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Cluster analysis for microarray
Anja von Heydebreck
Aim of clustering: Group objects
according to their similarity
a set of objects
that are similar
to each other
and separated
from the other
Example: green/
red data points
were generated
from two different
normal distributions
Clustering microarray data
gene expression data matrix
n experiments
p genes
• Genes and
are given as the row
and column vectors of a
gene expression data
• Clustering may be
applied either to genes
or experiments
(regarded as vectors in
Rp or Rn).
Why cluster genes?
• Identify groups of possibly co-regulated
genes (e.g. in conjunction with sequence
• Identify typical temporal or spatial gene
expression patterns (e.g. cell cycle data).
• Arrange a set of genes in a linear order that
is at least not totally meaningless.
Why cluster experiments/samples?
• Quality control: Detect experimental artifacts/bad
• Check whether samples are grouped according to
known categories (though this might be better
addressed using a supervised approach: statistical
tests, classification)
• Identify new classes of biological samples (e.g.
tumor subtypes)
Alizadeh et al., Nature 403:503-11, 2000
Cluster analysis
Generally, cluster analysis is based on two
• Distance measure: Quantification of
(dis-)similarity of objects.
• Cluster algorithm: A procedure to group
objects. Aim: small within-cluster distances,
large between-cluster distances.
Some distance measures
Given vectors x = (x1, …, xn), y = (y1, …, yn)
 i i
• Euclidean distance: d E ( x, y) 
i 1
• Manhattan distance: d M ( x, y )  xi  yi .
i 1
• Correlation
dC ( x, y )  1 
 ( x  x )( y  y )
i 1
 ( x  x )  ( y  y)
i 1
i 1
x = (1, 1, 1.5, 1.5)
y = (2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.5) = 2x + 0.5
z = (1.5, 1.5, 1, 1)
• The choice of distance
measure should be based on the
application area. What sort of
similarities would you like to
• Correlation distance dc
measures trends/relative
dc(x, y)= dc(ax+b, y) if a > 0.
Which distance measure to use?
dc(x, y) = 0, dc(x, z) = 2.
dE(x, z) = 1, dE(x, y) ~ 3.54.
Which distance measure to use?
• Euclidean and Manhattan distance both measure
absolute differences between vectors. Manhattan
distance is more robust against outliers.
• May apply standardization to the observations:
Subtract mean and divide by standard deviation:
ˆ x
• After standardization, Euclidean and correlation
distance are equivalent:
d E ( x1 , x2 )  2ndC ( x1 , x2 ).
K-means clustering
• Input: N objects given as data points in Rp
• Specify the number k of clusters.
• Initialize k cluster centers. Iterate until convergence:
- Assign each object to the cluster with the closest center
(wrt Euclidean distance).
- The centroids/mean vectors of the obtained clusters are
taken as new cluster centers.
• K-means can be seen as an optimization problem:
Minimize the sum of squared within-cluster distances,
W (C ) 
1 K
2 k 1
C ( i ) C ( j )  k
d E ( xi , x j ) 2
• Results depend on the initialization. Use several starting
points and choose the “best” solution (with minimal W(C)).
Partitioning around medoids (PAM)
• K-means clustering is based on Euclidean
• Partitioning around medoids (PAM) generalizes
the idea and can be used with any distance
measure d (objects xi need not be vectors).
• The cluster centers/prototypes are required to be
observations: m j  xi j , j  1,..., K.
• Try to minimize the sum of distances of the
objects to their cluster centers,
 d (x , m
i 1
j (i )
using an iterative procedure analogous to the one
in K-means clustering.
K-means/PAM: How to choose K
(the number of clusters)?
• There is no easy answer.
• Many heuristic approaches try to compare the
quality of clustering results for different values
of K (for an overview see Dudoit/Fridlyand
• The problem can be better addressed in modelbased clustering, where each cluster represents
a probability distribution, and a likelihoodbased framework can be used.
Self-organizing maps
• K = r*s clusters are arranged as
nodes of a two-dimensional grid.
Nodes represent cluster
centers/prototype vectors.
• This allows to represent similarity
between clusters.
• Algorithm:
Initialize nodes at random
positions. Iterate:
- Randomly pick one data point
(gene) x.
- Move nodes towards x, the
closest node most, remote nodes
(in terms of the grid) less.
Decrease amount of movements
with no. of iterations.
from Tamayo et al. 1999
Self-organizing maps
from Tamayo
et al. 1999
(yeast cell
cycle data)
Hierarchical clustering
• Similarity of objects
is represented in a
tree structure
• Advantage: no need
to specify the number
of clusters in
advance. Nested
clusters can be
Golub data: different types of
leukemia. Clustering based on the
150 genes with highest variance
across all samples.
Agglomerative hierarchical
• Bottom-up algorithm (top-down (divisive)
methods are less common).
• Start with the objects as clusters.
• In each iteration, merge the two clusters
with the minimal distance from each other until you are left with a single cluster
comprising all objects.
• But what is the distance between two
Distances between clusters used for
hierarchical clustering
Calculation of the distance between
two clusters is based on the
pairwise distances between
members of the clusters.
• Complete linkage: largest distance
• Average linkage: average
• Single linkage:
Complete linkage gives preference to compact/spherical
clusters. Single linkage can produce long stretched clusters.
Hierarchical clustering
• The height of a node in
the dendrogram represents
the distance of the two
children clusters.
• Loss of information: n
objects have n(n-1)/2
pairwise distances, tree
has n-1 inner nodes.
• The ordering of the leaves
is not uniquely defined by
the dendrogram: 2n-2
possible choices.
Golub data: different types of
leukemia. Clustering based on the
150 genes with highest variance
across all samples.
Alternative: direct visualization of
similarity/distance matrices
Array batch 1
Array batch 2
Useful if one wants to investigate a specific factor (advantage:
no loss of information). Sort experiments according to that factor.
The role of feature selection
• Sometimes, people first select genes that
appear to be differentially expressed
between groups of samples. Then they
cluster the samples based on the expression
levels of these genes. Is it remarkable if the
samples then cluster into the two groups?
• No, this doesn’t prove anything, because the
genes were selected with respect to the two
groups! Such effects can even be obtained
with a matrix of i.i.d. random numbers.
Clustering of time course data
• Suppose we have expression data from different
time points t1, …, tn, and want to identify typical
temporal expression profiles by clustering the genes.
• Usual clustering methods/distance measures don’t
take the ordering of the time points into account –
the result would be the same if the time points were
• Simple modification: Consider the difference
xi(j+1) – xij between consecutive timepoints as an
additional observation yij. Then apply a clustering
algorithm such as K-means to the augmented data
• Usual clustering algorithms are
based on global similarities of rows
or columns of an expression data
• But the similarity of the expression
profiles of a group of genes may be
restricted to certain experimental
• Goal of biclustering: identify
“homogeneous” submatrices.
• Difficulties: computational
complexity, assessing the statistical
significance of results
• Example: Tanay et al. 2002.
• Clustering has been very popular in the analysis of
microarray data. However, many typical questions
in microarray studies (e.g. identifying expression
signatures of tumor types) are better addressed by
other methods (classification, statistical tests).
• Clustering algorithms are easy to apply (you
cannot really do it wrong), and they are useful for
exploratory analysis. But it is difficult to assess the
validity/significance of the results. Even “random”
data with no structure can yield clusters or exhibit
interesting looking patterns.
Clustering in R
• library mva:
- Hierarchical clustering: hclust, heatmap
- k-means: kmeans
• library class:
- Self-organizing maps: SOM
• library cluster:
- pam and other functions
• T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman: The elements of statistical
learning (Chapter 14). Springer 2001.
• M. Eisen et al.: Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide
expression patterns. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 95, 14863-8, 1998.
• P. Tamayo et al.: Interpreting patterns of gene expression with
self-organizing maps: Methods and application to hematopoietic
differentiation. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 96, 2907-12, 1999.
• S. Dudoit, J. Fridlyand: A prediction-based resampling method
for estimating the number of clusters in a dataset. Genome
Biology 3(7), 2002.
• A. Tanay, R. Sharan, R. Shamir: Discovering statistically
significant biclusters in gene expression data. Bioinformatics 18,
Suppl.1, 136-44, 2002.