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Overview of Plants
Chapter 28
Introduction to Animals
Chapter 32
As part of our exploration of the 6 Kingdoms, we
have already looked at 4: Archaea, Bacteria,
Protists & Fungi
We will finish this unit with Plants & Animals
Primary source: Holt Biology, other sources as noted in text
Part I -Plants: Objectives
• Name three adaptations plants have made
to life on land.
• Know that Botanists sometime refer to
plant phyla as “divisions”
• Summarize the classification of plants.
• List 12 plant phyla ( or divisions)
• Explain the differences between:
– Vascular & nonvascular plants
– Spores & seeds,
– gymnosperms & angiosperms
• Describe alternation of generations.
Part I Plants
Plants dominate the land &
many bodies of water
• Plant life existed in the oceans over 3 billion
years ago.
• No life existed on the land because of UV
radiation since there was no ozone layer.
• Approximately 475 million years ago, enough
oxygen had been produced so that an ozone
layer formed in the atmosphere.
• Small club shaped plants were the first to
live on the edges of land near water.
Part I Plants
Advantages of life on land
• Increased sunlight for photosynthesis
• Increased CO2 levels
• Access to inorganic molecules in soil
Disadvantages of life on land
• Susceptible to drying out
Part I Plants
3 adaptations allow plants to live on land:
1. Able to prevent water loss
– a waxy cuticle to prevent water loss
2. Able to reproduce without water
– haploid spores and diploid seeds to protect
reproductive cells
3. Able to absorb/transport nutrients
–vascular tissues called xylem & phloem
absorbing & transporting materials within the plant.
Part I Plants
Preventing water loss
• Cuticle- a protective waxy coating on
plant surfaces prevents drying out.
Part I Plants
Preventing water loss
• Stomata – small openings in the surface of
plant that allow gas exchange (oxygen out, carbon dioxide in)
• means "mouths" in Greek The "lips" are actually
individual cells (called guard cells) that can further to close
off the stomata, to prevent loss of water for the plant.
Two stomata on a duckweed leaf.
Part I Plants
*Reproducing by seeds & spores
Developed structures to keep
gametes moist:
• Spore- a reproductive cell (a gamete) that
is surrounded by a hard outer wall. Needs at
least a small amount of water to survive.
• Seed – an embryo surrounded by a
protective coat. Can reproduce in a dry
Some seeds contain an
• Endosperm- a tissue in some seeds that
provides nourishment.
Part I Plants
• Ferns are non-flowering plants with large leaves that
reproduce by spore formation.
• To date there are 10,400 known species of true ferns.
• A problem with spores is that they require a moist
environment (water) to be fertilized.
Part I Plants
Reproduction without water
• Spores require water for fertilization.
– The amount of water needed is not large - the film remaining after
a rainfall will do it, but such a film will also dry rapidly in a dry
• Seed development is considered an
evolutionary improvement…
• Plants with seeds
– have a greater reproductive success
– embryo is protected & nourished inside
the hard coat.
– Seeds can remain inactive when conditions
are unacceptable for growth (hot, cold, drought)
Part I Plants
A bean is the seed of a bean plant. When the seed germinates, or starts to grow,
small parts inside the seed grow into the root and stem. Most of the seed is used
for food by the young plant. When the plant grows green leaves it begins to make
its own food by photosynthesis.
More about seeds
• A seed is a small embryonic plant
enclosed in a covering called the seed
coat, usually with some stored food.
• It is the product of the ripened ovule of
which occurs after fertilization and some
growth within the mother plant.
• 2 kinds of plants make seeds:
• gymnosperms (meaning “naked
seed”- are cone bearing plants like pine,
fir, ginko)
• angiosperms (flowering plants)
Absorbing & Transporting Materials
• Aquatic plants- take nutrients form
• Terrestrial plantswith root system.
nutrients from soil
Vascular Plants
• Some Plants have specialized tissues to
transport water & dissolved substances
like sugar to parts of the plant.
• Xylem-
tube like tissue that carries
water & minerals from roots to stems &
• Phloem- carries organic compounds
like carbohydrates (sugars) from
leaves to other plant parts.
• Vascular tissue also helps support plants.
12 Phyla (or “Divisions”) of Plants
Divided into two groups based on the
presence of vascular tissue.
• 3 phyla of nonvascular plants
– do not have true
vascular tissue
– no roots, stems, or leaves.
• 9 phyla of vascular plants
– have vascular tissue
– have true roots, stems, and leaves.
Evolutionary Relationship
Between Plants and Green Algae
12 Phyla of Plants
• The three phyla of nonvascular plants
are collectively called bryophytes.
(These plants do not have true roots, stems, or
leaves & are very small and are usually found in
moist areas.)
1. Phylum Bryophyta – mosses
2. Phylum Hepatophyta - liverworts.
3. Phylum Anthocerophyta - hornworts.
Types of non vascular plants:
• Moss
9 Phyla of Vascular Plants
• Vascular plants have several adaptive
advantages over nonvascular plants, including
specialized conducting tissues, the ability to
grow large and live in many environments, and
strong stems that allow them to grow tall and
receive more sunlight.
4 Seedless vascular plants (make spores)
Phylum Psilophyta, whisk ferns
Phylum Lycophyta, club mosses
Phylum Sphenophyta, horse tails
Phylum Pteridophyta. ferns
Seedless Vascular Plants
club mosses
•whisk ferns
horse tails
Seed Bearing Vascular Plants
• There are two main groups of seedbearing vascular plants,
gymnosperms and angiosperms.
–Gymnosperms are characterized
by naked seeds and no flowers.
–Angiosperms have flowers and
seeds enclosed by a fruit.
• Phylum Cycadophyta
• Phylum Ginkgophyta (ginko)
• Phylum Coniferophyta
(cone- bearing plants)
• Phylum Gnetophyta
• Cycas revoluta
(makes fruit & flowers)
• Phylum Anthophyta
– Anthophyta, the largest phylum of plants, includes
over 240,000 species of flowering plants.
– Angiosperms, or the flowering plants, are seed plants
characterized by the presence of a flower and fruit.
• Angiosperms have been successful for many
reasons, including the production of fruit that
protects seeds, quick germination, and an
efficient vascular system.
Angiosperms- flowers,fruit
• Nearly 300,000 species
• Divided into monocots
& Dicots. (see next
Parts of a flower
• Pistil
(female parts)
(male parts)
• Embryo with single
• Flower parts in
multiples of three
• Major leaf veins
• Stem vacular bundles
• Roots are adventitious
• Secondary growth
•Embryo with 2 cotyledons
•Flower parts in multiples of
four or five
•Major leaf veins reticulated
•Stem vascular bundles in
a ring
•Roots develop from radicle
•Secondary growth often
Moncot & Dicot species
Carnivorous Plants
All are under the phylum Angiosperm
• Dionaea muscipula, also
known as the Venus Flytrap, is
probably the most well known
of the carnivorous plants.
Insects are lured into the
mouth-like leaves by nectar.
Once an insect enters the trap
it touches tiny hairs on the
leaves. This sends impulses
through the plant triggering the
leaves to close. Glands
located in the leaves release
enzymes that digest the prey
and the nutrients are absorbed
by the leaves.
Three tissue systems occur in all organs
of the vascular plant :
• 1. Dermal - makes up the outer
protective coating of the plant
• 2. Vascular - xylem and phloem, the
conducting tissues
• 3. Ground - all other tissue
Quick Genetics Lesson/Review
• Haploid:
Means a cell having 1 copy of
• Diploid: means a cell having 2 copies of a
• Chromosome:
The genetic information
(DNA molecule) in a eukaryotic cell nucleus
• Organisms have 2 copies of chromosomes
(DNA molecules with genetic information)
• 1 copy from each parent.
• The Gamete has only one copy.
• What would happen if the reproductive
cells were not half of the genetic
information? What would be the number
of chromosomes in the next generation?
Reproductive cells
• Gamete: a haploid reproductive cell
– like egg & sperm in animals
– spores in sore forming plants
– pollen & ovule in seed plants
• Spore:
a haploid reproductive cell that can
develop into an organism with out combining
with another cell
• Pollen: a haploid reproductive cell that is the
“male” in seed plants
• Ovule:
The female reproductive cell in seed
plants- may or may not be haploid.
Cell Division & Reproduction
• Mitosis-In eukaryotic cells, a process of
cell division that forms 2 new nuclei, each
with the same number of chromosomes as
the parent cell.
• Meiosis- In eukaryotic cell, a process of
nuclear division in which the # of
chromosomes is reduced to ½ of the
original cell. This forms gametes ( the
reproductive sex cells.)
Alternating Life Cycles
• All plants have a life cycle known as
alternation of generations.
• In alternation of generations, a
haploid gametophyte produces
gametes. Gametes unite and give
rise to a diploid sporophyte.
Alternating Life Cycles
• There should be no monotony
In studying your botany;
It helps to train
And spur the brain-Unless you haven't gotany.
• It teaches you, does Botany,
To know the plants and spotany,
And learn just why
They live or die-In case you plant or potany.
• You learn, from reading Botany,
Of wooly plants and cottony
That grow on earth,
And what they're worth,
And why some spots have
•You sketch the plants in Botany,
You learn to chart and plotany
Like corn or oats-You jot down notes,
If you know how to jotany.
•Your time, if you'll allotany,
Will teach you how and what any
Old plant or tree
Can do or be-And that's the use of Botany!
--Berton Braley
Science News Letter
March 9, 1929
Part II: Introduction to Animals
• Identify 4 important characteristics of
• List 2 kinds of tissue that allow animals to
• Define vertebrate & invertebrate
• Know that 95% of all animals are
• Name 11 animal phyla.
Some types of animals
The Nature of Animals
• The animal kingdom is very diverse.
• Name some animals.
• How are they similar?
– Discuss how the following animals get food: sponge,
tapeworm, earthworm, snail, starfish, shark, elephant
• How are they different?
– Consider body structures & functions
• Animals are either invertebrates or vertebrates(what does that mean?)
Major Animal Phyla (see p 1084 textbook)
• Invertebrate:
Porifera (sponges)
Cnidaria (jellyfish ,coral)
Ctenophora (comb jellies)
Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
Nematoda (roundworms)
Annelida (segmented worms
Rotifera (tiny aquatic free-living
Mollusca (snails, clams, squid. Octopi)
• arachnids,
• Crusteceans
• myriapoda
• Insects
Echinodermata (sea urchins, starfish)
• Tunicates & lancelets
• Vertebrates
Vertebrate: classes
-Hagfishes (Myxini)
-Sharks (Chondrichthyes)
-Ray-finned fishes
-Lobe-Finned Fishes
-Placental mammals
Characteristics of animals
Most members of the animal kingdom share these
4 Important characteristics:
Multicellular, no cell walls
Sexual reproduction is common
Mobile (at least part of life cycle)
• Motility.
– Most animals move for part of their life cycle.
–Due to 2 tissues- nervous & muscle
– Example: coordination
between nervous & muscle
tissue needed for predator
(bat) to catch its prey
B. Classification & Origins
1. Invertebrates- more than 95% of all
animal species alive today do not have
a backbone
2. Chordates – animals with a
notochord. *Chordates include a
couple of non-vertebrates
(lancelets/sea squirts) & all the
Matching animal phyla