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Genetics Test Review
Test Date: Friday, February 12, 2016
_B_1. heredity
_F_2. traits
A. Hidden when the dominant trait is present
B. Passing of traits from parent to offspring
_D_3. genetics
C. Trait always shows up in organism when it is
_E_4. allele
D. Study of heredity
_C_5. dominant allele
E. Different forms of a gene
_A_6. recessive allele
F. Physical characteristics passed from parents to
_H_7. genotype
G. Physical description of an organism
_G_8. phenotype
H. Letter combinations showing the alleles for an
9. Fill in the correct term that matches the
picture below.
10. Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
Sexual or Asexual
Sexual or Asexual
A Stratodorf is a bird-like animal that has feathers and flies. Stratodorf’s can be many colors varying from pink to
green to purple. These creatures require a mate to reproduce. The female lays eggs in a nest and the offspring
can be born featuring a variety of colors. Does the Stratodorf reproduce sexually or asexually?
Sexual or Asexual
11. Which type of reproduction would be
shown by the following picture?
A. How many parents are involved? 1
B. What will the offspring look like
compared to the parent?
12. Which type of reproduction would be
shown by the following picture?
Similar to the
parents, but not
13. Which type of reproduction results in
greater variety of offspring?
Sexual reproduction results in greater
variety, because the offspring are not
identical to the parents.
14. What do Punnett squares help us do?
They help us find the probability that a
certain trait will show up in the offspring
of two parent organisms.
15. Complete a Punnett square for the
following cross of two pea plants.
T = tall
t = short
Cross a homozygous dominant male with a
homozygous recessive female.
homo = “same”, so
homozygous dominant = TT and
homozygous recessive = tt
15, continued
A. What are the possible
B. What are the possible
phenotypes? tall
C. What percent of the
offspring will be Tt? 100%
D. What percent of the
offspring will be tall? 100%
E. What percent of the
offspring will be short? 0%
Question 16.
The ability to roll your
tongue is a dominant
trait. Explain why a
person who inherits
one allele for not
being able to roll
their tongue could
still be able to roll
their tongue.
Alleles come in pairs.
The person’s other
allele could be the
dominant one for being
able to roll their tongue,
and the dominant trait
always shows up when
it is present.
17. What would the genotype be for the person
in the above question?
R = tongue roller
r = non-tongue roller
We know one allele is r.
The person can roll their tongue, so the
other allele has to be R.
So the genotype must be Rr.
18. What alleles would a person who cannot roll
their tongue have?
The only way the recessive trait can show is for
the dominant allele to NOT be present.
The genotype has to be rr.
19. Spots in dogs
S = spots (dominant)
SS = spots
Ss = spots
s = no spots (recessive)
ss = no spots
21. Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
•sperm & egg
•diverse offspring
•offspring different
from either parent
•two parents
•cell dividing
•produce offspring
•ensures survival
•one parent
•genetically identical
to parent
•identical offspring
22. Why is GREGOR MENDEL considered the
“Father of Genetics”?
Through his work with pea plants, he discovered
dominant and recessive traits and how they are
passed from parents to offspring.
23. Explain where genetic material is stored.
Inside the cell is the nucleus.
The nucleus contains the chromosomes,
which are made up of DNA and contain genes.
24. What is an acquired trait?
It is a characteristic the
individual was not born
with but got after birth.
dyed hair
25. How are acquired traits different from
inherited traits?
Acquired traits are not
passed on to the
offspring of the
organism, because
they are not in the
26. Using a pedigree diagram
They are carriers of the trait.
There are no individuals in
Generation 1 that are affected.
The trait is recessive and can be
hidden by the dominant trait if it’s present.
E. Define the term generation.
A group of people that make up a
single step in the line of descent from
an ancestor.
27. Explain why siblings from the same
parents don’t always look identical.
Each sibling gets a
different combination
of genes from the
28. gene, chromosome, and nucleus
Genes are segments
of DNA, which
makes up
which are in the
nucleus of the cell.
Hey! I just saw
that on another
29. Sex-linked traits
Sex-linked traits are carried by one gender.
Ex: color-blindness is a trait linked to the
female sex chromosome
30. Genetic Material
Inherited traits
What other words
can YOU think of?
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