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What is biotechnology?
 Recombinant DNA
• combining DNA from different organisms
• Restriction enzymes cut DNA into pieces
• DNA ligase splices pieces into plasmids or other cloning vectors
How to form recombinant DNA?
 Recombinant DNA can be cloned by inserting it into host
cells such as bacteria
 host cell divides
• forms huge populations of genetically identical daughter cells
• each clone has a copy of the foreign DNA
What is complementary DNA (cDNA)?
 RNA cannot be cloned
 Reverse transcriptase
(viral enzyme) converts
single-stranded RNA into
cDNA for cloning
 HIV works this way!
What is DNA sequencing?
 DNA sequencing
• Reveals order of bases in a
piece of DNA
• Uses DNA polymerase to
partially replicate a DNA
How to analyzing DNA ?
 DNA Fingerprints
 Number and distribution
of copies of a short DNA
sequence is unique in each
• Revealed by gel
electrophoresis (DNA
• separates fragments into
bands by length
What is genomics?
 Genomics
• study of human genome
• genomes of several
organisms are equenced
 Comparative genomics
• similarities and differences
between different
• predictive tool in research
Some genetically engineered results!
 bacteria -medicine, agriculture,
industry, and ecology
 corn hybrid- better yield
 fish, mouse for green fluorsecent
 pig, monkey -experiments