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PHS 116
Conceptual Physical Science
E-mail (preferred)
Phone number (preferred)
(schedule on back)
Who are you?
Tell everyone
your name
 Year and major
 Hometown
 A word that
starts with the
same letter as
your first name
Who are you?
Burt Hollandsworth
(Dr. Burt)
 Grew up in VA
 B.S. Chem. from
Roanoke College
(where I met my
 Ph.D. from Ohio
June, 2000
Who are you?
Taught @ Capital U. and OSU-Mansfield
 1 YR Postdoctoral Research @ USc.
 Here @ Harding since late May
 Brutus
Who are you?
Tell everyone your name
 Year and major
 Hometown
 A word that starts with the same letter as
your first name
[We’ll go over the syllabus]
Science is a body of knowledge that
goes back to the beginning of
 As soon as man began to observe the
surroundings, science began.
 Rational thought became popular in
Greece in the 3rd and 4th centuries B.C.
The Scientific Method
1. Ask a question
2. Make an educated guess (a hypothesis)
3. Predict consequences that can be
observed (not inferred)
4. Make observations (do experiments)
5. Formulate a Rule
An educated guess
 In science, a hypothesis must be
The Moon is made of green cheese
 Matter is filled with undetectable particles
 There are parts of the universe that will
never be found by man
A “speculation” is a statement that
cannot be tested
imaginary people are nice
 that rock formation is pretty
 when we die we go to Heaven or Hell
Science cannot tell you how to live your
 Science does not decide what is art
 Science does not help with matters of
 Science asks “how”, art asks “who”, and
religion asks “why”
 They can coexist
Practical uses of science
 Fundamentally different from science
Rules of Science
A fact is simply something that anyone can
observe and agree to be true.
 In science, facts may change depending on
 When a scientific fact has been tested over
and over again without disproof, it is called a
 A theory is the synthesis of facts and welltested hypotheses
Observations are a fundamental part of
science. Today, we’ll do an activity
where we use our senses to make some
observations of the world around us.
 Observation does not equal inference
[observation activity]
Chapter 1
Classical Motion
1.1 Aristotle on Motion
(384 – 322 BC)
Recognized falling as a natural motion.
 Recognized collisions as violent motion.
1.1 Aristotle on Motion
Aristotle thought all motions were due to
nature or to a push or a pull
1.2 Galileo (1546-1642)
Whereas Aristotle relied
on logic, Galileo relied on
 Dropped both heavy and
light objects from a tower
The result was that, if we
disregard the effects of air
friction, then all objects fall
with the same “pull”
Galileo also discovered that force is
needed to start an object moving
 Force is needed to stop an object
 No force is required to keep an object in
INERTIA – the tendency of moving
objects to remain in motion
The experiment
Roll balls down hill. Gravity speeds it up.
 Roll balls up hill. Gravity slows it down.
 Roll balls flat, on a very smooth surface.
Galileo’s Experiment
1.3 Mass
Mass is a measure of inertia
 The more massive an object, the less it
will tend to change its motion
 Measured in kilograms
1L of water = 1 kg
Weight is the force on an
object due to gravity
 Measured in Newtons
(1 kg m2 s2)
 On Earth, 1 kilogram
weighs 10 Newtons
Sir Isaac Newton
1 Fig Newton approx. 0.01 kg = 0.1 N
Does a 2 kilogram block has twice as much
inertia as a 1 kg block?
 Does a 2 kilogram block have twice as much
inertia as a 1 kg bunch of bananas?
 How does the mass of a bar of gold vary on
the moon?
1.4 Net Forces
A force is a push or a
 Forces have a
direction and a
 We call them vectors
 The net force on an
object is the sum of all
forces on that object
Net Forces
1.5 The Equilibrium Rule
When an object is not moving, we say
that it is in equilibrium, and the net force
on the object is zero
1.5 The Equilibrium Rule
[pages 1 and 2]
What is the sum of the forces on you
right now
 Assume you are not moving relative to
other objects on earth
 (even though we are moving relative to
the rest of the solar system)
1.6 Support Force
There is a force that opposes gravity
 Called the normal force
 Force of the floor or ground pushing up!
1.6 Support Force
Q: If you straddle equally, two scales,
what will the reading be on each scale?
 A: Half your weight (try it!)
Equilibrium and Moving?
An object might be in motion, but if not
accelerating, then it’s in equilibrium!
 Acceleration – change in velocity over
change in speed
 or change in direction
Example: moving a desk
Equilibrium and Movement?
1.8 Friction
A force that opposes motion
 Microscopic surface effect
1.8 Friction
Depends on the material
 Which has more friction? Sandpaper or
how can we explore the friction
of a variety of materials?
“Speed” and “Velocity”
Speed is distance covered in a particular
amount of time
 Velocity is speed in a particular direction
Equation for Speed
Average Speed = total distance covered
 Ex. If I go 100 miles in 2 hours then my
average speed is 100 miles / 2 hours =
50 miles/hour
Constant speed/velocity
Constant speed means
neither slowing down or
speeding up
 Constant velocity is
constant speed and
constant direction
 If you are turning, then
you are accelerating!
1.10 Acceleration
Variations in speed or direction are
 Note a ball rolling down a hill
Distance between points gets bigger
each second!
Acceleration = change in velocity
Example: If we increase our velocity by 5
meters per second in 3 seconds, what is
the acceleration?
5 m/s
1.67 m/s per s = 1.67 m/s2
 Like a ball rolling
up a hill
Free Fall
When an object is free to fall to the Earth
due to the acceleration of gravity, it
accelerates at about 10 m/s2
10 m/s2 = g
Free Fall
Throwin’ Up
When you throw an object up in the air, it
decelerates (-10 m/s2) until it reaches
zero, and then accelerates at 10 m/s2
[pages 3 and 4]
Hang Time
The time that an athlete can “hang” in
the air depends on how high they can
 Gravity pulls on all athletes the same,
regardless of weight
(ignoring air resistance)
Hang Time Formula
Hang time = Square root (2 h / g)
Example: If you can jump up 1 meter, what is
your hang time?
Hang time = square root (2 * 1 / 10 )
= square root (0.2)
= 0.44 s
Hang Time
Even the best athletes could only hang
for about 0.5 seconds!
Ch. 1 Homework Problems
Due Next Week
 4th Ed. Exercises 1, 6, 9, 10, 17, 22, 25,
28, 29
 Problems 1, 8, 9, 11
Chapter 2
Newton’s Laws
2.1 Newton’s First Law
Every object continues in a state of rest, or
in a state of motion in a straight line at
constant speed, unless it is compelled to
change that state by forces exerted upon it.
2.1 Newton’s First Law
Objects at rest stay at rest. Objects in
motion stay in motion.
The Earth Moves!
Copernicus, 1543
The bird problem
The bird problem
How can a bird drop down and catch a
worm if the Earth is moving?
 Earth moves at 30 km/s?
 The bird and the worm are
already moving in the same
[pages 5 and 6]
2.2 Newton’s Second Law
Acceleration is proportional to the force
on an object …
 … and in the same direction …
 … and is inversely proportional to mass.
Newton’s 2nd Law
Acceleration = Force / mass
Higher force means
Higher acceleration
Higher mass means
Less acceleration
[Newton’s 2nd Law]
When Acceleration = G
free Fall
 gravity pulls twice as hard
on an object twice as big
 But it resists twice as hard
 Acceleration = g
Free Fall
Terminal Velocity
When you are slowed to a point of no
 Constant velocity.
 150-200 km/h without parachute
 15 to 25 km/h with parachute
Force = mass times acceleration
2.3 Forces and Interactions
Forces are pushes and pulls
 Also require interaction
 It takes two to tango …
2.4 Newton’s Third Law
When an object exerts a force on
another object, the second object exerts
an equal and opposite force.
 “To every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction.”
The Rule
Action: A exerts a force on B
Reaction: B exerts a force on A
The Rule
Hot gases push on the bullet
The bullet pushes on the hot gases
The foot steps on the curb
The curb pushes back on the foot
[page 13]
The Rule
Hot gases push on the bullet
The bullet pushes on the hot gases
The foot steps on the curb
The curb pushes back on the foot
Very Different Masses
The force between two objects is always
the same. Sometimes the acceleration
of the heavy object is too small to
M1A1 = M2A2
Defining your system
If all forces have an equal and opposite
force …
 Then why don’t all forces always cancel?
 Well, depends on how you define your
Solar System
Homework for Chapter 2
Exercise 1, 8, 11, 20, 23, 28, 34, 35, 39
 Problems 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 15
Chapter 3
Momentum and Energy
3.1 Momentum
momentum = mass x velocity
3.2 Impulse
Force times time is called impulse.
3.3 Impulse-Momentum
Impulse is also change in momentum:
Force x time = change in (mass x velocity)
Increasing momentum
If we want to increase momentum
Apply a large force or
 Extend the contact time
Force x time = change in (mass x velocity)
Decreasing momentum
If we want to decrease momentum
Increase time of contact
Force x time = change in (mass x velocity)
Decreasing momentum
If we want to decrease momentum
Increase time of contact
Force x time = change in (mass x velocity)
If someone punches you …
Decrease momentum (short
At short times of contact, forces are
[egg toss activity]
3.4 Momentum is Conserved
In the absence of an external force, the
net momentum of a system remains
 Law of Conservation of Momentum
Momentum before = Momentum after
This is usually only in ideal cases.
We call these types of collisions “elastic”
Momentum before = Momentum after
This is usually only in ideal cases.
We call these types of collisions “elastic”
“Inelastic” collisions occur when an
object deforms or if heat (from friction) is
3.5 Energy
Essential for life
 The ability to do
work (for
instance, to move
an object)
 Much of it comes
from our sun
Work = force x distance
Force is exerted
Something moves
The unit is Newtons x meters = N m
= 1 Joule
How much work is needed to lift an
object that weighs 500 N to a height of
W = force x distance = 500N x 2m
= 1000 Nm or J
This includes the time
Power = work done /
time interval
Unit is Joules per
second (a.k.a Watt)
How much power is expended when
lifting a 1000-N load a vertical distance
of 4 m in a time of 2 s?
Power = Work Done/Time Interval
Work = Force x Distance
Power = 1000 N x 4 m / 2 s = 2000 W
Potential Energy
The stored energy that a body
possesses because of its position.
PE = mgh
Kinetic Energy
Energy of motion
KE = ½ mass x speed2 or KE = ½ mv2
Work-Energy Theorem
The work done on an object equals the
change in kinetic energy of the object
Work = KE
F d = KE
Part 1- Calculate the change in kinetic
energy when a 50-kg shopping cart
moving at 2 m/s is pushed to a speed of
6 m/s
KE= ½ m (vf2-vo2)
= ½ 50kg[(6m/s)2-(2m/s)2]
= 800 J
Problem Continued
Part 2- How much work is required to
make this change in kinetic energy?
W=  KE
W = 800 J
Comparing Kinetic Energy &
Kinetic Energy
Nonvector (scalar) quantity
 Depends on the square of velocity
KE= ½ mv2
Vector quantity (directional)
 Depends on velocity (momentum = mv)
Conservation of Energy
In the absence of external work input or
output, the energy of a system remains
unchanged. Energy cannot be created or
Potential Energy
Only depends on height.
Same potential energy! PE = mass x g x height
Kinetic Energy
A pendulum
PE becomes KE!
[page 25]
3.10 Machines
Multiply forces or change direction of a
 Like a lever
 Levers trade distance for added force.
 Never adds energy!
 Work in = Work out
Also change the direction of a force
The tradeoff – you lose distance
Efficiency = work done / energy used
Efficiency is ruined by heat loss
Energy Sources
Two main sources, the sun, and nuclear
 The sun relies on nuclear fusion or the
ability to combine atoms
 Nuclear power relies on nuclear fission
or a strong force found within atoms
More sources
Wind (sun heats earth)
 Solar cells (direct electricity from sun)
 Fossil fuels (sun – plants – fossil fuels)
 Hydroelectric (sun – evaporate water –
rain – river – dam)
 Geothermal (caused by nuclear
reactions in Earth’s core)
Geothermal – very clean!
Chapter 3 Homework
Exercise: 1, 2, 7, 18, 30, 36, 42, 48
 Problem: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
[Finish worksheets]