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Space Quiz for CPS
1. If a student were to make a model of
the Earth and moon, which items would
be used for the model?
A. A marble for earth and orange for moon
B. An orange for Earth and marble for moon
C. A marble for both the Earth and the moon
D. An orange for both the Earth and the moon
2. The Earth’s axis tilts at an angle of
23 ½ degrees. This tilt is responsible
for ______.
A. The rock cycle
B. The water cycle
C. The weather
D. The four seasons
3. The golf ball an astronaut hit on the
moon went the farthest than any golf
ball on earth has ever gone. Why?
A. The moon does not have any gravity.
B. The gravity of the moon is weaker than earth’s.
C. Gravity of the moon is greater than the earth’s.
D. Golf balls become weightless on the moon.
4. The Earth has four seasons. What
causes these seasons?
A. The changes of the angle of the sun’s rays as
they strike the surface of the earth.
B. The moon blocking out the sun.
C. The distance the earth is from the sun.
D. The moon’s rotation around the earth.
8. What causes the Earth and moon to
revolve around the sun?
A. The sun’s heat
B. The sun’s gravity
C. The sun’s and the earth’s gravity
D. The distance the earth is from the sun
9. Which of the following is evidence
that the sun rotates?
A. Solar winds causing magnetic storms.
B. The sunspots that move across the sun,
disappear, the reappear on the other side of sun
C. There is no evidence that the sun rotates.
D. Solar flares that burst off the sides of the sun.
10. Which of the following is NOT an
effect that sun has on life on Earth?
A. Plants use the sun to produce food energy.
B. The sun can produce solar winds.
C. The sun can produce sound waves.
D. The sun is the energy that starts the water cycle.
11. Which of the following is a
characteristic of the sun?
A. The sun does not move.
B. The sun is closer to the Earth than the other stars
C. The sun is larger than most other stars.
D. The sun is the largest planet in the solar system.
12. What two factors determine how
bright a star looks from earth?
A. It’s brightness and distance from earth.
B. It’s size and brightness.
C. It’s temperature and size.
D. It’s temperature and brightness.
14. Which of the following causes the
tides on the earth?
A. The moon’s different phases.
B. The moon’s gravitational pull on the earth.
C. The sun’s gravitational pull on the earth.
D. How much rain the moon causes on the earth.
15. Why does the flag on the moon
never wave or get wet?
A. It only rains on the other side of the moon.
B. The sun dries up the rain that goes towards the
moon before it ever gets to the moon.
C. The moon does not have an atmosphere.
D. There is no rain on the moon....but there is wind.
16. Where does the moon get its light?
A. From the earth.
B. From itself.
C. From the other planets shining on it.
D. From the reflection of the sun.
17. On March 26th, there will be a new
moon. When will the next new moon
A. February 26th
B. April 27th
C. April 12th
D. Next year on March 26th
18. The earth’s tilt does NOT cause
which of the following:
A. The seasons on the earth
B. The uneven heating of the earth’s surface
C. Winter, spring, summer, fall
D. High and low tides
19. How long does it take the earth to
revolve around the sun?
A. About one month
B. About one day
C. About one year
D. The earth does not revolve around the sun
20. Which of the following is not true?
A. Rocks on earth and the moon are made of the
same materials.
B. A rock will have more mass on the earth than on
the moon.
C. A rock will have more mass on the moon than on
the earth.