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Perpetual Visualization of Particle
Motion and Fluid Flow
Presented by Tsui Mei Chang
Definition of fluid
Introduction of particle systems
Free Form
Known as a gas, liquid, or plasma
Physical phenomena that are well suited to
particle system modeling
Specifically interested in motion
Fluids in Motion
Represent more realistic scenes
Navier-Stokes equations
Graphically fluid motion is more broadly
defined and not limited to physical definition
Cloth, hair, flocking
Navier-Stokes Equations
Conservation of Mass
Change in velocity field
Particle Systems
Collection of particles
Useful for objects that obey the laws of
Individually store physical characteristics and
rendering attributes
Track particles separately
Free Form
Particle movement independent of other
Subject to external forces
Well suited to randomized lifetimes
Simplified force equations
Examples: Fireworks, sparklers, fountains
Particles form the vertices of a grid,
connected or not
Captures affect of external and internal forces
Spring forces
Time and space trade off
Examples: Flags, surface tracing
“Free form” Cell
Combines freedom of random particles and
internal forces of mesh
Track only particles in a specific cell
Internal forces from particles in cell and
adjacent cells
Examples: Smoke, rivers, contained liquids
Addition Algorithms
Collisions: detection and response
Moving around Objects
State change