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The Beginnings of Greek
Aegean Area
Southern Balkan Peninsula
Western Turkey
Island of Crete
Crete - Minoans
Knossos center of civilization
palace of Minos
palace murals show civilization
worshiped mother goddess
Crete II
sea traders
2000 BCE dominated eastern
peaked at 1600 BCE
earthquakes a frequent problem and
may have destroyed the civilization
Story of Theseus and the
Crete ruled Mediterranean and took
Greek youth as part of tribute
youth used in religious ceremonies
danced with bulls - similar to today's
Theseus heir to Athens chosen
in lottery
went to Crete as offering to the Minotaur- son
of king Minos
supposed 1/2 bull 1/2 human
lived in the labyrinth (palace)
may be symbolic of the Greeks conquering
the Minoans
Indo European
entered Balkans abut 2000BCE
intermarried with local Hellenes
City States built around a royal fortress
nobles lived on manors outside city
slaves and tenants farmed land
Major cities
palace center of government and business
products made in cities and laws inforced and
taxes collected
Dark ages lost writing and crafts
Dark Ages
poets and oral tradition
Trojan War
War between Myceaea and Troy
Paris prince of Troy falls in love with Helen the sister in
law of the of king of Mycenae
Mycenaeans lay siege toTroy for 10 years
teach values of love of nature, husband wife
relationships and loyalty among friends
Greek Religion
Gods and Goddess have human forms
and failings
Goddess - Hera, Athena, Diana, Demeter,
Gods-Zeus, Ares, Appolo, Posiedon, Dionysus
The City State - Polis
geography caused the development of
individual isolated cities
own property
serve in government
serve in army
most not citizens
women had no rights
Greek Colonies and Trade
increases in population after 700BCE meant
cities needed more food
sent out citizens to establish colonies
coasts of Mediterranean and Black sea
600 BCE replaced barter system with money
purple cloth - item of trade
pottery exported
first city states ruled by kings
landholding aristocrats began to assume
more power
as need for foot soldiers grew more were
given citizenship rights
tyrannies arose - dictatorships
500-336 BCE oligarchy (few wealthy people)
became the rule
2 democracies Athens and Sparta
Athens and Sparta
Major rivals
united by war with Persia
descendants of the Dorian invaders
located in Peloponnesus
economy was based on agriculture
instead of colonies - invaded neighbors
society on base of slaves - Helots
slaves revolted in 650BCE and 30 year war
Sparta - Military society
all male citizens were soldiers
only healthy new born allowed to live
age 7 boys went to live in barracks
taught to read, write and use weapons
20 became soldiers
30 had to marry
lived in barracks until age 60
Sparta - women
child producers
trained in gymnastics, wrestling, and
married at 18
given personal rights
could own land
but not allowed to participate in politics
Sparta - government
2 kings
led army
conducted religious ceremonies
Assembly of all men over age 20 made laws
Assembly elected 5 overseers to administer
public affairs
Counsel of Elders proposed laws to Assembly
Spartan culture endured 250
not open to new ideas
failed to progress
exceptional athletes and won Olympic
descended from Mycenaeans
city named for goddess of wisdom Athena
Athens had an expanded definition of
all free men were citizens regardless of class
all could participated in Assembly
Athens's Tyrants brought the
Draco’s Law (Draconian)
improved code of laws
penalties given to offenders were harsh
written down so everyone knew them
canceled all land debts and freed debtors from slavery
limited land one person could own
promoted trade and growing of cash crops
2 house legislature
landowner made up Assembly
Council of 500 drafted laws for approval
Tyrants II
divided large estates among the landless
extended citizenship to non land owners
Organized a festival to Dionysus
Began as a song sung by a choir of “goats”
Stories added = Greek Drama
reorganized structure of government
guaranteed freedom of speech
Athenian Democracy
all male citizens
passed laws
supreme court
chose 10 generals to run the army and
Athenian Democracy II
Council of 500
administered laws
collected taxes
built public works
members chosen by lottery
ostracism - unpopular sent away for 10
years took 6000 votes
Athenian Education
every male registered with 1 week of birth
sons were required to be educated
girls learned household duties
some private education for rich
most educated in the agora through daily conversations and
entered school at age 7 graduated at 18
 Iliad and Odyssey main books
 memorized
 arithmetic, geometry, drawing
 music and gymnastics
 rhetoric
 18 mandatory military service
War with Persia 500-479
Cyrus II conquered Greek City States in
even though Persians were not bad
conquerors they were resented
Athens sent aid to try and overthrow
Persia won and sent troops to punish
invasion point for Persians
25 miles north of Athens
Athenians seemingly ignored them
order to get back on boats
while in water and in disarray Athens
struck and Persians were defeated
480 BCE
Xerxes invaded Greece
Greeks led by Themistocles
delayed Persians at Themopylae under
Persian fleet was engaged and defeated
Golden age of Athens
461-421 BCE height of Greek Culture
Pericles lead Athens
rebuilt city after burning by Persians
Daily life
2 rooms
work day
main room
wool room for women's work
mornings given to work
afternoon attended the assembly or gym
heavy work done by slaves
Peloponnesian war 431-404
War between Athens and Sparta
clash of cultures
Athens under Pericles took control of Delian League
 city states that worked together to oust Persians
 took control of funds on isle of Delos
 centered courts in Athens
 supported revolts in other city states
Sparta led opposition
431 BCE to 404 BCE
Sparta joined with Persians
Athens hit by plague
Spartans defeated Athens
Civil war results
power vacuum
Thebes tried to rule and failed
Macedonia became to rise in power and