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An earthquake is ground movements that
occur when blocks of rock in Earth move
suddenly and release energy.
Earthquakes occur along fault lines.
◦ Faults are breaks in Earth’s crust where blocks of
rock slide past each other.
As the plates move, pressure builds up near
their edges, causing fault lines.
The Focus is the place beneath Earth along a
fault line where a block of rock breaks
causing an earthquake.
The Epicenter is the exact spot on Earth’s
surface directly above the focus.
A wave is a disturbance in an substance that
transports energy from one place to another.
Seismic waves are vibrations given off by
Earthquakes that cause ground movements.
◦ When blocks of rock break, the released energy
travels in seismic waves.
Body waves (travel through Earth)
◦ P waves (primary waves) travel through solid, liquid,
and gas because they move in a back and forth
direction (slinky).
 fastest
◦ S waves (secondary waves) can only travel through
solids because they move up and down.
 Second Fastest
Surfaces Waves
◦ Only travel along Earth’s Surface.
◦ Travel back and forth and up and down.
◦ Slowest.
A seismograph is a tool used to measure the
size of an Earthquake based on seismic
The Richter Scale measures the ground
motion of Earthquakes.
◦ A scale of 1-10 where each magnitude increase is
equal to 10 times the ground movement.
The moment magnitude scale
◦ The modern rating system which measures the
energy output of an earthquake.
Mercalli Scale
◦ Measures earthquakes by the amount of damage
they produce. (intensity)
Stress is pressure on a block of rock causing
it to bend and break (caused by Earth’s
Tension stress stretches rock, making it
thinner. (occurs at Divergent Boundaries)
Compression stress shortens and squeezes
rock. (occurs at Convergent Boundaries)
Shear stress pushes different blocks of rock
past each other. (Occurs at Transform
Faults are breaks in Earth’s crust where blocks of
rock slide past each other.
Normal fault
◦ Caused by tension and can be found at divergent
Reverse Fault
 Are a result of compression and can occur at
convergent plate boundaries.
Strike Slip Fault
 Caused by shearing and can be found at transform
The Law of Superposition
◦ If rock layers are undisturbed, the youngest will be
on top. Rocks will get older the deeper you get into
the crust.
◦ Sediments are continuously deposited on top of
each other.
◦ If rock layers are undisturbed, the deeper you get
the older the rocks, fossils, etc. are.
When rock layers are disturbed or changed,
the oldest is not always found on the bottom.
◦ Folding, faulting, and the rise of magma change
rock layers.
◦ Anytime igneous rocks cut across sedimentary rock
layers, they are the youngest.
◦ This causes the law of superposition to be incorrect
at times.
The movement of Earth’s Plates and
convection currents causes the rock cycle.
◦ Zones of subduction form magma, which rises and
creates igneous rocks.
◦ Zones of subduction also create metamorphic rock,
exposing rocks to extreme heat and pressure.
◦ When mountains are formed, they will weather,
creating sediments and sedimentary rock.