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Force and Motion
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Force for 100
• What is force?
A – a loud sound
B – a push or pull
C – a long day
D – a object
Motion For 100
• What is motion?
A –change of position or location; movement
B –change of address
C –change of name
D –change of something with wings
Energy and Work For 100
• What is energy?
A –a sugar rush
B –ability to do work
C –ability to eat
D –a type of liquid
Velocity/Acceleration For 100
• What is velocity?
A –speed and distance of an object
B –how much distance is covered
C –speed, direction and distance of an
D –the speed of an object
Newton’s Laws For 100
• Newton’s first law of motion…..
A –an object at rest remains at rest(also
known as the law of inertia)
B –gravity is an opposite force between the
earth and the moon
C –weight and mass are different
D –force is the push or pull on an object
Force For 200
• What is the force that pulls objects toward
the earth?
A –gravity
B –motion
C –force
D –air
Motion For 200
• When you put on the brake of a bicycle,
what is the force that slows your bike
A –flow
B –friction
C –stress
D –feet
Energy and Work For 200
• When a force moves an object this is
A –work
B –fun
C –a jam
D –a doodle
Velocity/Acceleration For 200
• How many kinds of simple machines are
A –15
B –5
C –6
D –8
Newton’s Laws For 200
• Newton’s second law………?
A –objects at rest tend to stay at rest
B –acceleration depends on mass and force
C –kinetic energy is motion
D –potential energy is position
Force For 300
• The _______ of an object tells how much
gravity pulls on it?
A –force
B –weight
C –force
D –scale
Motion For 300
• If you pedal your bike harder, you’re using
_______ force and your bike goes faster.
A –less
B –atomic
C –more
D –nothing
Energy and Work For 300
• If you pushed a book across the top of
your desk. You did_______.
A –nothing
B –work
C –friction
D –grapes
Velocity/Acceleration For 300
• Acceleration depends on ……
A –the total of all net forces added together
B –velocity and time
C –how much mass an object has
D –the potential energy an object has
Newton’s Laws For 300
• Newton’s third law .
A –gravity depends on mass and location
B –freefall is force on an object without an
opposing force
C –for every action there is an opposite and
equal reaction
D –force is the push or pull on an object
Force For 400
• What kind of scale shows how much force
it takes to lift something?
A –spring scale
B –summer scale
C –scale
D –grid
Motion For 400
• When you turn the handlebars of your bike
you are applying a force that changes the
bike’s _____________?
A –color
B –direction
C –weight
D –tires
Energy and Work For 400
• If an object doesn’t move, how much work
is done?
A – a lot
B –constant
C –some
D –none
Velocity/Acceleration For 400
• What is positive acceleration?
A –a car slowing to a stop
B –a car put in reverse and going from 0 to
25 mph in reverse
C –going up hill without accelerating
D –turning a corner and losing speed
Newton’s Laws 400
• The law of inertia
A –is also known as Newton’s second law
B –is also known as Newton’s first law
C –is also known as Newton’s third law
D –is also known as the law of Fig Newton’s
Force For 500
• Force is measured in units called?
A –units
B –lengths
C –newtons
D –pewtons
Motion For 500
• All change in motion are caused by
A –forces
B –sun
C –water
D –your teacher
Energy and Work For 500
• Waterwheels are machines that use the
_______ of flowing water.
A –flavor
B –thickness
C –energy
D –lava
Velocity/Acceleration For 500
• An example of Negative Acceleration?
A –Car traveling down a hill
B –A car going around a corner and losing
C –a car going from 0 to 50 mph
D –a truck traveling at a constant speed
Newton’s Laws For 500
• Air rushing out of an inflated balloon is an
example of which law?
A –Newton’s First Law
B –Newton’s Second Law
C –Newton’s Third Law
D –Newton’s Law of Inertia