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Name: _______________
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Test 1 Answer Key
1. What do the moon and the Earth have in common?
a. they are planets
b. they have no atmosphere
c. they revolve around a larger object
d. they have nothing in common
2. Earth rotates on its axis once every
a. 365 1/4 days.
b. 30 days.
c. 24 hours.
d. 1 hour.
3. The moon revolves around Earth clockwise every 29.5 days
a. True
b. False
4. The planet Saturn could
a. fit inside Jupiter's Great Red Spot
b. fit in the Atlantic Ocean
c. float if there were an ocean big enough to hold it
d. fit inside the Grand Canyon
5. A
is a small, solid rock traveling through the atmosphere.
6. Angela watched the moon from her bedroom window for one week. She noticed that at
first, it was round and fully lit. At the end of the week, the moon was lit on the left side
and looked like it had been cut in half. How do scientists describe this stage of the moon
phase cycle?
a. Waning
b. Wasting
c. Waxing
d. Warming
7. How long does it take Mercury to revolve around the sun
a. 100 days
b. 88 days
c. 36 days
d. 365 days
8. The earth is
93 million
miles away from the sun.
9. The temperatures on Mars remain fairly constant from day to night.
a. True
b. False
is the closest planet to a sun.
11. Which planet is known for its rings?
a. Pluto
b. Venus
c. Saturn
d. Jupiter
12. This planet is the largest of the inner planets. Its surface is mostly covered in water, giving
it a bluish appearance from space. This planet rotates every 24 hours.What is the name of this
a. Earth
b. Mercury
c. Mars
d. Venus
13. One year on Earth lasts 365 days.
Which of these definitions could be used for one year?
a. The time it takes for Earth to go around the sun once.
b. The time it takes for the moon to go around Earth 12 times.
c. The time for Earth to spin once on its axis.
d. The time for the moon to complete all of its phases.
14. Which is most responsible for seasons?
a. how close we are to the sun
b. the earth's rotation
c. the earth's tilt
d. all of the above
e. None of the above
15. The
is the center of our solar system .
a. earth
b. sun
c. moon
d. asteroid belt
16. How are the two categories of planets grouped?
Mercury Jupiter
Earth Saturn
Mars Uranus
a. Shape
b. Color
c. Size
d. inner and outer positions
17. The position of the sun, the earth and the moon determine
a. seasons and moon phases
b. lunar and solar eclipese
c. high and low tide
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
18. When the moon is directly between Earth and the sun, it is called a
a. crescent moon
b. full moon
c. gibbous moon
d. new moon
19. A moon that is larger than a semi-circle but not a complete circle of light, it is a
a. crescent moon
b. new moon
c. three-quarter moon
d. gibbous moon
20. A year on Mercury is
a. shorter than a year on Venus
b. longer than a year on Jupiter
c. the same as a year on Earth
d. the same as a year on Mars
21. Neptune is known as Earth's twin.
a. True
b. False
22. Name a mostly spherical object that orbits past Neptune and has other objects orbiting
in its path, a type of dwarf planet?
a. planet Pluto
b. Meteorite
c. Plutoid
d. Mars
23. Why is gravity so important?
e. Because it keeps us from falling into space.
f. Because it keeps us on earth.
g. Because without it we wouldn't have an atmosphere.
h. All of the above.
24. Sunspots are dark spots on the sun's surface. These areas are
the sun's surface.
i. Harder
j. Softer
k. Warmer
l. Cooler
than the rest of
25. The lunar seas on the moon are filled with
m. Water
n. Lava
o. hardened lava
p. maria
26. When earth is tilted away from the sun it is
q. Summer
r. winter and cold
s. day and night
t. all of the above
27. A day on Venus is
u. shorter than a day on Earth
v. shorter than a day on Mars
w. shorter than a day on Jupiter
x. longer than its year
28. The atmosphere of Mars consists mainly of
y. carbon dioxide
z. oxygen
aa. helium
bb. hydrogen oxide
in the northern hemishere.
29. The length of the cycle of the phases of the Moon is about 29.5 days.
cc. True
dd. False
30. Earth is a satellite of the Sun.
ee. True
ff. False
This document was created by: Liang Cheung, Tin Ha, Valerie Han, Andy He