Download Web Quest’ Your Next Student Project

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‘Web Quest’ Your Next
Student Project
•Create a project that is student-centered
•Require students to use higher-level thinking skills
•Integrate technology use with your curriculum
•Simplify your teaching role to facilitator/evaluator
What is a WebQuest?
• An inquiry-based lesson in which most or
all the information that learners use comes
from the World Wide Web.
• Examples:
• Geometry in Art & Architecture
• Birds of Another Feather
• Biomes WebQuest
• Colonial Web Quest
Web Quest Structure
•Combination of group and individual work
•Students often have defined roles within
the group
•Students make connections to self or
other real-life situations
•Student-centered and Inquiry-based
Student-centered / Inquiry–based,
Constructivist Learning
• Inquiry-based Learning
• Concept to Classroom
• Constructivist Education
“ Inquiry is an approach to learning
that involves a process of exploring
the natural or material world, that
leads to asking questions and
making discoveries in the search for
new understandings.”
• Constructivist Blog
• Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Bloom Revised
Constructivism - The term refers to the
idea that learners construct knowledge
for themselves---each learner
individually (and socially) constructs
meaning---as he or she learns.
Creating Your Own WebQuest
• Create document in MS Word
• Follow the basic WQ structure
• Ensure standards are met and students are
challenged to think critically
• Design an evaluation rubric
• ‘Save’ as a Web Document
• Load on to your web page
• Resources for Creating a Web Quest
Finding Good Web Quests
• Go to Library Homepage > Teacher Resources
and scroll down to “Web Quest Sites”