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Words to Learn!
Vocabulary words
in Space.
It is groups of
stars that form
a star picture.
A small, frozen mass
of dust and gas
revolving around the
They are holes
made when
a large
moving rock
hit the moon.
What is the name
of Our Galaxy?
Milky Way
(the word "Galaxy" actually
means milky way in Greek).
It is a force that
pulls things toward
the center of
the earth.
It is a shooting star,
observed when a
particle of dust
enters into the
Earth's atmosphere.
It is called a "falling star" as it falls to Earth.
What is a
natural satellite?
The Moon
It is the largest object
you can see in the
night sky.
It is the light of
the moon.
moon light
It is the path
around an object.
It is a large ball of rock
or gas that follows a path
around the sun
(An object moving around
a star.)
It is when something
is spinning
round and round.
It is light and heat
from the sun.
Solar Energy
It is what we call
sun and
the planets.
Solar system
It is the star
closest to Earth.
It is all the things
that are in space
and beyond.
A rock, or
minor planet
orbiting the Sun.
What is a
It is a machine
made by man
It is an object that orbits
another object in space.
It is when the moon
appears to be
getting smaller
It is when the
moon appears
to be getting larger.
There will be