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Saturday, May 4 2pm-11pm at the Little Haiti Cultural Center
212 - 260 NE 59 Terrace Miami, FL 33137
Cultural organizations unite to provide a free Haitian music and culture festival
for the South Florida community
MIAMI, FL – The Backyard Movement, a collective of local organizers, educators, and musicians
in South Florida, present the 4 Annual ZakaFest. The festival is a full day event with
entertainment for children and adults, music lessons, Haitian cuisine, and over a dozen musical
acts. ZakaFest brings together people in the greater Miami community through an active
celebration of Haitian culture and to honor Zaka, the patron saint or lwa (spirit) of agriculture in
the Diaspora. The goal of the festival is to engage the African cultural ancestry of Haiti in
dialogue with the diverse Miami landscape. Last year, the festival recorded over 800 attendees
and more are projected for this year.
ZakaFest begins at 3pm with daytime activities from children and families, beginning with
drumming and dance workshops, educational panels, and live performances in the evening. The
Haitian pianist and composer Mushy Widmaier headlines this year’s festival with an ensemble of
local jazz and roots musicians. The artist got his start writing material for Radio Métropole in
Port-au-Prince, then helped launched the jazz-influenced style of konpa music called “the school
of the new generation” with his group Zéklé in the early 80s. Mizik rasin (roots music) innovator
Louis Lesly Marcelin is a Haitian master drummer, school director and professor at ENARTS
(Ecole Nationale des Arts d'Haïti). The artist, who performs as Sanba Zao, showcases the
compositions from his influential groups Djakata, Foula Jazz, Sanba Yo, and Simbi Yo. Also
sharing the bill is Morikeba Kouyate who is known throughout West Africa for his electrifying
performances and virtuosity on the Kora. He will be performing his own compositions and, as a
griot, calling upon a repertoire of over ten generations of musical inheritance.
Miami-based acts Cuban son duo Cortadito, funk act Rara Kuyu and Universal soul, and Rara
Lakay who will conclude the night with a procession through the Little Haiti neighborhood, will
also be performing. Panelists and presenters will present on a range of topics, from the music
and dance of Haiti, its folklore, and the African influences on styles and movements in the
Americas. Featured guests include Kiskeya, a traditional dance ensemble, Tomm and Viktor ElSaieh, artists and grandsons of legendary bandleader Issa El-Saieh, and Dr. Jerry Gilles, author
of Remembrance: Roots, Rituals, and Reverence in Vodou and editor-in-chief at BookmanLit.
ZakaFest sponsors include: the Little Haiti Cultural Center, City of Miami, Rhythm Foundation,, Global Flow PR, Lakou Miami Radio, and more.
Sponsor, vendor and panelist submissions accepted until April 28, 2013.
Contact: Richard Pierre-Louis | 954-646-9932 or 718-928-8252
[email protected]