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fall CM lecture, week 3, 17.Oct.2002, Zita, TESC
Review forces and energies
Oscillators are everywhere
Restoring force
Simple harmonic motion
Examples and energy
Damped harmonic motion
Phase space
Nonlinear oscillations
Nonsinusoidal drivers
Review: Force, motion, and energy
Acceleration a = dv/dt, velocity v = dx/dt, displacement x = v dt
For time-dependent forces:
v(t) = 1/m F(t) dt
For space-dependent forces: v dv = 1/m F(x) dx.
Total mechanical energy E = T + V is conserved in the absence of
dissipative forces:
Kinetic T = (1/2) m v2 = p2 /(2m), Potential energy V = - F dx
displacement x   v dt   
Example: Morse potential
( E  V ( x) dt
V ( x)  V0 1  e
 V
Morse potential for H2
V ( x)  V0 1  e
 V
Sketch the potential: Consider asymptotic behavior at x=0 and x=,
Find x0 for minimum V0 (at dV/dx=0)
Think about how to find x(t) near the bottom of potential well.
Preview: Near x0, motion can be described by
F ( x)  
  xV0
Oscillators are ubiquitous
Restoring forces
Restoring force is in OPPOSITE direction to displacement.
Which are restoring forces for mass on spring? For _________
Spring force
Air resistance
Electric force
Magnetic force
Simple harmonic motion:
Ex: mass on spring
First, watch simulation and predict behavior for various m,k. Then:
S F = ma
- k x = m x”
Guess a solution: x = A cost wt? x = B sin wt? x = C e wt?
Second-order diffeq needs two linearly independent solutions:
x = x1 + x2. Unknown coefficients to be determined by BC.
Sub in your solution and solve for angular frequency w  2 f 
(1): Apply BC: What are A and B if x(0) = 0? What if v(0) = 0?
(2): Do Ch3 # 1 p.128: Given w and A, find vmax and amax.
Energies of SHO (simple harmonic oscillator)
Find kinetic energy in terms of v(t): T(t) = _________
Find potential energy in terms of x(t): V(t) = _________
Find total energy in terms of initial values v0(t) and x0(t):
E = ____________
Do Ch.3 # 5: given x1, v1, x2, v2, find w and A.
Springs in series and parallel
Do Ch.3 # 7: Find effective frequency of each case.
Simple pendulum
S F = ma
- mg sin q = m s”
Small oscillations: sin q ~ q
Sub in:
Guess solution of form q = A cos wt.
Differentiate and sub in:
Solve for w
arclength: s = L q
Damped harmonic motion
First, watch simulation and predict behavior for various b. Then,
model damping force proportional to velocity, Fd = - c v:
S F = ma
- k x - cx’ = m x”
Simplify equation: multiply by m, insert w=k/m and g = c/(2m):
Guess a solution: x = C e lt
Sub in guessed x and solve resultant “characteristic equation” for l.
Use Euler’s identity: eiq = cos q + i sin q
Superpose two linearly independent solutions: x = x1 + x2.
Apply BC to find unknown coefficients.
Solutions to Damped HO: x = e gt (A1 e qt +A2 e -qt )
Two simply decay: critically damped (q=0) and overdamped (real q)
One oscillates: UNDERDAMPED (q = imaginary).
Predict and view: does frequency of oscillation change? Amplitude?
q  g 2  w02
Use (3.4.7)
where w0=k/m
Write q = i wd. Then wd =______
Show that x = e gt (A cos wt +A2 sin wt) is a solution.
Do Examples 3.4 #1-4 p.91. Setup Problem 9. p.129
More oscillators next week:
Damped HO:
energy and “quality factor”
Phase space (see DiffEq CD)
Driven HO and resonance
Damped, driven HO
Electrical - mechanical analogs
Nonlinear oscillator
Nonsinusoidal driver: Fourier series