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专题 三 │ 专题导读
专题 三 │ 专题导读
专题 三 │ 真题再现
People from East Asia tend to have more
difficulty than those from Europe in
distinguishing facial expressions—and a new
report published online in Current Biology
explains why.
Rachael Jack,University of Glasgow researcher,
said that rather than scanning evenly (均匀地)
across a face as Westerners do,Easterners fix
their attention on the eyes.
专题 三 │ 真题再现
“We show that Easterners and Westerners look
at different face features to read facial
expressions,”Jack said.“Westerners look at the
eyes and the mouth in equal measure,whereas
Easterners favor the eyes and neglect (忽略) the
专题 三 │ 真题再现
According to Jack and her colleagues,the
discovery shows that human communication of
emotion is more complex than previously
believed.As a result,facial expressions that had
been considered universally recognizable cannot
be used to reliably convey emotion in crosscultural situations.
专题 三 │ 真题再现
The researchers studied cultural differences
in the recognition of facial expressions by
recording the eye movements of 13 Western
Caucasian and 13 East Asian people while they
observed pictures of expressive faces and put
them into categories:happy,sad,surprised,
fearful,disgusted,angry,or neutral.They
compared how accurately participants read those
facial expressions using their particular eye
movement strategies.
专题 三 │ 真题再现
It turned out that Easterners focused much
greater attention on the eyes and made
significantly more errors than Westerners
did.“The cultural difference in eye movements
that they show is probably a reflection or
cultural difference in facial expression,”Jack
said.“Our data suggest that whereas Westerners
use the whole face to convey emotion,Easterners
use the eyes more and mouth less.”
专题 三 │ 真题再现
In short,the data shows that facial
expressions are not universal signals of human
emotion.From here on,examining how cultural
factors have diversified these basic social
skills will help our understanding of human
emotion.Otherwise,when it comes to
communicating emotions across cultures,
Easterners and Westerners will find themselves
lost in translation.
专题 三 │ 真题再现
)1. The discovery shows that Westerners
A. pay equal attention to the eyes and
the mouth
B. consider facial expressions
universally reliable
C. observe the eyes and the mouth in
different ways
D.have more difficulty in recognizing
facial expressions
专题 三 │ 真题再现
)2. What were the people asked to do in the
A. To make a face at each other.
B. To get their faces impressive.
C. To classify some face pictures.
D. To observe the researchers’ faces.
专题 三 │ 真题再现
)3. What does the underlined word
“they” in Paragraph 6 refer to?
A. The participants in the study.
B. The researchers of the study.
C. The errors made during the study.
D. The data collected from the study.
专题 三 │ 真题再现
)4. In comparison with Westerners,
Easterners are likely to ________.
A. do translation more successfully
B. study the mouth more frequently
C. examine the eyes more attentively
D. read facial expressions more
专题 三 │ 真题再现
)5. What can be the best title for the
A. The Eye as the Window to the Soul
B. Cultural Differences in Reading
C. Effective Methods to Develop Social
D. How to Increase Crosscultural
专题 三 │ 真题再现
【文章大意】 本文为科普说明文。主要介绍了最
1. A 细节理解题。根据第三段“Westerners
look at the eyes and the mouth in equal measure,
whereas Easterners favor the eyes and neglect
(忽略) the mouth.”可判断选A。
专题 三 │ 真题再现
2. C 细节理解题。根据第五段“…by recording
the eye movements of 13 Western Caucasian and 13
East Asian people while they observed pictures
of expressive faces and put them into categories:
happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry,
or neutral.”可判断选C。
3. A 词义猜测题。根据定语从句“that they
show”所修饰的eye movements以及“the eye
movements of 13 Western Caucasian and 13 East
Asian people”可判断选A。
专题 三 │ 真题再现
4. C 细节理解题。根据第六段“It turned out
that Easterners focused much greater attention
on the eyes and made significantly more errors
than Westerners did.”可判断选C。
5. B 标题归纳题。文章首先指出科学研究的最新
专题 三 │ 专题预测
Nine years after disappearing from her Brisbane
home, Muffy, the dog, was found alive and well this
month in another backyard—1,200 miles away—officials
in the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (RSPCA)said today. A microchip in Muffy’s
neck identified her owners, and, after a few days of
searching for a current phone number, officials
tracked down Natalie Lampard, who hadn’t seen Muffy
since the dog disappeared from her backyard in the
eastern city of Brisbane nine years ago.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
“When the RSPCA described her, I told them
her name; I knew immediately it was our Muffy,”
Lampard said. “It was totally out_of_the_blue—
after nine years, I thought she was long gone.”
Pilgrim, the owner of the Melbourne house where
Muffy was discovered, said they found the dog
about a year ago wandering along a street. But
where had Muffy spent the previous eight years?
And how did she get all the way to Melbourne—
about 1,200 miles from Brisbane? “Nobody knows,”
Pilgrim said. “The mystery continues for old
专题 三 │ 专题预测
“Muffy was suffering from a severe allergic
(过敏的)reaction to fleas (跳蚤)and has been
under treatment since the RSPCA removed her from
the Melbourne home,” Pilgrim said. “The dog,
which the Lampards originally adopted from a
RSPCA shelter near Brisbane, is recovering well
and should be in good enough shape to fly back
home on Tuesday,” Pilgrim said.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
Lampard got Muffy as a gift for her now 17yearold daughter Chloe, and the two had been
friendly with each other, Lampard said. “After
the RSPCA called, I rang my daughter and asked
her if she was sitting down, then told her
they’d found Muffy,” Lampard said. “She’ll
burst into tears when they see each other again.
But just how she got down to Melbourne I guess
is a mystery that will never be answered.”
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)1.The underlined phrase “out of the
blue” in Para. 2 probably means
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)2.What happened after Muffy was removed
from the Melbourne home?
A.She was lost again and left many
mysteries to officials in the RSPCA.
B.She was adopted from a RSPCA shelter
near Brisbane.
C.She was brought back home by the
Lampards in a plane.
D.She received treatment owing to a
severe illness.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)3.What puzzled Pilgrim and Lampard is
A.why Muffy left her Brisbane home
B.who put a microchip in Muffy’s neck Muffy reached Melbourne Muffy recognized her owner after
nine years
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)4.We can learn from the passage that
A.Lampard got Muffy as a gift for
Chloe nine years ago
B.officials got in touch with Lampard
by visiting her home
C.Pilgrim found Muffy in front of his
D.Chloe is very fond of Muffy
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)5.Why did Natalie Lampard make a phone to
tell her daughter that the dog had been
A.Because it was bought by her daughter
years ago.
B.Because it was once a gift for her
C.Because her daughter had been looking
for it.
D.Because her daughter was fond of
keeping a pet.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
【文章大意】 一只名叫Muffy的小狗在失踪九年后
1.A 词义猜测题。根据后面的句意“九年了,我
2.D 细节理解题。由第三段第一句话“Muffy
was suffering from a severe allergic reaction to
fleas and has been under treatment since the
RSPCA removed her from the Melbourne home,”
Pilgrim said可知,在墨尔本找见Muffy之后,它被送
专题 三 │ 专题预测
3.C 细节理解题。由第二段中Pilgrim所说的话
“And how did she get all the way to Melbourne—
about 1,200 miles from Brisbane? “Nobody
knows, ” Pilgrim said. “The mystery continues
for old Muffy.”及最后一段Lampard所说的话“But
just how she got down to Melbourne I guess is a
mystery that will never be answered”可知,两个
专题 三 │ 专题预测
4.D 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“She’ll
burst into tears when they see each other again”
5.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Lampard got
Muffy as a gift for her now 17yearold daughter
Chloe, and the two had been friendly with each
专题 三 │ 专题预测
Picture our solar system. In the center,
there’s our star, the sun. Orbiting the sun are
eight planets, including Earth. But what about
planets outside our solar system?
About 15 years ago, scientists developed the
tools to detect these “exoplanets”. Since then,
they’ve spotted about 450. Most of the findings
include one, two or three enormous gasfilled
planets orbiting a star.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
But on August 24, 2010, a group of European
scientists announced an unusual discovery. They
say they’ve identified a solar system that’s
similar to ours. It consists of as many as seven
planets orbiting a sunlike star. The star is
over 100 light years away from us.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
The five planets that the scientists are
most certain about are large—up to 25 times the
size of Earth. According to Christophe Lovis,
one of the scientists behind the finding, these
five planets are similar to Neptune(海王星).
“They’re made mainly of rocks and ice,” he
said. “They’re probably not suitable for
people to live in.”
专题 三 │ 专题预测
There are also signs of two more planets.
One is thought to be similar to Saturn(土星).
The other may be the smallest exoplanet ever
spotted. It’s only slightly larger than Earth.
Because it’s so close to its star, the small
planet takes just over a day to orbit it.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
Spotting faraway planets is challenging. The
blazing light given off by the star they orbit
makes the planets hard to see. That is why we
cannot yet be 100% sure about these seven
planets. The scientists haven’t actually seen
them. Instead, they used a powerful telescope to
study the star for six years. The star gave the
scientists clues about the planets that orbit it.
专题 三 │ 专题预测
According to Alan Boss, a scientist who
wasn’t involved with the study, this method is
best for “finding the big guys”. But, he said,
the discovery shows spotting smaller planets is
also possible.
“The really nice thing about finding systems
like this is that it shows there’re many more
out there,” says Boss. “Mother Nature really
had fun making planets.”
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)1.It is known from the passage that
exoplanets ________.
A.are planets orbiting stars other than
the sun
B.refer to all the planets orbiting the
C.are all stars outside our solar
D.include all the planets ever spotted
in the universe
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)2.In another solar system discovered by
the European scientists, ________.
A.the star orbited by seven planets is
over 100 light years from the sun
B.all the seven planets are much larger
than our earth
C.none of the seven planets is suitable
for people to live in
D.most of the seven planets are made
mainly of rocks and ice
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)3.According to the passage, what makes it
difficult to find those exoplanets?
A.The tools which are used to detect
B.The long distance between them and
our earth.
C.The light given off by the star they
D.The too long time needed to detect
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)4.It is inferred from the passage that
Alan Boss ________.
A.has always been supporting the
European scientists
B.believes in the discovery of the
European scientists
C.thinks the European scientists’
discovery is a little unbelievable
D.believes there must be another planet
with humans living in it
专题 三 │ 专题预测
)5.The best title for the passage should be
A.Research on the Solar System
B.Difficulty in Studying Mother Nature
C.Scientists’ Contributions to the
D.A Lot of Planets like Our Solar
专题 三 │ 专题预测
【文章大意】 本文为新闻。欧洲科学家利用望远
1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“In the center,
there's our star, the sun. Orbiting the sun are
eight planets, including Earth. But what about
planets outside our solar system?”可推断,
2.D 细节理解题。根据第四段可以判断选D。
专题 三 │ 专题预测
3.C 细节理解题。根据第六段“Spotting
faraway planets is challenging. The blazing
light given off by the star they orbit makes the
planets hard to see. That is why we cannot yet
be 100% sure about these seven planets.”可判断
4.B 推理判断题。根据七段可知,欧洲科学家是
专题 三 │ 专题预测
5.D 主旨大意题。文章首先介绍欧洲科学家的发
现--一个与太阳系相似的星系,结尾借Alan Boss之