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(Intro Video)
• Born around 570 CE in a town called Mecca.
• Considered to be the greatest PROPHET of
Allah (God) by Muslims.
– Prophet = inspired teacher of the will of god
• Founder of the Muslim religion of Islam.
– Islam means submission – submission to Allah (God).
Pictures of Muhammad
and Allah
God is supposed to be the focus, not Muhammad or
Jesus or anyone else.
• Once Muhammad began preaching about Islam,
people began feeling threatened and ran Muhammad
out of Mecca.
• In 622, he fled to Medina.
– Original name was Yathrib.
– Renamed Medina (which means the city of the prophet)
• In 630, Muhammad led the people of Medina into
– Conquers Mecca and brought Islam to Mecca.
• Muhammad would die in 632 after a brief illness.
Islam the Religion
• Islam is a monotheistic religion like Christianity and
• The Qur’an (Koran) is the sacred text of the Islam
faith (comparable to the bible).
• Muslims believe Judeo-Christian prophets such as
Moses and Jesus, but believe Muhammad is the
greatest prophet.
• Five pillars of Islam
Five Pillars of Islam Song
Five Pillars of Faith
• All Muslims believe in the Five Pillars of
Faith and hold them as sacred.
One God
Daily Prayer
Alms (Charity) for the poor
Hajj (religious journey)
One God
• Muslims believe that there is one God
whose name is “Allah”.
– Arabic word for God.
Daily Prayer
• Muslims believe they must pray at least 5 times a
– Before sunrise, after sunrise, at noon, before sundown,
and after sunset.
• Face the city of Mecca (Kaaba) to pray
• Pray in a mosque (place of worship)
Black Stone of Kaaba
Alms (Charity) to the Poor
• Muslims believe in giving back to the poor
and helping those who are less fortunate.
– Other religions share similar views for charity
to poor.
• Muslims fast from sunrise till sunset during the
holy month of Ramadan.
• Ramadan is the holy season for Muslims, a time of
cleansing of the soul and sacrifice.
– 9th month of Islamic calendar
– Exception: ill, traveling, pregnant, breastfeeding,
diabetic or going through menstrual bleeding
– Refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids,
smoking, and engaging in sexual relations
• Every Muslim must take a Hajj during their
• A Hajj is a religious journey back to the
holy land of Mecca.
– Muslims worship at the mosque in Mecca.
– Thousands of Muslims complete the Hajj each
Five Pillars of Islam Song
Jihad (video)
• Many Muslims look at jihad, or effort in God’s
service, as another duty. It means a “struggle within
or struggle to introduce Islam to others”.
• Jihad is often translated as “holy war” because of
conquests that were made with military force.
Those who readily fight in the cause of God
are those who forsake this world in favor of
the Hereafter. Whoever fights in the cause of
God, then gets killed, or attains victory, we
will surely grant him a great recompense.
Qur'an 4:74
• Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right
• You must not mutilate dead bodies.
• Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
• Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire,
especially those which are fruitful.
• Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your
• You are likely to pass by people who have devoted
their lives to monastic services; leave them alone
Abu Bakr
Historical Turning Points
• 637 - Muslim conquest of Jerusalem and Damascus.
– Trading centers before rise of Islam.
• Death of Ali
– He was elected the fourth caliph in 656 CE. He
was fatally stabbed by a disillusioned follower.
Murder led to a permanent schism in the Islamic
– Schism: split in the Church
Divisions in Islam
• There are two main sects of Islam.
• This division began not long after the death
of Muhammad.
1) Sunni
• Believe the caliph (leader) should be chosen
by the Muslim community.
2) Shiite
• Believe the caliph should be a direct
descendant of Muhammad.
Historical Turning Points
• 732 - Muslim defeated at the Battle of Tours by
– Christian armies were led by Charles Martel.
– Stopped the spread of Islam into Western Europe
• 762 - Islamic capital moved to Baghdad.
– Capital moved several times, Medina to Damascus.
Historical Turning Points
• Fall of Baghdad to the Mongols.
– Ferocious assault on the city in 1258. They
burned buildings and slaughtered 50,000
inhabitants, including a caliph.
– Caliph: Islamic ruler, political successor of
Spread of Islam
• By 632, Islam began spreading throughout the
Arabian Peninsula and across Africa and Asia into
– Weak Byzantine and Persian Empires
• Expanded despite great distances, desert
environments, and mountain barriers.
– domestication of the camel enabled traffic to cross the
• Slavery not based on race
Diffusion along trade routes
Islamic Achievements (video)
1) Language
• Arabic alphabet
– Language of Islam
– Became the unifying language of the Middle East.
• Qur’an written in Arabic
• Helped to facilitate (make) trade across Islamic lands.
• Translated ancient Greek and Roman texts in Arabic.
– Later translated into Latin after being rediscovered by
Why did a unified (unite/bring together) language help
facilitate trade across the Islamic Lands?
Islamic Achievements
2) Mathematics
• Muslims adopted the Indian system of numbers
which utilized the concept of zero.
– Arabic Numerals
• Invented Algebra.
• Used math to build Mosques, survey land, design
pumps, and foundations.
Islamic Achievements
3) Science
• Chemist al-Razi identified diseases and created a
medical encyclopedia.
• Physician, Ibn Sina, described bodily functions and
diagnosed treatments for diseases.
Islamic Achievements
4) Literature
• Qur’an, first and greatest Islamic work, is still the
sacred text of Islam.
• “Arabian Nights” – collection of folk tales
– “One Thousand and One Nights” – another name
• Islamic civilization will also believe in the
importance of knowledge and construct
WISH – “One thousand and One Nights”
Islamic Achievements
5) Art and Architecture
• Calligraphy - elegant handwriting.
• Since the Qur’an banned representation of
living creatures
– calligraphy was used for decoration.
• Continued to create mosaics.
Architecture Continued
• Mosques - Adopted the domes and arches of the
Byzantine architecture.
– Holy churches of Islam.
– Face Mecca – the holy city of Islam.
• Perhaps the greatest Islamic building is the Dome of
the Rock in Jerusalem.
Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock