almorcemos, no almorcemos
Pronoun Placement (IOP/DOP)
Indirect and direct object pronouns are attached
to the end of affirmative commands.
Ej: Comprémoslos – Let’s buy them.
Indirect and direct object pronouns are placed
before negative commands.
Ej: No los compremos.- Let’s not buy them.
Pronoun Placement (Reflexives)
To add a reflexive verb to an affirmative
command the “s” must be dropped before
“nos” is added.
Ej. Let’s sit. = Sentémonos.
The reflexive pronoun goes before the verb in a
negative command.
Ej. Let’s not sit. = No nos sentemos.
Accents are placed on the “e” of –emo(s) and the
“a” of amo(s) in an affirmative command when
one or two pronouns are attached.
Ej. Let’s sell it to her. = Vendámoselo.
Let’s put them on. = Pongámonoslos.
Pronoun Placement
Indirect and direct object pronouns are attached
to the end of an affirmative command.
Ej. Wash it! = Lavadlo
 Accents are placed on –a(d), -e(d), or –i(d) of an
affirmative command when there are 2 pronouns.
Ej. Put them on! = Ponéoslos.
 Indirect and direct object pronouns go before
negative commands.
Ej. Don’t wash it! = No lo lavéis.
Pronoun Placement - Reflexives
To add a reflexive verb to an affirmative command
the “d” must be dropped before “os” is added. For –ir
verbs, this also requires an accent mark over the “i”.
Lie down! = Acostaos
Don’t lie down.= No os acostéis
Get dressed = Vestíos
Don’t get dressed = No os vistáis
One exception is irse. For irse ‘d’ is
NOT dropped.
irse = Idos