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Methods, Part 2
February 9, 2012
Learning Outcomes
• Discriminate between different types of
microscopy, and justify their use for answering
research questions.
• Differentiate between conventional and confocal
fluorescence microscopy.
• Describe in writing how genes from different
organisms can be modified, inserted into, and
expressed in cells.
• Resolution: The minimum distance between
two objects that can be detected
– Defined by The Abbe Equation:
distance = _0.612 * λ_
– Visible light= 380-760 nm
– Best resolution of visible light
microscope: 200 nm
– Electron microscopes use
electron beam, wavelength
100,000 X shorter
• Contrast: The ability to interfere with the
illumination source
– Bright field microscopy uses dyes (“stains”) to
generate contrast
– H&E is
dye for
– Sample must
be dead
• Contrast: The ability to interfere with the
illumination source
– Phase contrast microscopy uses differences in
diffraction to generate contrast
– Image has grey background, black/white contrast
– Colored filters can
increase contrast a bit
– No dyes used, cells can
be alive when viewed
– Movies of cells!
Neuron in cell culture
Fluorescence Microscopy
• By far the most frequently used microscopy
technique in cell biology research
• Contrast generated by fluorescent (visible) light
emitted by target; background is black
– Excitation wavelength is always shorter then emission
– A “dichroic mirror” blocks excitation light, allows only
emission light to reach observer
• Can be used to visualize specific molecules
Fundamentals of Fluorescence
• A nice summary of fluorescence microscopy
• An explanation of confocal fluorescence
Basics of recombinant DNA technology
• Fundamental concept: Because DNA is
structurally identical in all organisms, it is
possible to combine DNA sequences from
different organisms, and insert the combined
DNA into any organism.
• Isolating DNA from cells is easy.
• Cutting DNA into pieces, according to DNA
sequence, is easy.
• Pasting the pieces together is easy, using DNA
• Putting the hybrid DNA into cells (formerly called
transfection) is easy but expensive.
Basics of recombinant DNA technology
• Most often, genomic DNA is not combined
together; instead, a DNA copy of a single gene,
called complementary DNA (cDNA) is used
– cDNA is derived from mRNA, so the introns have
already been removed from the gene, and the DNA is
thus smaller and easier to use.
• cDNA is frequently combined with a small
circular piece of DNA, called a plasmid, before
inserting it into a cell. The plasmid contains DNA
sequences that help control when and where the
cDNA gene will be expressed.
Basics of recombinant DNA technology
• It is becoming quite common to build hybrid genes,
which contain coding sequences for two entirely
different proteins. The product of these genes is
called a fusion protein.
• One of the most popular classes of fusion proteins is
genes fused to the gene that encodes Green
Fluorescence Protein (aka GFP) or its derivatives.
• GFP fusion proteins have revolutionized cell biology:
you can use fluorescence microscopy to track
specific proteins in living
– Those who discovered this gene and developed it for
research were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008.
All Hail, GFP
All Hail, GFP
All Hail, GFP
Fluorescent Histone Proteins in Living Cells