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The Appendicular Skeleton
3 parts
The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
 Composed of two bones
 Clavicle –
 Scapula –
 These bones allow the upper limb to
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Shoulder Girdle is very light because:
Bones of the Upper Limb
 The arm is formed by
 What type of bone is this?
The forearm has two bones
anatomical position
radius is
thumb side of forearm
Connected by
The hand
– wrist
– palm
– fingers
3 bones in each finger except for thumb
Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
(2 coxal bones)
 Composed of three pair of fused bones
– (ilia) connects
posteriorly with sacrum
– ‘sit down bone’;
inferior part of coxal
– (pubis) most
anterior part
 Important functions
 Protects
 Reproductive organs
 Urinary bladder
 Part of the large intestine
 Hip bones, sacrum and coccyx form the
 Pubic bones fuse to form the
Gender Differences of the Pelvis
True versus false pelvis
 Women
 True pelvis is larger to be able to allow the
infant’s head to pass
Bones of the Lower Limbs
 The thigh has one bone
– thigh bone
 Heaviest and strongest bone in the body
 Slants medially as it runs downward to bring
the knees in line with center of gravity
The leg has two bones
– shinbone – larger and more
– smaller and distal end forms the
outer part of the ankle at the lateral malleolus
 Interosseous membrane connects the two bones
The foot
– ankle
 Body weight is supported by
(heelbone) and
– sole
– toes; 3 bones on each toe except
big toe
Arches of the Foot
 Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong
 Two longitudinal; medial and lateral
 One transverse