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• Established in 1996
• Debt free public company
• Product distributed internationally
• Member of Direct Selling Association
• Enjoying double digit growth!
• Immunocal is a patented natural
supplement that is scientifically and
clinically proven to optimize your immune
There is simply no better way to enhance
your immune system.
• How does Immunocal work?
Immunocal provides your body with the
specific proteins needed to make
Glutathione, your body’s Master
• Immunocal provides all the essential
amino acids you need to live.
• Immunocal is healthier than any other
protein, and has the highest known
biological value.
• Immunocal is fat free; gluten free; lactose
free; sugar free; antibiotic free!
Immunocal optimizes your overall immune system, so
that your body can be strongest at fighting off the
widest variety of health challenges, such as:
Physical stress
Mental stress
Poor Diet
• The Benefits of taking Immunocal Daily:
– Optimize your immune system on a sustained
– A more resilient immune system prepared to handle
– Repair a weakened immune system.
– Actually slows the aging process by helping to
reduce “oxidative stress” and damage from free
– It helps in muscle performance and recovery.
• Simply put:
– Preventative Advantages:
Helps maintain good health by
strengthening the immune system.
– Restorative Advantages:
Restores immune function and accelerates
a return to good health.
• How can you be sure it works?
1. It is a medical and scientific fact! Taking
Immunocal is proven to raise glutathione and
improve immune response!
2. Immunocal is patented and globally recognized.
Government issued method of use patents from
the US, Canada, and over 20 international
• How can you be sure it works?
3. Immunocal is listed in the most trusted and
prestigious medical publications.
– The US Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR)
– The Canadian Compendium of Pharmaceutical
Specialties (CPS)
– The Pharmacist’s Red Book
How can you be sure it works?
4. Immunocal is recognized by some of the world’s
most respected PhDs and MDs.
– Dr. James F. Balch, prominent authority on nutritional
“It is my opinion that everyone should
be taking Immunocal, there is no better
way to boost your immune system”.
How can you be sure it works?
4. Immunocal is recognized by some of the world’s
most respected PhDs and MDs.
– Dr. Wulf Dröge. A world’s leading expert on immunology,
cell biology, antioxidants, and aging:
“Many studies… support the conclusion
that Immunocal is effective in maintaining
a strong immune system... people are well
advised to consume Immunocal regularly.”
How can you be sure it works?
4. Immunocal is recognized by some of the world’s
most respected PhDs and MDs.
– Dr. Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner, included an
entire chapter on Immunocal in his book!
“Immunocal functioning as a cysteine
delivery system can enhance
GSH syntheses...”
How can you be sure it works?
Immunocal has valid clinical research: proven, peer
reviewed and published in accredited medical journals.
Immunocal’s research has been studied in Human Clinical Trials.
Immunocal’s efficacy has been published in multiple accredited
medical journals.
Immunocal is subjected to INDEPENDENT verification and
reviewed by government agencies and medical professionals who
are experts in their field.
The US National Cancer Institute is presently funding a clinical trial
to determine the effects of Immunocal on stage IV lung cancer
How can you be sure it works?
6. Immunocal has a track record with hundreds of
thousands of customers who trust Immunocal to
strengthen their immune systems.
7. Many amateur and professional athletes trust
Immunocal to strengthen their immune systems,
improve muscle recovery time, and realize
performance improvements.
• How can you be sure it works?
From the US Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR):
Glutathione has multiple functions:
1. It is the major endogenous antioxidant produced by the cells
participating directly in the neutralization of free radicals,
and well as maintaining exogenous antioxidants such as
vitamin C and E in their active forms.
2. Through direct conjugation it detoxifies many foreign
compounds and carcinogens both organic and inorganic.
• How can you be sure it works?
From the US Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR):
Glutathione has multiple functions:
3. It is essential for the immune system to exert its full
4. It plays a fundamental role in numerous metabolic and
biochemical reactions. Every system in the body can be
affected by the state of the glutathione system, especially
the immune system, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal
system and the lungs.
Immunocal Platinum®
• Everything you find in Immunocal plus:
– CMPTM (Cytokine Modulating Proteins):
CMP can modulate the inflammatory response in cells and
tissues. Inflammation plays a critical role in the development
of many health problems.
– RMF (Redox Modulating Formula):
RMF includes a proprietary blend of naturally occurring citrate
minerals, which act to lower acidity levels in the body and
serve to support natural pH levels.
Immunocal Platinum®
• Who should take Immunocal Platinum?
– Baby Boomers and older individuals
– Athletes and people with daily
physical stress
– Individuals with serious
health challenges
Strong Supporting Product Line
Immunotec introduces
The New…
Probiotic with Cranberry - For the optimal health of
your digestive system, with antioxidant power for a
stronger immune defense. Improves mineral absorption.
Strong Supporting Product Line
Naturally Sourced Calcium from Milk – For total bone
nutrition. More than just calcium. It’s a complete milk
mineral complex with vitamin D, magnesium,
phosphorus, trace minerals and more.
Vitamin and Mineral with Resveratrol - Unique
multivitamin supplying full-spectrum needs, with
chlorella for all the trace elements required by humans.
Omega-3 with Turmeric - Combines two important
supplements for your health. Omega-3 essential oils
for cardiovascular protection and Turmeric for brain
function and longevity
Strong Supporting Product Line
Xtra Sharp - A unique, exclusive full-spectrum blend
of important minerals and herbs to provide sustained
energy. Packed with nutrients.
Magistral – Helps prevent prostate enlargement and
supports urinary health for men. Contains Saw
Palmetto, Ginseng, Ginko, and Damiana for sexual
Concentrated Tart Montmorency Cherry Juice Sleep better with the power of 1600 cherries per
bottle. The best source of natural melatonin and high
antioxidant levels.
Strong Supporting Product Line
F.I.T.T. Meal Replacement – For those wanting to
lose weight and those on-the-run, a complete nutrition
to fill you up the healthy way!
Thermal Action – Jump start your weight-loss
program; increase your metabolism and burn fat with
guarana, chromium, and green-tea extract including
antioxidant power for immune support.
PNT 200® – Lower your stress with the natural and
proven alternative to relief without the drawbacks of
“pharma” drugs. Support a healthy immune system by
keeping stress in check.
Explosive Category
• Aging baby-boomers represent the
largest demographic ever!
• Maintaining and improving health is
their top need.
• Immune support is a growing trend
projected for the next 15 years.
• Educated consumers are searching
for authentic products.
Network Marketing Model
Home-based business; go at your pace
Direct presentation of products and Business Opportunity
Industry represents billions worldwide!
No restrictions or ceiling on earning potential
A respected, successful and lucrative business model!
Immunotec Compensation Plan
Six Elements to the Plan
Compensation Plan
• Get started with Immunotec
– Recommend Immunotec products and talk with others who
want to do the same.
• Use our simple proven plan for success to
engage prospects who:
Take their health seriously
Want to take action to keep their immune system strong
Have an existing health challenge
Need to augment their income
Compensation Plan
• Take advantage of the growth power in
Simple Plan: Exceptional Compensation
• Get promoted and earn advancement
Simple Plan: Exceptional Compensation
• Here’s what residual
income and duplication
can mean for you!
– Everyone adds 4
– Average order size of $150
Why Immunotec?
A Product that works!
• Immunocal is scientifically proven to elevate and
optimize your Immune System.
• 30+ years of scientific research.
• Over 70 International method of use patents.
• 30+ peer-reviewed clinical studies and articles
– Including an acknowledgement of effectiveness by the 2008
Nobel Prize winner in medicine!
• Listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference as:
“Essential for the immune system to exert its full
• A product that can benefit everyone!
A Business that works!
• Immunotec is a 13 year old company that originally
focused on medical research and is now expanding to
get the word out!
• With aging baby boomers and rising health care costs,
the immune segment of the wellness industry is
growing rapidly; the timing is right.
• Immunotec is debt free, growing, and expanding
• Doesn’t it make sense to represent a product that is
ALL NATURAL, PROVEN TO WORK, and available to
help people with their health and wellness?
A Pay Plan that works!
• You CAN build a successful business behind the best
pay plan in the industry.
• You CAN earn fast-start bonuses beginning in your
first month!
• You CAN earn significant advancement bonuses as
you build and group your team.
• You CAN build a long-term residual income based on
a product that works AND a business opportunity that