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Chemistry Of the
Human Being
Part 1: Organization of the
Human Body
Types of Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry: Deals with
substances that aren’t based upon carbon
 Also
known as General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry: Deals with
substances produced naturally by plants
and animals and contain carbon.
Organic Molecules
Basis of human structure and function.
 4 Primary Categories:
 Carbohydrates
 Lipids
 Proteins
 Nucleic
Chemical Elements
Chemical Element: The simplest form of matter
with its own unique chemical properties that
cannot be broken down by ordinary chemical
112 known elements
 92
occurring naturally
Each element is made up of atoms (which are
combinations of protons, neutrons, and
Chemical Element Structures
Central Nucleus
 Protons
(+ charge)
 Neutrons (no charge)
 Ps & Ns in equal numbers
Electrons: (- charge)
 Electron
1st Shell: 2 Electrons
 2nd Shell: 8 Electrons
 3rd Shell & Beyond: 18 Electrons
Periodic Table Information
Atomic Number: The number of protons
(same as neutrons).
 Atomic Mass: The number of protons
plus the number of neutrons in the atom.
 Isotopes: Contain a different number of
neutrons than protons. This doesn’t
change the charge of the atom.
Chemical Elements in the Human
24 elements important for human physiology
of these account of 98.5% of the human body’s
total weight.
Ion: Charged particle with unequal numbers of
protons and electrons.
Gains or loses electrons & develop an electronic
Cation: A particle that looses electrons and has
a net positive charge. Ex. Na+ (sodium)
Anion: A particle that gains an electron to
develop a net negative charge. Ex. Cl- (chloride)
Ions in the Human Body
4 Ions essential to human physiology
 Sodium:
 Chloride: CL
 Potassium: K+
 Calcium: Ca++
Molecules: Chemical particles composed of two
or more atoms.
 Atoms
united by covalent bonding (sharing an
electron pair).
 Atoms can be the same (O2) or different (CO2).
Compounds: Composed of atoms of two or
more different elements.
 Examples:
Water (H2O), Sodium Chloride (NaCL)
Free Radicals
Charged groups of atoms with an odd number of
Unstable and quick to combine with fats,
proteins and DNA.
 Converts
these into more free radicals which trigger
chain reactions that destroy nearby molecules.
Produced by…
 Some
normal metabolic reactions of the body
 Radiation (including ultraviolet light and x-rays)
 Harmful chemicals (tetrachloride cleaning solvent)
Antioxidants combat the chemical
damage of free radicals by neutralizing
their chemical reactions.
 Examples:
 Vitamin
E, Selenium, Vitamin C
Free Radicals have been linked to cancer,
diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and more.
Bonds: How atoms are held together to
form compounds and molecules.
 Chance
of bonding depends on number of
electrons in the valence (outer) shell. Atoms
prefer to have 8 electrons in the valence shell.
 Octet Rule: Atoms that have 8 electrons in
the valence shell are les likely to bond.
3 Basic Types of Bonds
Ionic Bond: Relatively weak attraction between
an Anion and Cation.
Covalent Bond: Much stronger bond consisting
of one or more shared electron pairs.
 Nonpolar
Bond: Shares the electrons equally.
 Polar Bond: Shares the electrons uneqyally.
Hydrogen Bond: A weak attraction between a
hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge and
a neighboring atom with a partial negative
charge. Best example is water.
Inorganic & Organic Compounds
Inorganic Compounds: A compound that
does not contain carbon.
 The
most important compound (essential for
life) is H20!
Organic Compounds: A compound that
contains carbon.
Inorganic Compounds
H20 is an important Inorganic compound
due to it’s…
 Solvency:
The ability to dissolve solutes
(other chemicals).
H20 known as a universal solvent because of its
high number of dissolvable solutes.
 Cohesion:
The tendency of molecules of the
same substance to cling to each other.
This causes the surface film of water known as
surface tension.
Inorganic Compounds
H20 is an important Inorganic compound due to
 Chemical
Reactivity: The ability of water to
participate in a wide variety of chemical reactions.
Hydrolysis reactions add water molecules to decompose
Dehydration removes water molecules to add small
molecules together.
 Thermal
Stability: Water helps stabilize the internal
temperature of the body.
Water has a high heat capacity so can absorb or release
large amounts of heat without changing its own temperature
a whole lot.
Organic Compounds
Fatty Acids
Hydrophilic (water-loving)
 Organic (contain carbon)
 Main source of energy production for
cellular chemical reactions
Typically have sacchar root word or ose as
a suffix.
 Composed of 2:1 ratio of hydrogen to
oxygen with carbon added in
Simple sugars composed of a single
carbon containing molecule.
 Includes:
 Glucose
(main blood sugar)
 Fructose (fruit)
 Galactose (milk)
Simple sugars composed of 2
monosaccharide molecules.
 Includes:
 Sucrose
(glucose + fructose; table sugar)
 Lactose (glucose + galactose; milk)
 Maltose (two glucose chains)
Complex sugars made of many
monosaccharide molecules.
 Glycogen: Energy-storage polysaccharide
in animals, stored in muscles and liver.
 Produced
by the liver after a meal and when
blood glucose is high.
 Liver breaks it down when blood glucose is
low to maintain homeostasis.
Lipids: Organic, hydrophobic (won’t dissolve in
polar solvents like water); composed of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen.
 Function
as a source of stored energy & components
of cell structures.
 Much more variable in structure than other
 Primary function to store energy.
 Provide thermal insulation
 Act as a shock-absorbing cushion for organs
 4 Primary Lipids in humans: Triglycerides,
phospholipids, eicosanoids, & steroids.
Lipids Important to the Human
Triglycerides: Most common lipid in the body &
the diet; stored as adipose tissue.
 Consists
of 3 fatty acids attached to glycerol.
 Fatty Acids:
Saturated: Full of hydrogen with a single bond between
carbon atoms; sold at room temperature.
Unsaturated: Room for hydrogen with double bonds
between carbon atoms; liquid at room temperature
Polyunsaturated: More than one double covalent bond
between carbon atoms.
Monounsaturated: One double bond between atoms.
Nonessential Fatty Acids: Can be synthesized by the
human body
Essential Fatty Acids: Must be obtained from the diet.
Lipids Important to the Human
Phospholipids: Any lipid containing
phosphorus, including those with a backbone
(base) or glycerol or sphingosine.
 The
major lipid in cell membranes.
Eicosanoids: Any physiologically active
substance derived from arachidonic acid.
 Includes
 Along with prostaglandins, plays an important role in
inflammation, blood clotting, hormone action, labor
contractions, and control of blood pressure.
Lipids Important to the Human
Steroids: Lipids composed of 4 rings of
carbon atoms and include cholesterol.
 Cholesterol
is necessary for human life & is a
building block molecule for all sex hormones,
adrenalin, and is an essential cell membrane
Proteins: “Proteios” is Greek for “of first
 Most
versatile molecules in the body
 Structural component of cells and tissue
 Are polymers (large molecules) of building blocks
called amino acids joined by peptide bonds.
Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
 Proteins
have complex coiled and folded structures
critically important to their function. Even slight
changes can destroy or change protein function.
4 Basic structural Formations:
 Primary:
Sequence of amino acids in polypeptide
chain (10-2000 amino acids joined together)
 Secondary: Two neighboring polypeptide chains held
together by hydrogen bonds.
 Tertiary: 3-dimensional shape of a polypeptide chain
 Quaternary: Arrangement of 2 or more polypeptide
chains in relation to each other.
Proteins have more diverse functions than other
macromolecules, including…
 Structural:
Keratin, elastin, and collagen provide
structural support
 Regulatory: Many hormones and neurotransmitters
regulate important body functions
 Catalysis: Most metabolic pathways of the body are
controlled by enzymes that function as catalysts
 Immunity: I.e., antibodies
 Contractile: Allow muscle to shorten and produce
movement (actin & myosin)
Mixtures: Consists of substances that are
physically blended together but NOT
chemically combined.
 The
chemicals mixed retain their own
chemical properties.
Can be Solutions, Colloids, or
Characteristics of Solutions
Dissolved solutes
 Mixed with an abundant solvent (such as
 Solvent is transparent
 Small particle size
 Solute evenly dispersed within solvent
Characteristics of Colloids
Mixture typically cloudy (opaque)
 Particles less than 100 nm
 Particles suspended but not dissolved
 Particles
typically small enough to remain
permanently mixed with the solvent so they
don’t settle
Most common colloid in the body is protein
 Examples
albumin in blood
 Milk is a colloid due to large proteins
Characteristics of Suspension
Suspended particles larger than 100 nm
 Particle size causes suspension to be
 Particles too heavy to remain permanently
suspended (will separate on standing)
 Example: Blood is a suspension of plasma
and blood cells
Acids & Bases: pH
pH scale:
 Ranges
from 0 to 14
 Denotes the level of Hydrogen ions (H+) &
Hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution.
 An equal number of H+ and OH- particles is a
neutral pH level of “7”.
 Acidic: More H+ than OH- (pH less than 7)
 Alkaline: More OH- than H+ (pH more than 7)
pH in the Human Body
Blood has a normal pH of 7.35 to 7.45
 Acidosis: pH below 7.35
 Alkalosis: pH above 7.45
Work & Energy
Energy & Work are the process of
breaking old bonds (releasing energy) and
forming new bonds (requiring energy).
 All
activities by the body require energy!
Four main types of energy are…
 Potential
 Kinetic Energy
 Chemical Energy
 Activation Energy
Potential Energy
Potential energy: Energy stored by
matter because of its position or internal
 Is
NOT doing work at this point in time.
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy: Energy of motion.
 Example: Heat!
 Heat
occurs because of molecular
 The more activity/motion occurs, the more
heat is generated.
Chemical Energy
Chemical Energy: Potential energy
stored in the chemical bonds of molecules.
 Found in all molecules sharing a bond.
Activation Energy
Activation Energy: The amount of energy
needed to allow an atom or molecule to
collide with another and cause a
disturbance of their valence electrons.
 Is influenced by amount of particles and
the environmental temperature.
 The
more particles & the higher the
temperature, the more likely a collision &
resulting chemical reaction is.
Activation Energy
The amount of particles in the body and the
normal temperature are not high enough to
trigger a life-sustaining rate of chemical
Catalysts: Substances that speed up the rate of
chemical reactions in the body by lowering the
amount of activation energy needed to start the
 Do
not alter the reactants or the products of the
chemical reaction.
Enzymes used as a catalyst in the human body.
Enzymes: Function as biological catalysts to
permit the biochemical reactions to occur rapidly
at normal temperatures.
 Substrate:
A reactant molecule onto which the
enzyme acts; each enzyme only binds to a specific
 Active Site: Part of the enzyme that catalyzes the
 Apoenzyme: Protein portion of an enzyme.
 Cofactor: Nonprotein portion of an enzyme.
Metabolism: The sum of all chemical
reactions in the body. Has 2 divisions:
 Anabolism:
Energy requiring reactions where
small molecules are bonded to form larger
AKA Synthesis or Endergonic Reactions
 Catabolism:
Energy releasing reactions
where large molecules are broken down into
smaller ones.
AKA Decomposition or Exergonic Reactions
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
The body’s most important energy-transfer
 Much of the energy used to synthesize
ATP comes from glucose oxidation.
 First stage of glucose oxidation is
glycolysis (meaning “sugar splitting”)
Glucose split into 2 Pyruvic acid molecules
If oxygen is not available than anaerobic metabolism
takes place (fermentation)
Produces lactic acid (toxic end product responsible for
muscle soreness & converted back to pyruvic acid by the liver)
Enables glycolysis to continue without oxygen
If oxygen is available, than aerobic metabolism takes
2 molecules of ATP produced, but most energy retained in the
pyruvic acid
Break pyruvic acid down into Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
Generates a total of 38 ATP
Glycolysis Anamation
Nucleic Acid
Nucleic Acid: polymers of nucleotides or
chains of repeating monomers
organic molecules containing carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and
 Deoxyribonucleic Acid
 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
Largest nucleic acid is Deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) that constitutes the human genome
 Provides
genetic code (instructions) for the
manufacture of all proteins
 Transfers genetic information from cell to cell when
cell division take place & from generation to
generation in reproduction
 Composed of a double-stranded helix containing 4
nitrogenous bases in set pairs:
Adenine (A) bonds to Guanine (G) in larger double-ring
bases known as purines.
Thymine (T) bonds to Cytosine (C) in smaller single-ring
bases known as pyramidines.
RNA translates the genetic information
from DNA into specific proteins.
 Single-stranded