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Get a slogans Activity
Read the slogans
Match the appropriate slogan with the
company it promotes
Essential Questions…
1. Is advertising the best
way to reach consumers?
2. Will technology continue
to have an impact on the
way companies promote
products and services?
Paid non-personal form of
communication businesses use to
promote their products
Average person sees hundreds of
ads each day
Advertisers use humor, creativity,
style and originality to promote
products and services
Ads consist of short messages
designed to attract your
attention, identify a product, and
tell you something about it
A medium is one channel or
system of communication
› E.g. television
Media are the members of
these channels of
Mass Media are all the
channels of communication
› E.g radio, TV, newspaper,
Uses writing and pictures to
communicate and includes…
› Newspapers
› Magazines
› Direct mail
› Directory advertising
The most effective
means of
 Includes
› TV
 Infomercial
› Radio
› Webcast: broadcast
media made
possible on the
your notes as Ch 14 notes (we will take more
next class)
3 of your favorite advertisements and write a
short bio on each in a typed document (Word) or in a
PowerPoint Presentation. Include the following:
 Short description of the product or service
 Who the advertisement targets? (age, gender,
income level, education, occupation)
 Was the ad effective? Why or why not?
 Would you purchase the product or service?
 Picture of product/service
Type and turn in end of class
Ads that appear on the
› Pop-up ads: appear a few
seconds when you first log on or
during your internet use
› Banner ads: ads displayed on
the top or bottom of the screen
› Screen ads: ads that appear to
the left or right of the screen and
can be printed for future
› Most common form
of outdoor
Transit Advertising:
ads placed at
transportation hubs
or vehicles.
› Sides of buses, in
subway stations,
inside airplane RR.
Selecting the advertising media and deciding
the time and space in which the ads should
Many businesses work with an advertising
› Business that specializes in developing ads/ad
campaigns for clients
› Ad Campaign: series of ad messages that share
a single idea and themes
The frequency is the number of times an
audience sees or hears an ad
CPM: cost per thousand, is the media
cost of exposing 1,000 readers or viewers
to an advertising impression
Note: “M” comes from mille meaning “thousand”
Print Ad Rates
› Premium position or prime position would be
back cover or front inside page of a magazine
› Newspaper in certain “prime” sections
Broadcast Ad Rates
Based on circulation
Based on size of the ad
Based on position of the ad
Based on size of the audience, time of
day etc.
Prime time TV is 7 pm-11pm
Drive time for radio is weekdays during
the morning or afternoon hours
Print notes to get checked
Petsmart Assignment/PP