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Earth’s Layers
Chapter 2,
Earth Layers
The Earth is divided into four main
*Inner Core
*Outer Core
The Crust
* The Earth’s crust is like
the skin of an apple. It
is very thin compared to
the other three layers.
*The crust makes up 1% of
the Earth.
* The crust of the Earth is
broken into many pieces
called plates.
The Mantle
The mantle is the
layer below the
The mantle is the
largest layer of the
The mantle is
divided into two
regions: the upper
and lower sections.
Outer Core
* The core of the
Earth is like a ball
of very hot metals.
* The outer core is
* The outer core is
made up of iron and
is very dense.
Inner Core
* The inner core of
the Earth has
temperatures and
pressures so great
that the metals are
squeezed together
and are not able to
* The inner core is a
How deep are the layers?
Crust: 3-43 miles deep
 Mantle: about 1,790 miles
 Outer Core: about 1,410
miles deep
 Inner Core: about 750 miles
Which layer is the hottest?
Inner Core-may be as hot as the sun
What are Plates?
Continent-sized slabs that make up
the crust and the mantle
Plates are constantly moving, very
Plates Move:
Away from each other
 Toward each other
 Past each other
When Plates Move Together
Mountains or Volcanoes
are formed
Volcano Eruption
When Plates Move Past
Each Other
Earthquakes occur
Railroad tracks after an
For Discussion
What are the four layers
of the earth?
 Crust, Mantle, Inner and
outer Core
 On which layer do we
 Crust
Which is the thickest
 Mantle
 Which layer is the
 Inner Core
How often do earth’s
plates move?
 They are in constant
 At what speed do they
 Slowly (only a few
centimeters per year)
What is formed when
plates move together?
 Mountains and
 What happens when
plates slide past each
 Earthquakes occur.