Download The First Pillar of Islam: Shahadah

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What groups or communities do you belong
to? Did you have to do or say anything special
to become part of that community? What was
Homework – for Tues
• DO a poster for a mosque explaining the
4th pillar: ZAKAT (duty to practice
charity). Include answers to:
What is Zakat?...
Why must Muslims pay Zakat?
Who is Zakat offered to?
How could the money be spent?
• Add detail and explain your points.
Learning Outcomes
• To describe what the Shahadah is
• To explain when the Shahadah is
recited and explain it’s importance.
• To evaluate why it is important to
declare faith. (L6)
Identify 3 reasons why
important. ,
Explain why the
important,using these 3
**How do you think you
could “act” on this
The Shahadah is the first
Pillar of Islam. Shahadah is the
Declaration of Faith.
Saying it, means that you
believe in Allah and his final
Prophet Muhammad.
You MUST believe it TO BE A
Muslim. It is the pillar on which
all the other pillars are based.
However, it is not enough just
to believe it. You must act on
what you believe.
The Shahadah - Islamic statement of
Listen to the Shahadah being recited in Arabic and
a) Write down the English version of it that you
b) Explain what it says about what you
a) Must believe
b) Must not believe
**how do you think this belief could change what
someone thinks about Jesus ?
When do Muslim’s recite the
"There is no God
but Allah, and
Muhammad is his
Converting to Islam:
(Becoming a Muslim)
• Reciting this statement
three times in front of
witnesses is all that anyone
need do to become a Muslim.
• A Muslim is expected to
recite this statement out
loud, with total sincerity,
fully understanding what it
When do Muslim’s recite the
• When a baby is born the
father will...
• Whisper it into the ear
baby so that it is the
first thing it hears.
"There is no God
but Allah, and
Muhammad is his
When do Muslim’s recite the
"There is no God
but Allah, and
Muhammad is his
• Teach it to their children
as soon as possible.
When do Muslim’s recite the
"There is no God
but Allah, and
Muhammad is his
• Repeat it several times
each day between getting
up in the morning and going
to bed at night.
When do Muslim’s recite the
• Muslims hope that they
will be the last words
that cross their lips
before they die.
"There is no God
but Allah, and
Muhammad is his
When do Muslim’s recite the Shahadah?
"There is no God but
Allah, and
Muhammad is his
Converting to Islam: they must say
the Shahadah 3 times in front of
witnesses, in total sincerity and
full understanding
When a baby is born the father will
..whisper it.. into the ear baby so
that it is the first thing it hears.
• the last words that cross their
Draw a life cycle from
birth to death add
DETAILED labels, and,
showing when Muslims
must say the ShAHADAH
Add in an extra arrow for
if someone converts in
from another faith
lips before they die.
several times each day
between getting up in the
morning and going to bed at
Teach it to their children as
soon as possible.
**Why is the Shahadah is the
“First of all the pillars” ?
Write the Shadahah in Moslem
Plenary: 3-2-1
• Summarise what you have learnt today in...