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Sexual plant propagation
Propagation of plants
from seeds
 Composition
of seeds
 Seed coat- outside covering
which protects embryonic plant
 endosperm- stored plants food,
and nourishes embryonic plant
during germination
Propagation of plants
from seeds
 embryo
(embryonic plant)- a
new plant that is developed as a
result of fertilization, and
during germination it extends
its roots and seed leaves
(cotyledons) to form a new
Propagation of plants
from seeds
 Germination
 favorable
 supply of plant nutrients
 firm and porous
 sterile and free from foreign
Indirect seeding
 Seeds
sown in a separate place
from where they will eventually
grow to maturity
 Transplanted one or more times
before reaching permanent
growing area
 made
of: wood, plastic, and
 have drainage holes in bottom
 seeds generally sown in rows.
 * we will use flats with
individual pots
When to seed
 important
in business to have
saleable product ready at
market time
Sowing seeds
 follow
package directions to
determine planting distance
 cover with sprinkling of moist
sphagnum or peat moss
 label:name, variety, and date
 water
from bottom
 if watering from top be careful
to avoid washing seed out or
too deeply into soil
 65-70
degrees soil temperature
 retain humidity
 cover with glass or plastic
 some
seeds require three days
of darkness prior to germination
 cover with newspaper instead of
 water
with a fine mist or from
the bottom
Transplanting seedlings
 following
germination plants
develop seed leaves cotyledons
 allow plant to grow until first
true leaves are present before
Transplanting seedlings
 hold
seedlings by true leaves
not by the stem with thumb and
 bruised stem could cause plant
Transplanting seedlings
 don’t
shake off media from
 can cause them to dry out too
Transplanting seedlings
 plant
about 2 inched apart
 insert at depth a little deeper
than they were grown before
 gently press media around roots
 water with gentle stream to
settle soil around roots
Direct seeding
 planting
seeds directly into the
permanent growing area
 most economical
 media-soil
 prepare by loosening soil and
removing all large clumps
Direct seeding
 add
manure, grass clippings, or
compost to improve soil
 chemical treatment
 disease prevention
 insect prevention
Direct seeding
 Germination
 same as indirect seeding.
Treatments of seed for
 Same
seed won’t readily
 soak in water or acid bath to
soften seed coat
 scratch with sand paper
 allows water into seed
Treatments of seed for
 dormant
 moist and cold below 37 F
 bury in moist sand and keep
 refrigerate
Treatments of seed for
 Alternate
wetting and drying
 Presence of light
 Darkness
 Follow package instructions
 Fire or extreme heat- Jack Pine