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History of Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

The Map Key or Legend is a
usually a small box telling what
the symbols on a map mean
Some Map Keys are very simple,
while others contain a lot of
complex information.
Map Key
I used the Map Key to find
out where all the airports
A segmented line on a map that
helps convert the distances
between locations on the map
to actual miles or km on the
Most US maps have the distance
scale in miles.
Distance Scale
I prefer a distance scale
that is easy to find and
A line or graph that depicts
dates and the sequence of
Timelines with pictures are easier
to use than just plain lines with a
chronology of events.
Chronology –
Time Line
Some people find it hard
to figure how many years
before or after an event
using a time line.
The circumstances when an
event occurs relating to the past
If you don’t know the historical
context of an event, you might
come to the wrong conclusion.
Historical Context
To judge Christopher
Columbus outside of the
historical context in which
he lived is very unfair.
Imaginary line, circling the earth
in an east-west direction,
located at 0 degrees Latitude,
dividing the earth into North
and South hemispheres
The equator is considered a warm
area; but in high elevations
(mountains) it is actually cool
there also.
Crossing the equator in a
ship, some people hold a
celebration and bob for
Imaginary line, from the North
Pole to the South Pole, passing
through Greenwich, England,
located at zero degrees
The Prime Meridian divides the
earth into the Eastern
hemisphere and the western
Prime Meridian
The people in Greenwich,
England can walk across
the Prime Meridian and
cross from one
hemisphere into another.
Information attained from the
person who was present at the
A diary, or a newspaper article
from an eyewitness is a primary
Primary Source
In court, you have a better
chance of proving your
point if the evidence is
from a primary source.
To tame animals in order to
make them useful for humans.
Plants can be domesticated too,
by learning how to cultivate and
grow them from seeds.
When man learned to
domesticate plants and
animals, he could settle
down in one place.
Mountains were natural
boundaries that most isolated
China from the rest of the
Boundaries formed by nature,
like mountains, deserts, etc.
that make it difficult to cross
Natural Barrier
The Arabian Desert was a
natural barrier that
protected Sumer from
attacks from the south.
A division of the earth, usually
15 degrees longitude in width
that keeps the same time and is
one hour apart from zones on
either side.
The earth has 24 time zones—
because there are 24 hours in a
Time Zones
Louisiana is in the Central
Time Zone of the United
The time before 8,000 B.C. (E)
All humans were hunters and
The other name for Old Stone
Age is the Paleolithic Period.
Old Stone Age
The Neanderthal people
lived during the Old Stone
The time from 8,000 BC(E) to
the present day.
During this period, people began
to domesticate plants and
animals which led to
development of agriculture.
New Stone Age
The New Stone Age is
called the NEOLITHIC
Lines that circle the earth east
to west and are parallel to each
other measuring degrees north
and south of the equator.
There are only 90 degrees of
latitude—90 degrees north is the
north pole.
The city of New Orleans is
found on the 30 degree
North Latitude line.
Lines that run north to south,
pole to pole and measure
degrees east or west of the
prime meridian.
Longitude lines do not
completely circle the earth like
latitude lines do.
New Orleans is on the 90
degree West Longitude line.
The river system in north Africa
where the Egyptian civilization
The Nile River is the longest
river in the world.
Nile River Valley
The Land of Egypt was called the
“Gift of the Nile”.
The River valley in current
Pakistan where the Harappan
Civilization developed.
The cities of Harappa and
Mohenjo Daro were in the Indus
River valley.
Indus River Valley
The Indus River was
settled by the Aryans who
brought Hinduism into the
A seasonal wind that blows
from land to sea (dry) one
season, then sea to land (wet)
the next.
Some people don’t realize that a
monsoon is not a lot of rain; but a
wind that can bring rain—or a
The summer monsoons
often bring a lot of
flooding to India and
The study of how the pieces
(plates) of the earth’s crust are
moving very slowly.
In some areas one plate is being
pushed under another plate—this
is called subduction.
Plate Tectonics
Plate tectonics suggest that
all of the continents were
once joined together.
The Area of land between the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
The early civilization of Sumer
began in lower Mesopotamia.
Mesopotamia means the
land between the rivers.
A rounded stretch of land with
fertile soil for farming running
from the Nile River in Egypt,
along the eastern
Mediterranean and including
The Fertile Crescent gave rise to
many civilizations.
Fertile Crescent
Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt,
Phoenicia, Israel, and
Sumer were all in the
Fertile Crescent.
Bar graphs use thick bars to
show a visual way to compare
Bar graphs can be horizontal or
Bar Graph
A bar graph is a good way
to see what month gets
the most rainfall.
Pictographs show information
using symbols or little pictures
to represent the data.
Pictographs are often used in
children’s books because they’re
easy to understand.
This pictograph shows
that most 3rd graders like
to play soccer.
A large structure that ancient
Sumerians used as temples for
worship of their gods.
Some historians believe the
ziggurats were used as a safe
haven during flooding.
The great ziggurat of Ur
stood taller than a 10
story building.
The pyramids of Egypt were
gigantic tombs that had a
square base, and four triangular
At over 480 feet tall, the Great
Pyramid at Giza was the tallest
man made feature in the world
for more than 3,800 years!
Egyptian Pyramid
The Egyptians built the
famous pyramids to bury
their pharaohs in.
An Egyptian writing system in
which pictures or symbols stand for
sounds, whole words, or ideas.
Sometimes bad handwriting
can be like trying to read
The Rosetta Stone ended the
mystery of hieroglyphics by
helping us translate them.
The Scribes of Babylon kept their
records on tablets of cuneiform.
A system of writing developed
in ancient Sumer and Babylon
that used wedge-shaped
Cuneiform looks like golftees pressed into the clay.
Sanskrit was originally intended
as a ritual (religious) language for
early Hinduism.
The language brought into the
Indus valley by the Aryans.
Today it is still a language of
Sanskrit was spoken not
written until later when
the Vedas was put to
संस्कृता वाक्
People who lived near modern
day Lebanon were great sailors
they created and spread most of
our modern alphabet
Some people think the
Phoenicians sailed across
the Atlantic.
The Phoenicians developed a
major power in the
Mediterranean at the city of
An imaginary line of latitude at
23.5 degrees North of the
equator –circling the earth—it is
the northern boundary of the
The sun rays strike the Tropic of
Cancer directly overhead on the
first day of summer—around June
Tropic of Cancer
The Tropic of Cancer is as
far north as the direct sun
rays go—due to the axial
tilt of the Earth.
The sun’s rays are directly
overhead on the Tropic of
Capricorn on the first day of
Winter, about December 21.
An imaginary line of latitude
23.5 degrees SOUTH of the
Equator, circling the Earth it is
the southern border of the
Tropic of
The “tropics” include all
the area between the
Tropic of Cancer and the
Tropic of Capricorn.
Pie Graphs are among the easiest
to use and are a regular feature in
the USA Today newspaper.
A graph shaped like a circle or
disc, cut into wedge sections
each representing
data/information that can be
Pie Graph
Pie graphs are great to
compare group sizes or
other data comparisons.
A map mainly designed to show
national boundaries, cities, and
the larger bodies of water—but
no other special purpose.
Political Map
A political map is best to
use if you only want to
find out where a city, state
or country is located.
Most political maps feature all of
the countries or states shaded in
a different color.
A map mainly designed to show
national boundaries, cities, and
the larger bodies of water—but
no other special purpose.
Physical Maps
A political map is best to
use if you only want to
find out where a city, state
or country is located.
Most political maps feature all of
the countries or states shaded in
a different color.
Sumer, in Mesopotamia, was the
earliest human civilization.
A society that has achieved a
high level of culture including
the development of language
government, religion, and the
growth of cities.
Early civilizations all
developed along rivers.
A river system in north China
that flows east to west from the
Plateau of Tibet. The Chinese
Han civilization developed in
this area.
The Huang He is also known as
the Yellow River
Huang He River
The Huang He has been
both a blessing and a
curse with flooding to the
The City-States of Sumer were the
first—but the Greek City States
became very powerful.
A City and its surrounding
farmlands with its own leaders
and government.
The City State of Ur was a
Sumerian location where
Abraham was from.
The belief that there is only ONE
God – one deity and no others.
Monotheism is the most
widely held belief in our
Jews, Christians and Moslems all
believe in monotheism.
Hinduism and many of the oldest
religions accept polytheism.
A belief that there are MANY
gods and or goddesses.
There aren’t many people
in America who accept
Hinduism is perhaps the oldest
still operating religion in the
A religion native to India
featuring a belief in many gods
and in reincarnation.
Hinduism believes that
cows are sacred because
they are so giving and
important to them.
Judaism is the world’s oldest
monotheistic religion.
The religion of the Jewish
People, founded by the ancient
People who practice
Judaism consider Saturday
their Sabbath, or holy day.
Christianity became the common
religion of the Roman Empire and
thus most of Europe.
The religion based on the life
and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The beliefs of Christianity
accept the Jewish Old
Testament, and their New
Buddha means “The enlightened
An Asian religion based on the
teachings of Buddha--
The first “Buddha” was a
former Hindu monk and
prince named Siddhartha
The two largest sects (groups) of
Islam are he Shiite and Sunnites.
The religion of the Muslims,
based on the teachings of
Mohammed, in one God, or
Islam spread from the
Middle East across
Northern Africa and into
western Asia.
Taoism is a variant of Daoism and
based on teachings of Laozi.
The major religion of China,
Southeast Asia and Japan
Taoism doesn’t focus on
any theistic beliefs, but on
a philosophy.
The North Pole is where the
Earth’s axis is around which the
earth rotates.
Located at 90 degrees North
Latitude, where all lines of
longitude meet in the northern
North Pole
The North Pole is actually
on a frozen ocean and not
The other end of where the
earth’s axis comes out is at the
South Pole.
Located at 90 degrees SOUTH
latitude where all the longitude
lines MEET in the southern
South Pole
The South Pole is on the
continent of Antarctica.
Some map keys use a jet to
represent an airport on a map.
Lines or pictures that represent
information you see on a map.
Map Symbols
If you want to find a
hospital on a road map,
look for a big blue H
On most maps North is up, East is
right, West is left and South is
The four major directions of
North, South, East, and West.
At the north pole the only
cardinal direction you can
move in—is South!
A direction indicator on the map
showing cardinal and often
intermediate directions.
Compass Rose
Some compass roses are
so fancy they’re hard to
The compass rose can help you
tell exactly what direction you are
travelling in on a road map.
All of the “in between”
directions that are between the
cardinal directions.
Some map users can use as many
as twenty intermediate
Northeast, north-northeast,
east-northeast, and just
north of due east are all
intermediate directions.
There are four used hemispheres
on Earth- one split at the equator,
the other split at the prime
Half of a sphere– or half of the
The hemispheres are
Northern, Southern,
Eastern, and Western.
West of the IDL is one calendar
day ahead of east of the IDL.
The imaginary line at 180
longitude (opposite the prime
meridian) that separates the
Date Line
It might be fun to travel
east of the IDL to west and
be back in the day before!
These use lines, colors and
symbols to show specific
information on a regular map.
Examples of general purpose
maps include, roadmaps,
demographics, and location of
General Purpose
I used a roadmap to get
from New Orleans to
A line graph is a good way to see
if your grades are moving up or
A graph using lines moving up,
down and at angles to show
Line Graph
Sometimes line graphs
have more than one line
so you can compare data.
Another term used for some venn
diagrams is a concept map.
Venn Diagrams are graphic
organizers used to help show
how information is related
Venn Diagram
A venn diagram is good to
tell where data overlap
and where they are
Fishbone mapping is a good way
to illustrate a plan to solve a
A graphic organizer that shows a
list of categories and causes
that lead to a problem or
Fishbone mapping looks
like a skeleton of a fish.
Tables can be easy; but some can
be very complicated.
Graphic organizer that shows a
chart or table providing
information for the reader.
I use the nutrition table
before I buy foods
because I’m watching fat
Webbing is a graphic organizer
that connects a lot of
information for purposes of
giving a bigger picture.
Webbing is also a form of concept
mapping to share information.
Webbing –
concept mapping
A webbing diagram can
help you see how all sorts
of data tie into each other.
Some storyboards look a lot like
what we also call a flowchart.
A storyboard is a graphic
organizer that shows
connections between events
and the sequence they happen
This storyboard show the
steps involved in making a
good social studies
The inquiry method is always
using questions that the
researcher tries to find answers
A research method used to
conduct a close examination of
a matter in search for the truth.
Method of
Inquiry is the only
acceptable method for
making science and social
All forms of water that falls from
the atmosphere onto the
earth’s surface.
Almost all precipitation in
New Orleans comes in the
form of rain.
Kinds of precipitation include
rain, sleet, snow, and hail
Convection means it is
transported by a current—in this
case, air.
When the rain/precipitation is
the result of warm air rises,
cools and the vapor condenses
and falls as rain.
Summer brings a lot of
convectional showers to
When air is pushed up a
mountainside, cools and rains or
snows on one side with dry air
passing over—it’s orographic
The rain shadow is on the
“lee” of mountains and
gets very little
If you live on the windward side
of a mountain you might get a lot
of orographic precipitation.
We get a lot of frontal
precipitation in the winter
Precipitation that comes as a
result of the passage of a cold
or warm front, is frontal precip.
The only time New
Orleans gets snow is when
it’s frontal-cold front.
The U.S. shares a border with
only two other countries, Canada
and Mexico.
A border is an imaginary line
marking where the limit or
extent of a social group, state,
country or physical feature.
Most of Louisiana’s border
with Texas is the Sabine
New Orleans is a strategic
location because it guards the
pathway to the entire Mississippi
river system.
A place whose importance relies
on its location compared to
other places.
The Spartans picked a
strategic location to fight
the Persian army.
The topography of Greece is very
The shape of the earth’s surface
to include all landforms and
bodies of water.
Because of our
topography, New Orleans
is subject to flooding.
Coal, oil, gold, silver and forests
even fur bearing animals are all
examples of natural resources.
Materials that humans can take
from the natural environment
to satisfy their needs and wants.
Louisiana is a state rich in
natural resources.
The highest altitude found in
Louisiana is only a little over 500
feet above sea level.
Altitude is the height of a place
above sea level.
The altitude in Denver
makes some new arriving
people dizzy.
Climate is the kind of weather a
place has over a period of years.
Continental climate zones
have cold winters and hot
There are SIX climate zones:
tropical, dry, moderate,
continental, polar and highlands.
Soil that is capable of being
farmed or cultivated is called
arable land; NON-arable land
doesn’t have nutrients to
support crops.
There are four major types of
vegetation regions: forests,
grasslands, deserts and tun
Soil- Vegetation
The only vegetation in the
tundra is small scrubby
growth because it is so
Countries without coastlines are
called, “landlocked” countries.
Land that is along an ocean, or a
large body of water that flows
into an ocean.
Alaska has more coastline
miles than any other
state-thousands of miles
of it.
Son of Philip of Macedonia who
at 20 became king. He
established the world’s largest
empire up to that time, from
Greece to India.
Alexander the
The city of Alexandria in
Egypt is named for
Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great named a city
after his beloved horse,
Some Roman aqueducts are still
in use to this day.
A system of arched bridges and
canals first used by the Romans
to transport water from place to
Roman aqueducts are a
good example of what
great engineers the
Romans were.
Once mankind developed
farming, other people were able
to specialize, into other fields of
To be trained to do a particular
kind of work.
Specialization led to
different jobs like
weaving, pottery making,
carpentry and baking.
There were what we call the five
“Good Emperors” during the
period of time called Pax Romana.
Means “Roman Peace”
Augustus was a strong leader
and from his reign, for over 200
years, the Empire was united
and at peace.
Pax Romana
The Pax Romana lasted
from 27 B.C. to 180 A.D.
The Assassination of Julius Caesar
became the plot of a play by
William Shakespeare.
Roman General who became
dictator of Rome until he was
assassinated by nobles outside
the Senate in 44, BC.
Julius Caesar
The expression “Beware
the ides of March” refers
to March 15, the day
Julius Caesar was killed.
In some Eastern sects of
Christianity Constantine is called
the “Great” and considered a
Roman General and emperor
issued the Edict of Milan,
making Christianity a legal
religion of the Roman Empire.
Constantinople (now
Istanbul) was named for
the first Roman Emperor
to convert to Christianity.
The Parthenon was a temple to
the Godess Athena for whom
Athens was named.
A hilltop fortress in ancient
Greece/Athens, included the
Parthenon and other buildings
where citizens met and
discussed things.
All Acropolis were on hills
to command a view of all
the surrounding area.
The Mayan Civilization was in the
Yucatan and down through
Central America.
Of or related to the Mayas, their
culture, their language, or relics.
The Mayas conducted
rather bloodthirsty human
Tenochtitlan was the capital of
the Aztec empire where today’s
Mexico City is located.
A people of central Mexico
whose civilization was at its
height at the time of the
Spanish conquest – early 16th
The Aztecs were actually
from a people called the
Mexicas, who gave us
The Incas were conquered by the
Spanish conquistador Francisco
One of the Quechua people of
highland Peru whose empire
stretched from Ecuador down to
Chile—through the Andes.
Quito and Cuzco, Inca
cities are the oldest in
South America.
King of the Franks, Emperor of
the Romans. He strengthened
Christianity, resulting in the
start of the Holy Roman Empire.
Charlemagne is
considered the Father of
Western Europe.
Charlemagne (Charles the Great)
is also known as Karolus Magnus
and actually spoke German.
Marco Polo became a close friend
to Kublai Khan, then ruler of the
Mongol Empire.
Venetian traveler/merchant
who was among the first
European traders to visit China
and record his experiences.
Marco Polo
The writings of Marco
Polo inspired many,
including Christopher
Today’s group called the
“Masons” began as a guild of
bricklayers and builders.
Medieval associations of
craftsmen and merchants like
weavers, shoemakers—
practicing the same craft.
Guild System
Guilds arose in the towns
of western Europe to set
standards and promote
the crafts.
The black plague almost wiped
out the Feudal system of Europe.
An economic and political
system of Europe (and Japan) in
the Middle Ages based on
loyalty and obligations.
In Feudalism the serf was
the lowest in the social
order while a king or “lord
of the manor” was at the
There were many crusades, 7 to
12 depending on your source; but
only the first was successful.
A series of “holy wars” in the
Middle Ages in which European
Christians attempted to
recapture the Holy Land from
the Muslims.
Pope Urban II called for
the first “Crusade” to win
back the Holy Land.
King John Lackland of England
was made to sign the Magna
Carta under pressure from his
own barons.
A document drawn up by
English nobles in 1215 that
spelled out certain rights and
limited the king’s power.
Magna Carta
King Richard the Lionheart
was John’s brother—made
famous in the story of
Robin Hood.
The term Renaissance comes
from French terms meaning a
“rebirth”. It applied to art,
architecture, and science.
A period of cultural and artistic
flowering in Europe that began
in Florence, Italy around 1350.
The Renaissance marked
Europe’s rebirth after the
Black Death had nearly
wiped it out.
The founder of a school of
navigation, he made Portugal a
world sea power.
The Azores Islands were claimed
by one of Henry the Navigators’
Prince Henry the
Bartholomew Diaz and
Vasco Da Gama, found a
route around the tip of
Africa—thanks to what
Henry the Navigator
Columbus made four voyages to
the “New World” claiming lands
that made Spain a global power
and land owner.
An Italian (Genoa) explorer who
was financed by King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella of Spain to
find a route west, to India.
On October 12, 1492,
Colombus landed in the
Bahamas, he called the
island, San Salvador.
Some people claim Leif Ericson
“discovered” America—the
debate is not settled.
A Norwegian Viking, son of Erik
the Red. He discovered Vineland
around AD 1000 in present day
Labrador, Newfoundland,
Leif Ericson
Leif Ericson was a bold
sailor to travel across an
open ocean on just a
Viking ship.
Spanish conqueror of Peru and
the Inca Empire.
Pizarro was cruel in many ways,
as his treatment of the Inca
Francisco Pizarro
Pizarro was constantly
fighting against rebels,
especially around the Inca
capital city of Cuzco.
Portuguese navigator who
sailed through what is now
known as the Strait of Magellan.
One of his ships completed a
circumnavigation of the globe.
Magellan’s ship was the first
known European ship to sail
around the world.
Magellan was killed by
warring tribes in the
Philippines before he could
complete his voyage.
Hernando is another name used
for Hernan Cortes.
Spanish Conquistador who
conquered the Aztec Empire.
Hernan Cortes
Cortes brought down the
Aztec empire under
Moctezuma II.
The dollar is a form of U.S.
A term for money, in general.
In Europe, the most
common form of currency
is the Euro.
“Secret” barter was a means of
trading salt for gold in west
To trade by exchanging goods
and services without using
A fisherman trading 5 of
his fish, for a piece of
cloth from a weaver is an
example of barter.
When supply is high, and demand
is high, the prices tend to go up.
The term given to the number
of units (items) that a company
is willing or able to sell.
The world’s oil supply is
larger than people think;
but alternative fuels are a
good idea.
When demand is low, the prices
also tend to drop.
A willingness to buy a product
at a particular price.
Too much demand of a
product can result in a
shortage of that product.
When farmers produced a surplus
of food products, other people
could begin learning other trades.
The amount of a product that a
company offers for sale that is
greater than the amount
customers are willing to buy.
After feeding his family, a
farmer had a surplus of
corn enough to sell for
lots of money.
A shortage of a product often
causes a high rise in its prices.
The amount of a product that a
company offers for sale that is
less than the amount customers
are willing to buy.
There was a shortage of
gasoline in the 70’s that
caused block long lines at
gas stations.
The study of the remains of past
When you study
archaeology you like
studying artifacts, and
ancient remains.
Archaeologists are still studying
the ancient city of Pompeii
Land that is rich in minerals
makes good land to cultivate.
To prepare and use land for
raising crops (farming);
cultivation marked the
beginning of the New Stone
Louisiana learned to
cultivate sugar cane some
two centuries ago.
A river that begins in Turkey,
flows through Syria and Iraq,
and empties in the Persian Gulf.
The Euphrates River was the
southern river in Mesopotamia.
Euphrates River
The Euphrates along with
the Tigris, rivers, are on
both sides of
Sumer started.
The Sumerian Civilization
developed in the area where the
Tigris met the Euphrates.
A river that starts in eastern
Turkey and flows southeast
through Iraq till it joins the
Euphrates River.
Tigris River
Together with the
Euphrates, the Tigris
supplied the area called
The world’s first system of laws,
recorded by Hammurabi, King of
Babylonia about 1780 B. C.
Code of
In the Code of Hammurabi
if you knocked a man’s
tooth out—your tooth
would be knocked out—
unless you were poor.
The Code of Hammurabi was the
first set of “civil” laws known.
Any “Dynasty” is a long period of
time under the rule/control of the
same power or family.
A line of rulers who belong to
the same family and pass
control from one generation to
the next in the same family.
A Chinese vase from the
Ming Dynasty is worth a
lot of money.
Groups with different levels of
The social structure of most
civilizations have the kings and
rich at the top, and peasants at
the bottom.
Social Structure
The Social Structure of the
US gives more power to
the wealthy.
The Greeks had a democracy, the
Romans established a powerful
A form of government in which
the citizens elect
representatives to make most
government decisions.
The United States is a
republic—not a
Trees are a renewable resource
because they can be replanted
after they are harvested.
Resources that can be replaced
or rebuild themselves
Thanks to the water cycle,
water is a renewable
Acid rain is not literally a rain of
dangerous acid.
Rain or snow that carries
Acid Rain
Acid rain can change the
pH of lakes and ponds and
damage forests and whole
The US imports more than half of
the oil it consumes.
The process of bringing
products INTO a country from
foreign countries.
Most of our imports today
come from China
Resources that can never or
almost never be replaced or
Petroleum/Oil is a non-renewable
Because so many
resources are nonrenewable we should try
to recycle them.
One of Louisiana’s biggest exports
is sugar.
The process of sending goods
OUT of the country to foreign
When we export more
than we import then we
prosper. (do well)
A system in which members of a
group perform different tasks
baed on their abilities and the
needs of the group.
Division of labor thanks to
specialization created different
social levels.
Division of Labor
All early societies needed
priests, merchants,
craftsmen, and farmers
which division of labor
gave them.
A group of laws written down in
451 BC and carved on twelve
bronze tablets that became the
foundation of Roman Law.
Twelve Tables
The Twelve Tables were
the beginning of civil laws
for later civilizations.
The Twelve Tables were posted in
many places of Rome so the
people could know what was
legal and what wasn’t.
Constantinople changed its name
in the 1950’s to Istanbul.
Name that applies to the
Eastern Roman Empire with
capital city at Byzantium in
Turkey—later Constantinople.
The Byzantine Empire far
outlasted the Western
Roman Empire.
The Black Death caused a greater
percent of death worldwide than
any other disease in history.
An outbreak of the Bubonic
Plague that nearly wiped out
1/3 to 1/2 or more of the
people living in Europe and
The Black
The disease, often
attributed to rats, was
actually spread by fleas.
The wars between Carthage and
Rome are called the Punic Wars.
A city in North Africa
established by the Phoenecians
and which fought 3 wars with
Carthage’s greatest
general was Hannibal who
crossed the Alps with an
army to attack Rome.
A series of conflicts from 1337
to 1453 between England and
France of control of the throne.
Hundred Years
The hundred years war
included the period of the
black plague, and lasted
more than a hundred
Joan of Arc was a deciding factor
in the French finally driving the
English off the French mainland.