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Which of the following is a true statement:
A. All Arabs are Muslims
B. All Muslims are Arabs
C. Iran is an Arab country
D. None of the above
Which of the following is a true statement:
A. All Arabs are Muslims
B. All Muslims are Arabs
C. Iran is an Arab country
D. None of the above
During prayer a Muslim should face:
A. Mecca
B. Islamabad
C. Jerusalem
D. Washington, DC
During prayer a Muslim should face:
A. Mecca
B. Islamabad
C. Jerusalem
D. Washington, DC
Which of the following is a true statement:
A. Muslims believe Jesus is the son of God
B. Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet
C. Muslims do not believe Jesus existed
Which of the following is a true statement:
A. Muslims believe Jesus is the son of God
B. Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet
C. Muslims do not believe Jesus existed
Myth #1:
Most Muslims are Arabs
who live in the Middle East.
Of more than 1 billion
Muslims worldwide, only
about 1/5 are Arabs.
Myth #2:
Muslims have a strange religion
and worship a god called Allah.
Muslims are monotheistic
and worship the same one
God as Christians and Jews.
Myth #3:
Muslims believe it is ok to kill
civilians in a holy war or jihad.
Only Muslim extremists believe
this. Jihad. In Arabic it does
not mean "holy war”. It means
"struggle” or “strive”.
Myth #4:
Most Muslim women wear veils over their
faces and are treated very badly.
Muslim women have many different styles of
dress. (Very few cultures require women
to cover their faces.)
The treatment of women varies from country
to country and family to family.
Some Muslim countries, like Pakistan, have
had female prime ministers. The U.S. has
never had a female president.
The religion is called ISLAM.
The people are MUSLIMS.
MOSQUE is the place of worship.
QURAN is the book of prayer.
The Arabs trace their ancestors to
Abraham and his son Ishmael, who
were believed to have
built a shrine at Mecca
on the spot where Adam
laid a stone: the Kaaba,
whose cornerstone was
a sacred stone called the
Black Stone
Who was Muhammad?
571 ~ Muhammad born in Mecca.
622 ~ Hijra or Escape. Muhammad and
followers escape prosecution and go
to Medina.
‘Missionaries’ sent all over Arabia
Year 1 in the Islamic calendar
Who was Muhammad?
Muhammad came to believe that Allah
had revealed himself partially through
Moses (Judaism) and Jesus
(Christianity) and that Allah’s final
revelations were to him.
Who was Muhammad?
629 ~ Muhammad conquers Mecca
632 ~ Muhammad dies in Medina.
Unmarked grave.
Went to Heaven from Jerusalem
The Teachings of Muhammad
Islam is monotheistic.
Allah is the all-powerful creator of
Islam offers salvation and the hope of
an afterlife to its followers. PARADISE.
The Teachings of Muhammad
Muhammad is not considered divine, as
Jesus is in the Christian religion.
He is a prophet who conveys Allah’s
final revelations through the Quran.
The Holy Quran
Muslims believe the Quran is the direct
word of Allah revealed to Muhammad
Written and read in Arabic
The Quran written in Arabic.
What are possible
implications of this?
The Five Pillars of Islam
Profession of Faith: There is no god but Allah, and
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Daily Prayer: Pray five time times each day in the
direction of the holy city of Mecca.
Charity: Give alms to the poor.
Fasting: No food or drink from dawn until dusk
during the holy month of Ramadan.
Hajj: Pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.
Profession of Faith
There is no god but Allah,
and Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.
The Flag of Saudi Arabia
Daily Prayer
Pray time times each day in the
direction of the holy city of Mecca.
God is Great.
God is Great.
God is Great.
God is Great.
I testify that there is none worthy of worship except
I testify that there is none worthy of worship except
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Come to prayer!
Come to prayer!
Come to success!
Come to success!
God is Great!
God is Great!
There is none worthy of worship except God
Give alms to the poor.
No food or drink from dawn until dusk
during the holy month of Ramadan.
Eid al-Fitr means the Festival of Breaking the
The beginning of Ramadan is based on the
Islamic calendar and observing
the first waxing crescent moon.
Pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.
Dome of the Rock
Muhammad died in 632 and rose into heaven
from a holy rock in Jerusalem.
Christians believe Jesus gave sermons on the
Jews believe Abraham prepared the sacrifice
of his son Isaac on the same rock.
On the site Muslims built a mosque called the
Dome of the Rock.
Dome of the Rock
The Muslim World
Major groups of Muslims: Sunnis and Shi’ites
Most Muslims are Sunnis
Shi’ites are the majority in Iraq and Iran
Sunnis vs. Shi’ites
The caliph may be elected from the
Muslim community.
Shi’ites (Shia)
The caliph must be a descendant of
the family of Muhammad
”Surrender”, related to ‘salaam’, or peace.
Abraham, father of all prophets, is the first Muslim
Islam is also a code for social conduct
Quran plus the authentic statements of Muhammad (Hadith) = Shareeha (constitution),
as Interpreted by Islamic scholars
• Muhammad is the last prophet (33: 40).
• Gabriel highest ranking angel
The Quran:
• Islam’s holy book, an inspired scripture. God’s word inspired to his messenger,
• 114 Chapters (chapter = Surah), 4 to >200 verses/chapter (verse = Aiyah)
• Confirms most narratives and prophets of the Jewish and Christian faiths
 Special place for Virgin Mary, the only female (the Chapter of Mary)
• Allah is the word for God used by Christian and Muslim Arabs
 God = Allah (Arabic) = Eluhim (Hebrew) = El (Aramaic)
• One and only one God, no trinity
• Arabic as the language of the Quran