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The Dynamic Crust
Topic 12
Topic 12 in Review Book
I. Evidence of Crustal
Original horizontality
A concept that assumes
that sedimentary rocks
(and some igneous rocks)
form in horizontal layers
parallel to Earth’s surface
These horizontal rock layers
are called
Rock layers that are not
horizontal are inferred to be
deformed by crustal motion
1. Folded rock layers are bent
or curved by pressing forces
2. Faulted rock layers are
offset along a zone of
weakness called a fault
3. Tilted rock strata are
slanted or tipped away
from horizontality
4. Displaced rock and fossils
found hundreds of meters
above sea level
indicate that the land has
been uplifted (raised up)
II. Consequences of
Crustal Motion
1. Mountain building
2. Earthquakes
An earthquake is a natural,
rapid shaking of the
lithosphere caused by
the release of energy stored
in rocks
Some earthquakes are
caused by faulting,
 some are associated with
lithospheric motion and
 some are associated with
movements of magma
The potential energy stored
in rocks is given off in
seismic waves
which travel outward from
the point of motion in all
The focus of an earthquake
is the starting point from
which the seismic waves are
 The epicenter of an
earthquake is the location on
the earth’s surface directly
above the focus
a. Analyzing Earthquake
There are three types of
seismic waves:
–P waves (primary waves)
–S waves (secondary waves)
–Surface waves
Properties of Seismic
 P waves are faster than any
other seismic wave when
traveling through the same
 Therefore, P waves will
arrive at a seismic station
In general, as the density of
the material increases,
the velocity of the seismic
waves increases
 As waves travel through
areas of differing densities,
they are
refracted (bent)
As pressure increases, the
velocity of seismic waves
 P-waves will travel through
solids, liquids and gases
 S-waves will only travel
through solids
Based upon this knowledge,
seismic data has led to our
understanding of the interior
of the earth.
 Based on the change in
direction of the p and s
waves, we believe that the
outer core of the earth is
Because seismic waves
reflect off dense rock within
the earth, they can be used
to locate
valuable rock and mineral
Locating the Epicenter
of an Earthquake
Epicenters are located by
using the velocity differences
(lag time) between P and S
Information from 3 stations
is needed
 The epicenter is where the
circles drawn for all 3
stations intersect
The farther an observer is
from the epicenter, the
longer it takes the seismic
waves to travel there
 The longer they travel, the
farther apart they get…
 The greater the lag time
Analyzing Epicenter
PA and SA: read seismogram
Lag time: subtract SA – PA
Distance: measure lag time
and slide and fit (use ESRT)
PT : go up and over from
OT : subtract PA - PT
An earthquake intensity
(Mercalli) scale can be used
to measure the effects on
humans and/or their
 As distance from the
epicenter increases, the
amount of damage
An earthquake magnitude
(Richter) scale measures the
strength of an earthquake…
 The amount of energy
released by the crustal
Risk Prevention
Proper planning can greatly
reduce damage, death and
injury from earthquakes
An individual should
remember to
drop, cover and hold…
 Drop down under a strong
object, cover your eyes. Hold
onto the strong object.
 DO NOT run out of the
Community planning
Inspecting the soil and
bedrock to ensure building
on solid ground
Retrofitting older buildings
to make them safer…such
as bolting buildings to their
foundations and crossbracing walls
Seismic sea waves or
Tsunamis are large ocean
waves formed due to a
disruption on the ocean floor
such as an earthquake,
volcanic eruption or rapid
b. Movement of Magma
When magma reaches the
surface of the earth, it
becomes lava
 A volcano is a mountain
made of extrusive igneous
A volcanic eruption is the
release of gases, lava and/or
lava rock onto the earth’s
surface or into the
People can be injured and
killed by
flowing lava, falling rock and
gases of extreme
Volcanic ash mixes with
water to create massive
mudslides and flooding
 Gases can cause immediate
death and/or long term lung
 Volcanic ash in the
atmosphere cools the earth
by blocking insolation
Monitoring methods
Satellites measure infrared
 Tilt meters measure
increases in slope caused by
magma inflating the volcano
Elevation benchmarks,
latitude and longitude
measurements and
topographic maps indicate
increases in elevation and
width associated with
Measurements allow enough
warning to develop
emergency action plans
including rescue and
evacuation routes
The regions surrounding the
Pacific Ocean contains many
features associated with
crustal activity and is
referred to as the
Ring of Fire
c. Earth’s Interior
Scientists infer most of the
properties of the earth’s
interior by studying seismic
The crust is the outermost
part of the earth which
includes the soil and
weathered and eroded rock
 The mantle is the mostly
solid region. It makes up
~80% of the earth’s volume
The interface between these
two regions is called the
which is short for the
Mohorovicic discontinuity
The lithosphere is the
combined area of crust and
rigid mantle. This is divided
into sections called plates
Another portion of the upper
mantle is the asthenosphere
which is believed to be made
of a plastic-like material that
is partly magma
Much of the magma and lava
is thought to originate here
Below the asthenosphere is
the stiffer mantle
The earth’s core is divided
into two parts.
 Because s-waves cannot
pass through the outer core,
it cannot be a solid nor a
gas; therefore it is believed
to be a liquid
Because of the great
pressure as well as the
increase in p-wave velocity,
the inner core is believed to
be solid
The crust is divided into two
 The continental crust makes
up the continents and
 The oceanic crust makes up
the crust beneath the oceans
Continental crust is
thicker and
less dense
than oceanic crust
Therefore, continental crust
granitic rock and oceanic
is basaltic rock
It is believed that the inner
and outer cores are made
mostly of iron and nickel.
This is believed based on the
composition of meteorites
and the presence of the
earth’s magnetic field
d. Plate Tectonics
A unifying model that
explains most major features
and events of the earth is
plate tectonics
which states that the earth’s
lithosphere is broken into
sections called plates. Their
movement and interaction
produce the major changes
in the earth’s surface
 The plates move at a rate of
~3 cm/year
Plate boundaries
A divergent plate boundary
occurs when two plates
move apart.
 At this boundary, magma
rises up to fill in the space
 This separation is sometimes
called seafloor spreading
A convergent plate boundary
occurs when two plates
 Subduction occurs when one
plate sinks under another
 This can result in ocean
trenches and volcanic island
A long, steep, narrow
depression is called an ocean
trench and forms at
convergent boundaries
 Very deep earthquakes occur
at subduction zones
Magma formed from
subduction can create island
arcs or young mountains
 When two continental plates
collide, the plate edges
bunch up together creating
thickening of the crust and
Orogeny refers to times of
mountain building
 A transform boundary occurs
when two plates slide past
one another. This dragging
builds up potential energy
which is eventually released
as kinetic energy as
The San Andreas Fault is an
example of this type of
sliding boundary
Convection Currents
Convection currents drag or
push plates creating plate
 The energy source for this
motion is the heat of the
earth’s interior
Hot spots are regions of
volcanic activity located
away from plate boundaries
It is believed that hot spots
occur where rising magma
stays stationary and the
plate moves over it.
 The intense heat melts its
way to, or near, the surface
becoming sites of volcanic
Because the plates move, a
series of volcanic mountains
form for miles.
Continental Drift
The outlines of the
continents appear to
fit together like pieces of a
jigsaw puzzle
The ancient supercontinent
began splitting apart ~250
million years ago
In 1912, a German scientist
named Alfred Wegener
proposed that the continents
have moved from one
location to another
throughout time.
Supportive evidence
Similarities in
minerals, rocks, fossils, age
and structural features
are found where the
landmasses were once
One example is the fossilized
remains of Mesosaurus – a
small freshwater reptile.
 Fossils of this reptile are
found in both South America
and Africa
Evidence of hot climates at
the poles
and cold climates at the
implies that plate
movements have changed
the positions of Earth’s
The farther from the center
of an ocean ridge a sample
is taken,
the older the sample is found
to be
Heat measurements show
as distance from an ocean
ridge increases
A process called
reversal of Earth’s magnetic
tells us that the earth’s
magnetic field has reversed,
or flip flopped, hundreds of
times throughout Earth’s
Normal polarity
is when magnetic north is
near geographic north
 Reversed polarity
is when magnetic north is
near geographic south
There is a pattern of
corresponding stripes of
normal polarity alternating
with reversed polarity
located on either side of the
mid ocean ridge