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From Gene To Protein
Chapter 17
The Connection Between Genes
and Proteins
• Proteins - link between genotype
(what DNA says) and phenotype
(physical expression)
• Beadle and Tatum – 1st to make
connection between genes and
enzymes that carry out genes
through bread mold experiments.
• Bridge between DNA, proteins RNA.
• RNA similar to DNA - sugar ribose;
contains uracil instead of thymine.
• RNA single-stranded.
• Nucleotides found in DNA and RNA
- code - determines order of amino
• 2 steps - transcription and
• Transcription - DNA serves as
template for complementary RNA
• Transcription produces mRNA
strand (messenger RNA).
• Translation uses mRNA sequence to
determine order of amino acids creates polypeptide.
• Bacteria - transcription and
translation occur at once.
• Eukaryotes, most transcription
occurs in nucleus, translation occurs
at ribosome.
• Before primary transcript can leave
nucleus - modified during RNA
processing before enters
• Genetic code consists of triplet
code - series 3 nitrogen bases that
code for specific amino acid.
• 64 possible combinations of
nitrogen bases.
• Only 20 amino acids = each amino
acid has more than 1 code.
• 61 of 64 codes specific to an amino
• Other 3 - stop codons - determine
when process stops.
• Specific code that signals start of
translation - also codes for amino
• Start begins correct reading frame
of polypeptide.
• Transcription, 1 DNA strand template strand, provides template
for ordering sequence of
nucleotides in RNA transcript.
• Translation, blocks of 3
nucleotides, codons, decoded into
sequence of amino acids.
• Possible to take genetic code of 1
organism, place it into another nearly universal.
• Firefly gene for luminescence
transplanted into tobacco plant.
• Bacteria can be inserted with
specific genes to synthesize genes
in large amounts.
Synthesis and Processing of RNA
• mRNA transcribed from template
of original gene.
• RNA polymerase separates DNA
strands and bonds RNA bases along
complementary strand.
• Bases can only be added to 3’ end.
• Specific sequences determine
where transcription starts and
where it ends.
• Promoter – initiates; terminator
• 3 stages in transcription.
• Presence of promotor sequence
determines which strand of DNA
helix is template.
• Proteins (transcription factors)
recognize promotor region,
especially a TATA box, bind to
• After they have bound to promotor,
RNA polymerase binds to
transcription factors to create
transcription initiation complex.
• RNA polymerase starts
• RNA polymerase moves along nucleotides added to 3’ end.
• Single gene can be transcribed
simultaneously by several RNA
polymerases at a time.
• Growing strand of RNA trails off
from each polymerase.
• RNA splicing - removal of large
portion of RNA molecule.
• Most eukaryotic genes and RNA
transcripts have long noncoding
stretches of nucleotides.
• Noncoding segments, introns, lie
between coding regions.
• Coding regions - exons.
• RNA splicing removes introns, joins
exons to create mRNA molecule
with continuous coding sequence.
• Splicing done by spliceosome.
The Synthesis of Proteins
• Translation - cell interprets series
of codons along mRNA molecule.
• Transfer RNA (tRNA) transfers
amino acids from cytoplasm’s pool
to ribosome.
• Ribosome adds each amino acid
carried by tRNA to growing end of
polypeptide chain.
• Translation - tRNA links mRNA
codon with appropriate amino acid.
• tRNA arriving at ribosome carries
specific amino acid at 1 end, has
specific nucleotide triplet,
anticodon, at other.
• Anticodon base-pairs with
complementary codon on mRNA.
• tRNA synthesized like other forms
of RNA.
• Once in cytoplasm, each tRNA used
repeatedly to pick up and drop off
that amino acid.
• Anticodons of tRNA recognize more
than one codon.
• Rules for base pairing between 3rd base
of codon and anticodon relaxed
• Each ribosome has binding site for
mRNA 3 binding sites for tRNA
• P site holds tRNA carrying growing
polypeptide chain.
• A site carries tRNA with next
amino acid.
• Discharged tRNAs leave ribosome
at E site.
• Translation divided into 3 stages:
• Initiation brings together mRNA,
tRNA with 1st amino acid, 2
ribosomal subunits.
• Elongation - series of 3-step cycles
as each amino acid added to
previous one.
• 3 steps of elongation continue
codon by codon to add amino acids
until polypeptide chain completed.
Fig. 17.18
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Termination - 1 of 3 stop codons
reaches A site.
• Release factor binds to stop codon,
hydrolyzes bond between
polypeptide and tRNA in P site.
• Frees polypeptide, translation
complex disassembles.
• 2 types of ribosomes active in
• 1Free ribosomes suspended in
cytosoll synthesize proteins in
• 2Bound ribosomes attached to
cytosolic side of endoplasmic
Fig. 17.21
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Bacteria and eukaryotes have
differences in cellular machinery
and in details of processes.
• Eukaryotic RNA polymerases differ
from prokaryotic; require
transcription factors.
• Differ in how transcription
• Ribosomes also different.
• Prokaryotes can transcribe and
translate same gene simultaneously.
• Mutations - changes in genetic
material of cell (or virus).
• Chemical change in 1 base pair of
gene causes point mutation.
• Occur in gametes or cells producing
gametes - may be transmitted to
future generations.
• Point mutation that results in
replacement of pair of
complementary nucleotides with
another nucleotide pair - base-pair
• Some base-pair substitutions have
little or no impact on protein
function (silent mutations).
• Other base-pair substitutions cause
readily detectable change in
• Missense mutations - still code for
amino acid, change indicated amino
• Nonsense mutations change amino
acid codon into stop codon, nearly
always leading to nonfunctional
Fig. 17.24
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Insertions and deletions - additions
or losses of nucleotide pairs in
• Unless these mutations occur in
multiples of 3 - cause frameshift
Fig. 17.24
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Mutations can occur in number of
ways. Errors can occur during DNA
replication, DNA repair, or DNA
• Mutagens - chemical or physical
agents that interact with DNA to
cause mutations.
• Physical agents - high-energy
radiation like X-rays and ultraviolet