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How to be E-safe
To know how to use Technology responsibly in
today’s world.
To create a Responsible use of Technology poster
suitable for your Form Room
What is the Technology we are
talking about?
 Internet
 E-mail (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)
 Chatrooms
 Web Sites
 Web Searches (google, yahoo, etc.)
 Social Web sites (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
What is the Technology we are
talking about?
 Mobile Phones
 E-mail (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)
 Chatrooms
 Instant messaging (BBM, etc.)
 Web Searches (google, yahoo, etc.)
 Social Web sites (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
What is the Technology we are
talking about?
 Tablet Computers (iPad, iPod Touch,Galaxy Tab, etc.)
 E-mail (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)
 Chatrooms
 Instant messaging (BBM, etc.)
 Web Searches (google, yahoo, etc.)
 Social Web sites (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
Issues with these Technologies
 Bullying
 Theft of confidential information
 Access to inappropriate images
 Someone pretending to be you:
 Send inappropriate e-mails/images/etc.
 Buying goods
 Illegal downloads.
What you can do online
 Browse the Web
 Search the Web
 Send and receive E-Mails
 Chat online
 Buy and sell
 Download Music and Video
 Watch TV, listen to the Radio.
 Do enjoy your time online
 Do communicate with your friends
 Have fun.
 Don’t give out your personal E-mail address other that to
family and friends
Never open attachments unless you know and trust the
sender. They could contain viruses or nasty messages
Use a separate family e-mail address for competitions, or
purchases on the internet.
Never reply to spam or ‘unsubscribe’ – you could end up
getting more spam.
Post inappropriate images to the Web
 Using the Information that you have just heard Create
a publication about responsible use of technology for
other young people.
 Your publication must include
 The Risks
 How to prevent risk
 Where to go for help and advice