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By: David Lee Bintliff
Air is what we breathe. (Atmosphere)
Water is what we drink. (Hydrosphere)
Earth is what we walk on. (Lithosphere)
Inside the atmosphere is where we live.
• With out just one of them we would not
The total mass of earth’s hydrosphere is
estimated to be 1.4 x 10. tonnes (metric tons.)
The hydrosphere is located on earth’s surface
in lakes, rivers, and oceans.
The hydrosphere contains more than 1,000,000
creatures and maybe even more life.
The hydrosphere is filled with H2O (2
hydrogens and 1 oxygen.) Or as we like to call
it, water.
Without the hydrosphere life would seize to
• The water cycle starts out with
evaporation, then condensation, then
precipitation, after that infiltration, then it
goes to runoff.
• The Hydrosphere consists of all the earth’s
• Definition: The water filled base of the
• The lithosphere is the rocky layer of earth’s
• The Lithosphere is the earth’s crust and mantle
or the ground where we walk.
• When the plates underground move it causes
earthquakes or if under the sea a hurricane.
• Lithosphere is a Greek word Litho meaning rock
or earth, and sphere meaning anything round.
• The lithosphere is the layer of the earth that is
strong enough to flex rather than flow.
• Earth’s plate tectonics are when the
earth’s plates shift from their latest position
to another.
• Volcanism is where the volcano brings
magma from the earth’s mantle and make
lava in the volcano making it active.
• The continental drift is when all or maybe
a few of the earth’s continents start to part.
• Is located 375 miles in the air.
• If you go above the atmosphere you will
• There is no air above the atmosphere.
• The atmosphere protects us from the
harmful rays of the sun.
• Definition: The part of earth that contains
all of earth’s air.
• If the height is high the pressure will be low.
If the height is low the pressure is high.
• The first part of the atmosphere is the
troposphere, second is the stratosphere,
third is the mesosphere, fourth is the
thermosphere, and the last one is the
• It keeps out heat from the sun.
• To protect the earth from radiation.
• And to destroy space trash before it touches
earth’s surface.
• The Biosphere is the living part of the spheres.
• It contains all living organisms on earth.
• The Biosphere is a part of most of the spheres
like the hydrosphere has aquatic creatures.
The atmosphere has birds. The lithosphere
contains worms or moles.
• It contains Billions of billions of living organism
even some that even we don’t know about.
• The biosphere goes to the upper part of the
• The biosphere is in the upper atmosphere
down to the lower hydrosphere and it
contains every living organism.