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Section 1
The Rise
of Islam
The Arabs
 The Arabian Peninsula is a desert land. Arabs
were nomads who moved constantly to find food
and water. Organized into tribes with a Sheikh
in charge.
 Were 1st shepards and raiders of trading
caravans. Then became traders.
 Trade route developed between Makkah
(Mecca) and Yemen. Towns prospered along
 Tensions developed between wealthy merchants
and Bedouins (Arabs in the desert). The
merchants were showing less and less concern
for the welfare of their poorer clanspeople and
 Began as polytheistic. Traced ancestors to
Abraham and his son Ishmael, who were
believed to have built at Makkah (Mecca) the
Kaaba, a house of worship whose
cornerstone was a sacred black stone.
 1 supreme god, Allah (Arab for “God”). Also
worshipped other tribal gods.
 Problems with Mesopotamia and Egypt
allowed the Arab trade route to prospered
and became more popular.
The Life of Muhammed
 Born in Makkah in 570. Became a caravan
manager. Concerned about the gap
between rich merchants and Makkans.
 Went to meditate & believed that Allah
revealed to him his beliefs. These were
written down into the Quran, the holy
scriptures of Islam (“peace through
submission to the will of Allah”).
 People who practice Islam are Muslims.
 They believe that there was only 1 God,
 Most people didn’t accept Muhammad’s
revelations. So he & his followers moved
to Yathrib, later renamed Medina (“city of
the prophet”). This journey became known
as the Hijrah in 622.
 Submission to the will of Allah meant
submission to his prophet, Muhammad,
who became both a political & religious
leader. He formed a military and took over
Mecca. They converted to Islam.
 Muhammad died in 632.
The Teachings of Muhammad
 Islam is monotheistic. Allah created the
universe and everything in it.
 Muhammad was a prophet, not divine. Allah
sent his final revelation through Muhammad
since his earlier prophets had been
 Five Pillars of Islam
1. Belief in Allah & his prophet Muhammad.
2. Standard prayer 5 times a day & public
prayer on Fridays at midday.
3. Giving alms, such as food & money, to the
4. Observance of the holy month Ramadan,
including fasting from dawn to sunset.
5. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once
in a lifetime called the hajj.
 Islam is a way of life. Shari’ah is a set of
laws to regulate daily life.
 Muslims are forbidden to gamble, eat pork,
drink alcohol, or engage in dishonest
Section 2
The Arab Empire
and its
Creation of an Arab Empire
 When Muhammad died, he had not named a
successor. This created a problem.
 They elected his father-in-law, Abu Bakr & named
him caliph.
 He began raiding their enemies to expand the
movement. Became known as jihad “struggle in
the way of God”. Soldiers believed that if they died
in battle, they were assured a place in Paradise.
 Conquered the entire Persian empire. Conquered
people were not expected to convert, rather be
loyal to Muslim rule & to pay taxes.
 After Abu Bakr died, the next 3 caliphs were
The Umayyads
 661, Gen. Mu’awiyah became caliph. Used
force when only necessary. He made the
office hereditary. Created the Umayyad
 Arabs conquered the Berbers in N. Africa.
Tried to conquer Spain, but lost in the Battle
of Tours in Gaul. Expansion in Europe
 Non-Muslims felt they were treated unfairly.
Hussein, led a revolt that split Islam into 2
groups: The Shiites, who accepted
descendents of Ali as true caliphs and The
Sunni, who accepted descendents of the
Umayyads as caliphs.
The Abbasid Dynasty
 750, Abu al-Abbas overthrew the Umayyads.
 Built new capital at Baghdad on the caravan
route from the Mediterranean to central Asia.
 Muslims could hold civil & military offices,
regardless of their ethnic backgrounds.
 During the Golden Age of the Abbasid,
Harun al-Rashid was known for his charity.
Period of great prosperity.
 A vizier, advised the caliph and helped rule
the empire. His sons fought over who would
succeed him. Abbasid Empire broke apart.
The Seljuk Turks
 The Fatimid dynasty in Egypt created an army
of soldiers from other countries to fight for them.
 The Seljuk Turks were nomads from central
Asia. Converted to Islam. 11th century took over
the eastern provinces of the Abbasid Empire.
Took over Baghdad and took command of the
 Sultan (“holder of power”) became the political
and military leader. Abbasid was religious
 Defeated the Byzantines when they attacked.
Took over most of Anatolian peninsula.
The Crusades
 The Byzantine Emperor, who was Christian,
asked for help against the Turks.
 1096, a series of crusades began. They
conquered areas & established crusader
 Saladin, made himself Sultan after taking
control of Egypt, ended the Fatimid dynasty.
Attacked the crusader states. Invaded
Jerusalem and destroyed the Christian army
 Crusades ended and led to centuries of
mistrust between Muslims & Christians.
The Mongols
 13th century had the Arab Empire being attacked
by the Mongols.
 From the Gobi, they were destructive and cruel.
Goal was to create so much terror that people
would not fight back.
 Seized Persia & Mesopotamia. Hulegu hated
Islam so he destroyed Baghdad. Unable to
conquer Egypt.
 Cairo becomes new learning center of Islamic
 Mongols later converted to Islam and rebuilt
many of the cities they had destoryed. Mongol
Empire split into separate kingdoms.
 End of the old Islamic Empire.
Section 3
Prosperity in the Islamic World
 Trade flourished under the Abbasid
dynasty. Development of banking and the
use of coins made it easier to buy/sell
 Sahara- gold & slave
 China- silk & porcelain
 E. Africa- gold & ivory
 SE Asia & India- sandalwood & spices
 Egypt- grain
 Iraq- linen, dates, precious stones
 India- textile goods
 Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus became great
trading cities.
 Bazaar, or covered markets were important
part of every city/town.
 Most people still lived in the countrysides.
Lived by farming & herding. Peasants owned
most of the farmland.
 Later, wealthy landowners began to create
large estates.
Islamic Society
 Belief that all people are equal in the eyes of
Allah. But not true.
 Ruling families, government officials, and
wealthy merchants were the upper class.
 Slaves, because they were non-Muslims
were never considered equal.
 Slaves served in the army & in households.
Could buy their freedom. Should be treated
fairly. Considered a good act to set them
 Women were not considered equal.
Expected to be treated with respect by men.
Had right to inherit/own property. Expected
to be good wives/mothers. Had a male
 Parents arranged marriages.
 Men could have more than 1 wife, but no
more than 4. Had to pay dowry (a gift of
money/property) to their brides.
 Women stayed home. Covered nearly all of
their body when in public.
Section 4
The Culture
Preservation of Knowledge
 Arabs translated works of Aristotle and Plato
& put them into the House of Wisdom in
 12th century, translated into Latin and taken
to Europe.
 Texts on math were brought from India.
 Paper brought from China in 8th century.
 Paper factories built in Baghdad to help
preserve the knowledge.
Philosophy, Science, & History
 Islamic scholars made great contributions in
math & science.
 Adopted & passed on numerical system of
India. In Europe, became known as “Arabic”
 Set up observatory in Baghdad & named
many stars.
 Iranian mathematician created algebra.
 Improved the astrolabe.
 Developed medicine as a field of scientific
 Ibn Sina wrote a medical encyclopedia. He
stressed the contagious diseases.
 Ibn-Khaldun wrote Muqaddimah (Introduction
to History). Believed that civilizations go
through regular cycles of birth, growth, and
 Quran was the greatest work of literature.
 Rubaiyat and 1001 Nights (The Arabian
Nights) were both told orally and written
down later. Both are a collection of folktales,
fables, and romances, including Aladdin.
 Islamic art was a blend of Arab, Turkish, and
Persian traditions.
 Muslim Mosques were the greatest
 Minaret, was the tower that the muezzin or
crier calls the faithful to prayer 5 times a day.
 Most decorations consisted of Arabic letters,
abstract figures, and floral designs repeating
over & over in geometric patterns called