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3:Social Studies Book
The Greeks Clash
with the Persians
You have already read about the
Persian Empire on page 132.At the time
Athens was growing more powerful,
Persia was the strongest military
power in the world. In 490 B.C., Persia
attacked the Greek mainland with a
huge army. The two armies clashed at
a plain northeast of Athens called
marathon. According to legend, after
the Athenian victory, the Athenian
army sent a warrior named
Pheidippides back to Athens with the
news. He ran the entire distance 25
miles. Today, we remember this leg-end
in the name of the
longest Olympic race-the marathon.
The Greeks Clash
with the Persians
In 490 B.C.,a Greek army
held off a much larger
Persian army for three
days at a mountain pass
north of Athens. A small
force that included 300
Spartans stood its
ground until almost all
its soldiers were killed.
☺ The Golden Age ☺
During the Golden Age, Greek
philosophers extended
human knowledge.
Philosophers study truth
and knowledge. Greek
philosophers such
as Socrates, Plato, and
Aristotle searched for
beauty and order in the
world. They tried to
find natural laws that
explained actions in the
The Greeks Fight
Against Each Other
During its Golden Age, Athens
became the most powerful Greek
city-state. After the defeat of
the Persians, the leaders
of Athens began unwisely. They
formed an alliance, an
agreement to work together,
called a Delian League. Athens
forced some city-states to join
the alliance. It used the Leagues
funds to put up public buildings
in Athens. Athenian generals
begin interfering in the affairs
of other city states.
other Greeks became angry and
Decline of the Greek
By the end of the Peloponnesian
War, Greece had fallen on hard
times. Unemployment was high.
When the brother of the king of
Persia rebelled against his
army as mercenaries, or hired
Decline of the Greek
After so many years of war
and plague, Athens was still able
to regain its strength in trade.
Two of Athens greatest
and Aristotle - taught and wrote
during the century following war
. However, all of Greece was
weakened by war. Even Sparta
had lost so many of its soldiers
in the war that it no longer had
the military strength it had
once had. In 371B.C., the Spartan
army was defeated in a battle
against the Greek city of
Who was the strongest
military power in 490 B.C.?
A: Athens Army
B: Greek Army
C: Sparta Army
D: Persia Army
What military power defeated the
strongest military power in the
A: Greek Army
B: Athens Army
C: Sparta Army
D: Both A and B
What is a citystate?
How many days did the Greek army
hold off the Persian army on the
mountain passed North Athens?
A: 3 days
B: 2 days
C: 6 days
D: 5 days
What did the philosophers Plato
and Aristotle do during the
century fallowing the war?
A: Draw
B: Paint
C: Teach and Write
D: Play sports
Was the Greeks the first ones
to study and what did they
Answer key
1:D:Persia Army
2:D: Athens And Sparta
working together
3:A city-state is a state
consisting of a sovereign
4:A: 3 Days
5:C: Teach And Write
Answer key
6:Yes,The Greeks were the
first people to study and
they studied because they
wanted to find the cause
of sickness.