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Haiti Cultural Awareness
Junias Desamour MD
Location in the Caribbean
Haiti Facts
First black republic to
declare its
independence in 1804
The poorest country in
the Western
Ethnic groups:
black 95%, mulatto and
white 5%
Roman Catholic 80%,
Protestant 16%
note: roughly half of
the population
practices voodoo
GDP - per capita
($1,300 (2007 est.)
Very corrupt Politicians
Source CIA World Facts
Haiti Facts
Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 57.5 years
male: 55.83 years
female: 59.35 years (2008
HIV Prevalence (Adults
15-49): 3.8%
Deaths (2005): 16,000
Literacy: definition:
age 15 and over can
read and write
total pop 52.9%
male: 54.8%
female: 51.2% (2003 es
Source CDC
Major infectious diseases
food or waterborne
diseases: bacterial and
protozoal diarrhea,
hepatitis A and E, and
typhoid fever
vectorborne diseases:
dengue fever and malaria
water contact disease:
leptospirosis (2008)
The Haitian Patient
Very Polite
“Yes” does not mean they understand what you are
saying. Ask them to come with a child to translate if
they are not proficient in English.
They believe in herbal medicine
They usually attribute pain to gas pain
Chest is called stomach in creole (deadly misnomer)
Stomach pain can mean chest pain.
The Haitian Patient
Recurrent high fever chills Headache up to
12 months after visiting the island ( place
Malaria in the differential diagnosis)
Need Prophilaxis before traveling back home
Thyphoid fever is also very common (water)
Have patients brings meds bottles including
herbal meds
Some may not know how to read or write
Pictures of Haiti
Pictures of Haiti
Pictures of Haiti
Pictures of Haiti
Pictures of Haiti
Pictures of Haiti
Pictures of Haiti
Pictures of Haiti