* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Kids Quest: Where Fun Begins! Kids Quest Located at Mohegan Sun Casino 860-862-8150 [email protected] Kids Quest activity center is filled with a variety of activities for kids (up to 12 years old) to enjoy. There is the Karaoke Star Stage, gym for group games, video and arcade games, arts and crafts, creative play activities and an indoor playground. The two-hour birthday party includes 90 minutes play time and 30 minutes for cake and gift opening. The cost is $13 per child and the birthday child is FREE (with a minimum of five additional children). The birthday child receives a special gift, and each child gets a $2 Cyber Quest Club Card to use in the arcade next door. The group gets free soda. A party captain conducts games and oversees the party. Call for more details or to book your party!