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The Classical Age of Greece
Golden Age of Athens, Persian
Wars, and the Peloponnesian War
• Solon – Revised laws. Outlawed debt slavery
and tried to reduce poverty by encouraging
• Cleisthenes – Divided Athens into 10 tribes
that became the basis for elections. (Credited
for creating Democracy)
• Democracy?…Really?
– Women, children, immigrants, slaves could NOT
– 10% of population participated.
• Athens used a Direct Democracy where
people voted directly on issues.
– Why not used in United States?
• First Persian
– Marathon
• Athens beats
Persia (Darius).
• Second Persian
– Thermopylae
• Small Greek force
held back large
Persian force for 3
days. (Xerxes)
– Salamis (Naval
• Persia lost and
were stuck in
• Greece Wins
Persian Wars
Golden Age of Athens
• Athens & Delian League
– Alliance of Greek city-states
that was controlled by
– Parthenon was built from $
from Delian League.
• Pericles
– Skilled politician who
encouraged the spreading of
– Commissioned the building
of the Parthenon.
Pericles’ 3 Goals for Athens
• 1. Stronger Democracy: Increased the
number of paid public officials to strengthen
– Athens had more citizen engaged in selfgovernment than any other city-state.
• 2. Athenian Empire: Enlarged the wealth
and power of Athens .
– Used $ to build 200 navy ships.
• 3. Glorifying Athens: Used $ from the
Empire to beautify Athens by buying gold,
ivory, marble.
Greek Styles in Art & Greek Drama
• Greeks invented 2 types of drama (tragedy &
comedy) and built first theaters in the west.
• Parthenon was a 23,000 sq. ft. building which
contained the statue of Athena inside.
• Athena stood 38 feet tall and was made of gold
and ivory.
• The Greeks values of order, balance, and
proportions became the standard of classical art.
• Tried to capture grace of the human body in their
Spartans & Athenians Go to War
• Declared war in 431 B.C.
– Athens: Naval Ships
– Sparta: Stronger Soldiers
• Plague killed almost two-third of Athenian
• Athenians had a wall that kept out the
• After 18 years, Spartans took down the
• 404 B.C. Athens surrendered & changed
their political program.
Philosophers Search for Truth
• Philosophers are people who determined to
seek truth.
• They based assumptions on:
– 1. Universe is put together in orderly way with subject
absolute and unchanging laws.
– 2. People understand laws through logic and reason.
• Socrates who believed that absolute standards
exist through truth & justice (Socratic Method)
– Went to trial for corrupting youth of Athens.
• Plato was a student of Socrates and famous
work is called “The Republic”
• Aristotle questioned nature of world and human
belief and created scientific method.