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Understand how allele frequencies can
show evolution in a population.
 Individuals
have variations but they do not
 The smallest scale (microevolution) shows
change in allele frequencies in a population over
 Causes of evolution:
Natural selection (fittest organisms)
Genetic drift (random catastrophes change allele
Gene flow (movement of alleles between populations)
 Genetic
Diverse, inheritable traits set the stage for
Variation within a population
Variation between populations
 Sources
of Genetic Variation
Formation of new alleles by mutation
Chromosomal alterations (deletion, duplication,
translocation, etc.)
Sexual reproduction (crossing over, independent
assortment, and fertilization).
gene pool is a summative of a population’s
 Allele frequency is the number of times one
allele appears in the gene pool.
# of time allele is present/total # of alleles
Ex: 500 flowers = 320 Red (RR) + 160 pink (RW) + 20 White (WW)
Total alleles = 1,000 (each individual has 2 alleles)
 640 + 160 = 800 red alleles
 160 + 40 = 200 white alleles
 Frequency of red = 800/1000 = 80%
 Frequency of white = 200/1000 = 20%
control to compare evolving populations to.
 H-W Equilibrium
Large population
No movement into/out of population
No mutations
Random mating
No natural selection (no beneficial/lethal
= dominant allele frequency
 q = recessive allele frequency
 p2
+ 2pq + q2 = 1
 AA + Aa + aA + aa = 1
 Applying the H-W Equation
See if evolution is happening (allele frequencies
This can be used to calculate the number of
heterozygotes vs homozygous dominant individuals
Natural Selection
 Nonrandom mating
Traits allow you to have more offspring.
Ex: sexual dimorphism: males are elaborately
decorated to attract mates.
Animation: Causes of Evolutionary Change
Right-click slide / select “Play”
© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Genetic Drift
 Random changes in allele frequencies over time,
reducing variation.
 Bottleneck Effect
An event causes a loss of the majority of a population.
 Founder
A few individuals leave to start a new population
Gene Flow
 Reduces differences between populations by
sharing of gametes across them.
Modes of Selection
 At any moment, populations show a normal
curve for most traits.
 This curve can change in 3 ways depending
on how the environment selects for a trait.
Original population
Phenotypes (fur color)
Directional Selection
 Common when environment changes.
 One of two extremes is favored.
EX: Increase size of bears during ice ages
Disruptive Selection
 Both extremes are favored while average
EX: beak size in finches (large for hard seeds and
small for soft)
Stabilizing Selection
 Extremes disappear increasing the intermediate.
EX: birth weight of babies